

The sound of gunshots echoed in the room " You are just mine, your blood, breath,body ,mind , your everything is just mine, No one has the right to take you away from me, I've been waiting for you for so long, I'll make you mine whether you like it or not." Emir drank a glass of water " This water will not quench my thirst, only your tears can quench my thirst, only your tears Miss Eda Ertan " _____________________________________________ "I lost him , I lost him " Eda crying like a baby " I lost him Firuze " "Eda don't be sad , everything will be settle trust me, If your love is true, it will be found, your love will not be empty your love will be return to you may be in different ways, in different shape or may be in different face but it will diffidently come to you " Firuze comforted her " How can you say ?" " you will see honey " Firuze said --------------------------------------------------------------------- Beautiful and delicate girl like fragrant flowers, Eda , who was hungry and desirous of love which she never got before . She was out to find love for herself and got stuck in an many year-old rivalry . It was her misfortune or her test, she got love but the one she loved turned out to be her worst enemy.She was caught in the beautiful trap of a hunter who was already waiting for her to unleash his revenge fire. Will she ever be able to get out of the trap of fake love and hatred? Will her flower of love bloom in the desert of hatred or will she lose her love in the burning fire of revenge? Will she get her love ? -----------------------------------------------------------------------

SiBa_Lili · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter # 07 : Fan

Oh why did she come here ? She could feel her cheeks getting hot . She gathered every ounce of courage and said " The person who was owning the company was very irresponsible and didn't know how to manage employees that was the biggest reason for me to left "

Emir shook his head and started at her beautiful hypnotic eyes and a small smirk tugged at the corner of his lips " So, do you think he should have to be responsible like you " In hidden words he pointed out at her irresponsibility that she had to come here on time but she didn't . Eda lowered her gaze , she understood what he wanted to say .

" Anyway, your qualifications and job experience is good but " He paused and closed the file and made his complete focus on her .

Eda gazed at him questioningly as she wanted to know the words after ' but ' , he didn't reply so she finally asked " But ? "

He smiled and leaned his back to chair as he wanted her to ask this question " But you are not good at kissing " He said while showing his sinful smile.

Hearing his words she just wanted to die at the moment or run far away from their so that she wouldn't be able to see him or hear him anymore. her cheeks getting hotter, turning red. What a shameful moment.

Emir closed his face little to her to get a good look of her " you should also have experience of kiss like your other experience " He teased her he again leaned his back to the chair , a mischievous smile were dancing on his lips.

" Don't worry you'll get a lot of experience after you join our company, you'll get better day by day" He again threw a big punch on her by his words .

what he exactly wanted to say ? will he teach her about how to kiss someone? Eda couldn't help but sit their quietly.

Emir was staring at her while enjoying every moment of her embarrassment, he was bitting his Thumb nail, it was his habit when he felt wild and hard himself he usually bite his right hand's thumb nail . He noticed that he was bitting his nail so he quickly put his hand down .

Eda was staring at ground,It looked like she was waiting his next question but she really didn't, She knew that when he would open his mouth for next question then the question will make her more embarrassed.

' Damn how can be normal woman looking that kind of beautiful when she blushed ' He thought, while gazing at her red face , he wanted to teas her more by his questions but he couldn't.

"May I come in sir ? " A male voice came from next side of the door, asking politely for his permission.

Eda sighed a breath of relief, at least for few minutes she could feel free herself from his strange gaze .

Emir glanced at her then said " Yes, come in " getting his permission male came in office and stood Infront of him formally and said " Sir Miss glossy wants to meet you"

She was also hearing him , when she heard the name Miss glossy Eda widened her eyes. Did she hear it right? to confirm this she turned her face to the man who was standing their " Miss glossy? you mean the great model glossy " She said as she wanted to confirm that she was really the great model glossy.

Glossy was great and best model of the country, she was inspiration of millions people in country, she was asian her beauty told that she was a living anime character that exists in this world , she was beautiful woman Eda was also a big fan of her beauty, it was amazing for her to get a chance to see her that close.

Emir could feel excitement in her voice " So you are her fan right? " He asked softly

It was a normal question so she didn't hasitat to answer this question " Not really but I'm just inspired by her beauty , I like her "

Her words gave him another chance to tease her " So that means you like girls " He said smiling mischievously.

What did he say? What did he exactly want to say ? Did he want to say that she is lesbian?

His words was looking normal but it wasn't. Eda seemed to get his words, another punch , she badly wanted to ran out from their . She was getting red in shame and cursing herself that why did she need to say that ?

Her real and incredible beauty was taking control over her ordinary beauty and spreading all over her face . Emir was feeling himself locked into her beauty, it was incredible , it looked like hidden fairy exposing her original face slowly which was hidden in ordinary human face .

Emir were busy in gazing at her and Eda were staring at the floor, the man who was standing there , clear his throat so that they can notice that he is also there , Emir gazed at him and said " Let her in " man nodded and went out to the office after he got out from the room a beautiful woman came inside the room , she waved her hand to him , Emir Smiled at her in response .

She took a quick glance of the woman who was sitting Infront of him " How are you honey" Glossy said softly.

Eda heard her voice, she wanted to see her but she couldn't ,after those words that she heard few minutes ago .

" Fine " Emir replied nochantly, his attention was still on Eda

Glossy took few steps forward to him and held the handle of the chair and turn it to her side so that she could face each other . She directly sat on his laps.

Eda was stunned seeing her this action,for some reason she felt irritated ' How bad he is, few minutes ago he was flirting with me and now ' She thought, a little bit of sharpness came in her eyes .

Emir glanced at Eda before shifting his gaze on Glossy " Stand up "

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