
Isabella Is Too Shrewd

Doris's looked upset and started in a broken voice, "Mr. Joseph, if you don't like this outfit, I'll get a plain one."

"Remove your makeup too."

Joseph pursed his lips, "How many layers of powder do you have on your face? Your perfume is so pungent! Did you spray the whole bottle on your head?"

Doris pursed her lips and stood up immediately, "I'll change it right now!"

Doris left sadly. Stella looked at Doris's back thoughtfully. "Joseph, don't you like this girl? Why did you treat her like this? Actually, you can have some fun with her."

Joseph chuckled. "She is Zachary's girl."

"But Zachary doesn't care."

"Look at him, Doris doesn't care either." Stella looked at Zachary, who was in the distance, smiling with kiss marks on his face.

Joseph swirled his wine glass. "Stella, you are much more tolerant towards Doris than Isabella. Doris is clearly a two-timer, but you seem to hate Isabella even more."

Stella smiled, "Because Doris won't hurt you, but Isabella is different..."