

The sound of gunshots echoed in the room " You are just mine, your blood, breath,body ,mind , your everything is just mine, No one has the right to take you away from me, I've been waiting for you for so long, I'll make you mine whether you like it or not." Emir drank a glass of water " This water will not quench my thirst, only your tears can quench my thirst, only your tears Miss Eda Ertan " _____________________________________________ "I lost him , I lost him " Eda crying like a baby " I lost him Firuze " "Eda don't be sad , everything will be settle trust me, If your love is true, it will be found, your love will not be empty your love will be return to you may be in different ways, in different shape or may be in different face but it will diffidently come to you " Firuze comforted her " How can you say ?" " you will see honey " Firuze said --------------------------------------------------------------------- Beautiful and delicate girl like fragrant flowers, Eda , who was hungry and desirous of love which she never got before . She was out to find love for herself and got stuck in an many year-old rivalry . It was her misfortune or her test, she got love but the one she loved turned out to be her worst enemy.She was caught in the beautiful trap of a hunter who was already waiting for her to unleash his revenge fire. Will she ever be able to get out of the trap of fake love and hatred? Will her flower of love bloom in the desert of hatred or will she lose her love in the burning fire of revenge? Will she get her love ? -----------------------------------------------------------------------

SiBa_Lili · Urban
Zu wenig Bewertungen
14 Chs

Chapter #09 : Car accident

She faced difficulties from her childhood and now her father's second woman was telling her that she did it because she wanted her to be responsible, WHAT THE HELL !!!!!

" Oh, If anyone needs to be made responsible in this house, it is your son, who stays at home all day or goes out somewhere to hang out with his friends and has nothing else to do. He is very mature but he doesn't do any job by himself, he just keeps asking me for money for his expenses." Eda said annoyingly, her anger was at its peak, what kind of a reason this woman gave her for asking?

Nazlı was getting very angry, Eda slapped her by those words " What ! Are you talking about my son, he is better than you . He is still young, when his time comes, he will take his responsibilities" She said, her behavior was showing that she was controlling her anger .

"He is twenty-one years old and he is not young, ask him to earn his own money and not ask me for anything. " Eda said while cutting onion

"He asks you for money because he thinks of you as his elder sister, you shouldn't say that about him, he just wants you to love him the way you love Jojo and bring her what she likes." Nazlı started to explain her

Eda was surprised that , she said bad words about her son yet she was standing here giving explanations , ' What she want now ' Eda thought.

Eda didn't say anything, she was busy in chopping onion, she chose to ignore her.

"As much as I want not to argue with you, to treat you well, but you are so rude, you don't understand at all. " Nazlı said while grifting her teeth.

"If you know that I'm rude then don't talk to me, maybe it will ease your pain. " She said and started to fry chopped onions.

Nazlı thought there was no point in arguing with her, she left the kitchen and went directly to her room .

Eda sighed of relief and made focus on cooking.

Knock knock ***someone knocked at the door .

Eda was placing food on table, She heard the voice of knocking , She opened the door .

" Good Evening Dad " Eda greeted her father.

" Good Evening janam " Paşa said and came into house

" Dad, come on join me " Eda said while sitting on a chair.

" Yeah! I'm hungry but after freshing up myself" He said and went to the room, after getting fresh he sat with Eda for having food ,they started eating .

"Dad " Eda said

" hmmm " He said while eating.

" I got a job as assistant architect in Rockverse International" Eda said excitedly

Her father choked on food , Eda stood up from the chair and slightly patted his back, Paşa waved his hand to stop patting, he took handkerchief and wiped his mouth.

" What did you say ? did I hear something wrong" He asked to make sure that he heard it right or wrong.

Eda sat on her knees and squeezed his hand gently " Yes, dad it's true , I got a job in Rockverse International" Eda repeated her sentence excitedly.

Paşa tightly hugged her, Eda hugged him back. " I'm proud of you my daughter " He said while proudfuly patting her back .

They broke hug, Eda sat in chair " Dad ! I want something to you " She said , still squeezing his hand gently.

" Yes what do you want my fairy " He said happily.

" I want to live with Firuze for some days , please don't say no, I will come back here after some days " She said with pleading eyes .

" But why do you want to live with her? " He asked softly.

" You know how my mother used to behave with me, she used to create a ruckus in the house for small reasons " She gazed down " And I have just found a way to fulfill my dreams, I want to work on this job with all my heart and for that I need peace which is not possible while living here."

And it was true, Nazlı did not miss any opportunity to harass and humiliate her. It was a new opportunity for Eda to fulfill her dreams. Due to her teasing and mental torture, Eda used to be in a lot of depression. She didn't want to work on this new destination with any kind of burden on her head, otherwise her work would not be right. She wanted to give her full performance in this new stage.

Paşa down his head to her and said " Daughter, don't forget us after you leave here "

Eda looked at him excitedly and again hugged him tightly " Thank you so much dad "

" it's okay, my fairy " He said, after sweet conversation with father Eda went to her room and didn't join family gathering for tea .

When their gathering finished, Jojo directly went to Eda and hugged her tightly and started to cry " What happened Jojo , Did mom say something to you " Eda asked worryingly.

" You are going to leave right? " Jojo said while crying

" No, I'm not going to leave you " Eda broke the hug and cupped her cheeks.

" I'll be back after some days " Eda comforted her . Jojo placed her head on her chest.

Jojo was sleeping and Eda was still waking thinking about ' is she doing right ' . She lied that she would stay at Firuze's house for a few days and then come back, but that was not the case, she wanted to run away from this house at any cost, and there was no better chance for her than this. She started packing her personal belongings to divert her mind, Firuze was in her house by eight o'clock and there was still some time left at eight o'clock. She had already said goodbye to Jojo, but she still wrote her a sweet goodbye letter. After packing her all stuff, she went to Jojo and kissed her on forehead . And she put the letter she had written for Jojo beside her pillow .

Eda came out of the room with her suitcase and went to her father.

" Dad, I'm going" Eda said

" You are leaving now " Paşa said shockingly

" Yeah I have to leave now because tomorrow is my first day of job " She said and hugged him

He hugged her back " Okay, I'll drop you off at her house " He broke hug, showing full of concern.

"No, she said she would take me from here " Eda laid again, She thought she would spend a day or two at Firuze's house before shifting

" Ok goodbye " She said

" Goodbye and take care of yourself Janam " he replied and kissed on her forehead.

She came out of her house, it was late at night and there was no bus to be found, so she walked to the main road to get a taxi. She was waiting for a taxi on the side of the road .But she didn't find any taxi, she thought that she won't get a taxi by standing here, so she started walking on the road with that suitcase. The tire of her suitcase was stuck somewhere

She bent down to see what happened with her suitcase 's tier .Then the car coming from the front hit her badly .

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