
Burst to power

Muperi_T · Fantasie
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11 Chs


In a certain highway, a handsome black Mercedes sped along the almost deserted road. At the backseat of the car was a man wearing a neat black business suit and at the front was his driver who was driving the car.

The man stared at the screen of his phone as he viewed some images of a beautiful lady who was sitting on a kitchen chair smiling while caressing her baby bump and other different poses.

His face was emotionless and his black eyes shone with a glint of coldness. Veins pulsated on his arm which held the phone as he applied pressure to it but the phone did not even crack in the slightest.

"Woman, I may not know where you ran off to but I will find you. What belongs to me always stays with me" he spoke in a low yet deep voice and this attracted the attention of his driver. The driver looked at his boss from the rear-view mirror and saw the dark expression his face.


The driver sighed and slowed the car down a little and then spoke:

"Damien, you have got let go of this" he spoke with a slightly irritated tone," she is nothing but a past that you must forget, how long will you let her ruin you?"

"Shut it, Brian. I don't want to hear a word from you" replied Damien.

"I am just looking out for you, it has already been over 8 years and you are still throwing a fit, GROW UP DAMNIT!!!"

Damien looked at his so-called driver and his face darkened.

"Get out" he commanded.

"Fine!" replied Brian as he stopped the car, "if you're going to live your life being controlled by your past then so be it"

He got out of the car and slammed the door closed. He and Damien had been best friends since high school even though they were from different worlds. While Damien's family was wealthy, Brian's family was middleclass. But despite their differences, they became best friends. When they got out of high school, Brian impregnated his girlfriend who his family could not accept because of her materialistic nature and since Brian was man enough not to leave his child fatherless, he went and married the woman despite his family's rejection.

This action of his resulted in him being completely disowned by his father and he left the family to live his own life. Jobs were hard to find even with his great academic talents such that he had to resort to asking his friend Damien for help. Damien at that time was more than happy to help his friend thus he gave him the assistant job and the driving job while also giving him more salary than he deserved so that he could make his wife happy being a materialistic person and all.

When Brian heard that the woman Damien loved only bore him a child and disappeared, he felt sorry for the guy and wanted to help him move on but the guy only got worse as time went by. He even had the nerve of ignoring his child and mistreating him just because he looked like the woman who had left him.

He just couldn't take his friend's pathetic fits anymore and spoke his mind which resulted in the situation they were in, at odds with each other which was the first since their friendship.


Damien got out of the backseat and walked to the front but before he could get it, his friend spoke:

"Damien! I understand your hate for the woman but at least give your son the care he deserves, he didn't ask to be brought into this world, remember that!"

"I will remember that" replied Damien as he got into the car and drove off leaving Daniel.

"Haaaaa! that guy is such a pain" Daniel was frustrated as he realized that he didn't have a ride and the road he was stranded in was rarely used by people.

"Now I have to walk all the way home"


Damien had just arrived at the gate of his mansion and saw the gate keeper absent thus he had to open the gate using the spare remote he always carries with him.


Upon pressing the remote, the gate started to open slowly without making too much noise. Just when he was about to drive inside, he saw a small boy run out of the gate with a fierce expression on his face.

"Arnour" he easily recognized his son whom he had always neglected and hated because of someone else. His heart tightened and guilt erupted like a volcano inside him. After listening to his friend, he realised that he really did not have a reason to hate the kid. Instead, he should have loved him as he was his one and only biological son. Whether he hated the child's mother or not did not change the fact that the child was still his.

He immediately got out of the car and was about to run after him when he saw a woman flip and jump so high that she easily crossed to the other side without touching him or his car. Such a feat was amazing to him but when he saw her face, he was first astonished but then his mood turned sour and his heart turned cold.

Her face was just the same as the face of the very person he had been looking for. Adding to that, she was also chasing his son which further made him believe that his prey had come to him. He ran and followed after them.


Arnour ran with all his might as he wanted to get away from that hell hole of bondage and that woman as he could. His chest hurt as the fatigue from too much running caught up with him but he did not dare to stop. The woman was chasing him and he didn't know what she would to him if she caught him. Adding to that, his father, the man he also did not like had joined the fray.

As he was running, he saw a thick forest ahead and a smile and instantly turned to it. He increased his speed to the point he felt like he was not the one in control of his own legs anymore as he headed for the forest.

When Yvonne saw Arnour's burst of speed, her eyes opened wide in surprise and he legs almost gave up as her hope of catching him flickered, however, when she noticed where he was headed, she forced herself to keep running. She knew that if he got into the thick forest, her chances of catching him would be close to none.

"Damnit! How can a kid run that fast? Is he even human anymore?" Yvonne cursed loudly in frustration as she also increased her speed to the limit.


Damien who was at the last position didn't complain and just increased his running speed. His chest hurt and his throat had dried out from tiredness however, he did not let that stop him. He didn't listen to his body's plea for rest as he would lose answers he had been seeking for over 8 years if he did.