
Burn The World Down

Avatar Reincarnated Gamer fic reposted this is also on fanfic.net originally written by infoniticus i don’t know why you guys can’t read i’ve literally said this is reposted

Hadrian_Noir · TV
Zu wenig Bewertungen
13 Chs

Chapter 6: Azula’s carefully laid plans

King Bumi's Palace, Omashu]

A solid stone boulder, as large and as fast as a speeding SUV, rolled along the floor straight at me...

Dodge save successful! (55/21 Dexterity Required)

... but Earthbending was still Earthbending. Slow and telegraphed. Deadly, but dodgeable. It was very fortunate that I went with a Dexterity Build. I wasn't sure how a slower, tankier build would have fared against this apparent boss fight that hinges on you being able to dodge slow, but unblockable attacks.

Truly, Avatar was the Dark Souls of western cartoons.

"You young brats think you can just feed us poison, take my city and kill our pets?!" King Bumi bellowed- far angrier than I had ever seen in the show. On the screen, he had always acted like a cheerful, kooky old man. Not anymore. The poison had likely addled his mind, and now he was out for blood- practically frothing from the mouth as he threw boulders, tore walls apart and stomped stone spikes out of the ground to try and kill me and the Kyoshi Warriors.

King Bumi was- without a doubt- the most powerful Earthbender alive.

Sure, Toph would eventually come along to take the title of Strongest Earthbender, but at this point in the Avatar timeline, she was still far from her prime. Far from the metalbending badass who would found the Republic City Police Force who would dominate the earthbending and metalbending scene well into her twilight years. No, Toph needed another decade to fully grow into her power and talents. Meanwhile, King Bumi was different. For him, it would take another decade before his combat power started to decline, but he only needed a single second to turn us into red paste.

... All because I accidentally murdered his pet gorilla-goat.

"Why would you even feed your pet rice?!" I shouted at him, the metal head of [Meteor Hammer] rocketing at him... only to get blocked by a stone pillar that suddenly rose from the ground- the impact breaking the pillar and harmlessly peppering the king with some pebbles.

"He was a gorilla-goat, they eat anything!" Bumi roared the interesting pet fact, "And he was very hungry. We all were, and that was your fault too, you snot-nosed punk!"

With a muscular leg, the earth monarch stomped the ground and multiplied thin pillars extended out from the ground like a forest of bamboo. I barely had time to react before Bumi swung his arm- breaking a rocky stalk of bamboo into a dozen stone projectiles that he sent zipping through the air at painful velocities to strike at my armour.

[Stone Storm], -33 hp!

[Stone Storm], -27 hp!

[Stone Storm], -35 hp!

* Critical Hit! * [Stone Storm], -87 hp!

HP: 780 - 588

My helmet was now dented shut over one eye and my breastplate crumpled in places. But that's fine- Bumi might have a lot of ammo, but I had the [Bullet Time] perk. One mental activation later, and time slowed to a comfortable 80% of its normal speed. And it must have been quite a sight, seeing a seven-foot-tall Fire Nation soldier in heavy armour ducking, dodging, running along walls and somersaulting away as Bumi kept launching a continuous hailstorm of rock at me.

Dodge save successful! (55/15 Dexterity Required)

Dodge save successful! (55/17 Dexterity Required)

Dodge save successful! (55/19 Dexterity Required)

Thankfully, his onslaught was interrupted when my Honour Guard covered for me, the [As One!] skill already being put to good use.

"Kyoshi Warriors, focus together! As One!" Suki shouted as she led the Kyoshi Warriors to sprint in from the earth monarch's flanks. The six ladies charged in with sharpened steel, armoured green kimonos, and painted faces in determined focus- dashing quickly around the battlefield, gliding around boulders, and dodging Bumi's attacks as they drew closer and closer to him. The effects of my [Trainer] skill on them was more evident now than ever when even the greatest Earthbender alive was having trouble keeping them away.

Meanwhile, I began to build up some [Wind Up] skill by swinging around my meteor hammer- hopefully charging up a powerful enough strike that would take down the berserk earthbender. I just needed Suki to distract him a bit longer, and they didn't disappoint.

"Well if it isn't the traitors! Have you spent all that Fire Nation gold yet?" He shouted at them right before counterattacking: More spiky stalagmites pierced up from the floor.

Obedience check succeeded!

77/75 Obedience Required with {Suki & the Kyoshi Warriors}

"Just surrender, King Bumi!" Suki valiantly shouted as she and her sisters weaved around the stoney horns. It would seem that the Kyoshi Warriors liked me a lot more than they liked not being traitors. They zipped in on dexterous feet to deliver lightning quick slashes with their katanas.

"Kyoshi Katanas... they're fast, alright!" Bumi victoriously shouted at them as he covered himself in an armour of stone- rendering harmless the flurry of slashes from the Kyoshi Warriors. "... But they're pants at cutting through solid stone!"

Having rendered the Kyoshi Warriors ineffective, his stone-covered frame immediately flexed and stomped the ground- likely to shred my honour guard with some Earthbending move...

... but my charged up [Meteor Hammer] was there to put a stop to that. The iron ball swung in a wide arc just a few inches above the Kyoshi Warriors' heads to strike the stone-covered king square on the chest- launching him backwards and making him lose focus enough that his stone armour was shed off him.

"I'm still here, Bumi!" I taunted him- giving time for the Kyoshi Warriors to regain some distance.

"And I'm getting sick and tired of your little ball and chain!" the aged earthbender growled- spitting out blood before baring his bloodied teeth at me, and I quickly went for the finishing blow...only for the metal ball of my meteor hammer to be caught between two stone pillars. A boulder from above fell from the ceiling and right onto the chain of my meteor hammer- snapping it and leaving me weaponless.

"If you want me, then you're going to have to fight me, Khan!" The earth monarch taunted- spitting out blood before baring his bloodied teeth at me, "My bending against your bending."

I scowled underneath my skull-faced helm. Of course, I had several more backup weapons in my Gamer Inventory that I could pull out: Spears, dao swords, katanas and even a bow. However, of all the backup weapons I had- Firebending was still the one that I had put the most training into.

Firebending, don't fail me now.

[Firebending: Modern Azulon Style]

An efficient Firebending style characterised by close-ranged and fast-paced fire jabs. Up close and personal.

The [Modern Azulon Style] came about after almost 60 years of war when the Fire Nation had already conquered and occupied much of the western Earth Kingdom. Fire Lord Azulon- having read the compiled after action reports of Firebenders constantly being ambushed by Earth Kingdom insurgents- was quick to realise the need for a newer, more responsive firebending style. By blending firebending with the basic hand-to-hand katas taught in the Fire Nation Army boot camp, the [Modern Azulon Style] was created to meet such a need. This style was naturally chosen to become the standard firebending style of the Fire Nation Military due to its motions being simple to learn, and being the least physically and spiritually demanding firebending style by far. Perfect for new recruits.

Bending Style Proficiency: Lvl 8 - Apprentice

This firebending style forgoes the traditional cyclical and sweeping movement of previous styles in favour of jabs and kicks to deliver bolts of fire as swiftly as possible. The elimination of wind up time allows firebenders to bring their bending to bear much faster than either waterbenders or earthbenders and outpace them in a high tempo combat. The primary disadvantages of this style are the restricted maximum power of each individual fire bolt, and the steep decline in potency the farther they travel.

+ R +

"Burn, you old geezer!" my voice boomed as I shifted into the stance for the [Modern Azulon Style]; and putting my Dexterity to great use, I loosed a flurry of Fire Jabs at him- bright orange firebolts flying through the air and straight at the madly grinning face of King Bumi.

"A proper bending fight! That's more like it!" He cackled. A stomp of his foot later and he was safely hidden once again behind a sturdy stone pillar- my firebolts impacting against it and chipping the rock surface slightly. A single punch later and that same pillar was launched at me.

However, thanks to [As One!], I knew exactly what I needed to do. The sequence of events was clear in my mind, as if I had watched a video of it happening a dozen times now: Sidestep the launched pillar, counter with a strong right firebolt, close the gap as the Kyoshi Warriors distract Bumi, rain another flurry of fire jabs just after Suki finishes her turn attacking, scorch Bumi's left leg, and win the fight. Such a power would have been overpowered as it bordered precognition... If not for the tiny detail in which it didn't account for any movement my opponents made that I didn't already anticipate.

Seeing our approach, Bumi stomped his foot once and expanded a ring of spiky stalagmites around him: warding away Kyoshi Warriors with pointy rock ends as well as spearing my firebolt straight out the air.

I clicked my tongue in rising concern.

Despite staying relatively unharmed all throughout the fight, it still wasn't looking good for us... My weapon, broken. Our offensive, stalled. The Kyoshi Warriors, tiring. King Bumi, unharmed. My temper, rising.

"Why are you old farts the most annoying ones to deal with!" I shouted in frustration as I shot a continuous shower of Fire Jabs like a fiery machine gun.

"Is that the best you can do?! *snort*" Bumi guffawed, his laughter echoing across the ruined and cratered throne room.

"No, this is." I told him as I shifted into another firebending stance- almost matching Bumi's own stable and powerful Earthbending stance.

[Firebending: Classical Azulon Style]

A precise Firebending style centred on powerful bolts of densely concentrated flames. Concentrated firepower at your fingertips.

Developed in 22 AG, this style came about solely from Fire Lord Azulon's now-infamous policy of "Death before Retreat' in the face of a coordinated counterattack from the Earth Kingdom early in his reign. Veteran firebenders- forced to face off against great numbers of Earthbenders under pain of death- refined the earlier [Sozin Style] after finding it to be too exhausting to use in sustained operations. The end product of such refinement is what has been known as the [Classical Azulon Style]- the direct predecessor to the [Modern Azulon Style] used today. This style is still taught in Fire Nation academies but now only as a form of performance art. However, some veteran firebenders have been known to incorporate elements of it into their fighting styles- valuing its ability to blast through rock.

Bending Style Proficiency: Lvl 11 - Expert

By concentrating one's Fire into a dense enough blast, a firebender can produce flame bolts capable of destabilising an earthbender's boulders- blasting them apart with enough force still left over for the flaming stream to hopefully incinerate the offending earthbender. Due to being an attempt to directly counter earthbending, this style has also been known as the 'Stonebreaker Style.' Such power does come at a cost however: this style is considerably more physically and spiritually taxing than the [Modern Azulon Style], and its sweeping motions often leaves the user vulnerable for short, but potentially crucial periods of time.

+ R +

Bumi's mismatched eyes lit up in recognition as he looked at me.

"Oh ho? The Classical Azulon Style?" King Bumi commented with his white eyebrows raised in interest, "I haven't seen that one in over sixty years. Well, someone's been reading their history books, but you're still an arrogant little brat if you think you have the inner strength for that! Better leave that to the adults and stick with the Modern Azulon Style, because you're twenty years too young to use that style in a fight!"

This old man was annoyingly knowledgeable in the ways of bending.

"Don't worry." I reassured him in a diplomatic tone, "This was my main firebending style actually; so I'll manage."

For a moment, I moved like I was doing something as lame as Tai Chi or waterbending- my arms winding in a circle and my armoured foot sliding drawing a graceful arc on the ground. The fiery energy building up in me as if flaming gasoline was running through the arteries of my arm...

"Now die, you old geezer. HAGGHHH!"

... right before I sent all that energy surging out my fist!

The orange fire bolt that burst into life was noticeably different from normal firebending. Almost white hot at the centre, the orange flamebolt was so searing hot that it made a faint screeching noise as it flew through the air. The furious bolt of fire rocketed with immense speed towards Bumi. Immediately, he erected another pillar in front of him- as thick as a tree trunk. But where my last firebolt barely chipped the stone pillar, this new one shattered straight through the stone pillar like a cannon shot. Rock chunks exploded in every direction, and as the dust cleared to reveal a smoking hole in the rear wall of the throne room. Meanwhile the only thing left of the pillar was a stone stump... which Bumi stood up from- having laid prone behind it.

"Ooo! One of the bigger ones I've seen, but you still have to hit me with it!" Bumi taunted with another laugh, "Good thing these old bones do yoga every day!"

He may have been joking and japing, but there was a heavy shift in the air of the battlefield, and we both knew that I had the advantage now. Naturally, I seized the offensive and exploded into a deadly [Classical Azulon Style] kata. Each luminous firebolt as powerful as the last- sizzling through the air, blowing apart any rocks Bumi sent to try and block it, and blasting a smoking crater on whatever they struck. Robbed of the convenience of being able to block every one of my firebending, Bumi was forced into a position that every earthbender found disagreeable: He had to act like his natural opposite- avoiding and evading like some twinkle-toed airbender.

If that wasn't bad enough for him, the odds of this fight were stacked further into my favour as the Kyoshi Warriors rejoined the fray.

"Sisters! As one!" Suki shouted as she dashed in with her sisters who answered.


Bumi frowned in dismay as the katana-wielding Kyoshi Warriors once again moved in to attack, "Gah! You painted up girls just don't know when to quit, do you!?"

Between the potent firebolts of my [Classical Azulon Style] and the Kyoshi Warriors' dangerously swift blades, the earth monarch was clearly being backed up into a corner as he was forced to spend more and more time ducking and dodging. Earthbenders were only ever as good as when they were steady and stable. After all, Toph said it best: 'The key to Earthbending is your stance.' Take that away, and Earthbenders were much less effective in combat- like a Firebender in the frigid arctic cold, or a Waterbender in the parched desert heat.

Bumi even seemed to be getting sluggish- likely from the poison. However... I just knew in my gut that he was going to pull off some clever and unexpected move to turn the tides.

So, I beat him to the punch.

Using [As One!], I switched back to [Modern Azulon Style] just as I sensed that Suki was about to strike. The sudden flurry of light attacks and change in tempo surprised the elder earth monarch. Caught between my firebolts and the razor-sharp edge of a Kyoshi Katana, Bumi had to pick his poison and decided to block Suki's katana with a stone pillar... in exchange for taking several firebolts to his body. He shielded his vitals as best as he could with his limbs- blocking his shots to his neck and midsection with his arms and legs as he collapsed to the ground.

"Ngghh!" Bumi didn't scream, grunting in pain instead as we stood over him- ready to finish him off. The old man just sighed- raising his heavily burnt arms in the air. "Alright, you got me! I surrender."

"Khan?" Suki murmured with a hesitant tone with her katana still raised, "What do we do?"

I hummed in thought. this was Bumi- possibly Aang's only living friend from his original time.

"Do you formally surrender?" I questioned Bumi as me and the Kyoshi Warriors approached him. Weapons slightly lowered, still wary.

"Bah, Fire Nation nobles and their stuffy formalities!" the old man shook his head in both pain and exasperation- making Suki glance at me for some strange reason. Bumi sighed, "I, King Bumi, Earth Monarch of the city of Omashu as recognized by the Grace of the Earth King, hereby unconditionally and formally surrender to the Fire Nation Army."

Defeated {King Bumi}, +500 exp!

Battle Acrobatics (+20%) , 'Time to get Serious!' (+20%) , 'Live in Shame and Defeat' (+10%) , Banter x3 (+3%): +265 exp!

Nodding at the Gamer System window, I extinguished the flames and lowered my fists.

"I, Captain Khan of the 41st Infantry Division of the Fire Nation Army, accept your declaration of surrender." my solemn voice replied before adding, "I expected you to be much stronger, if I was going to be honest."

In response, Bumi shot me a dirty look as he gritted his teeth in pain, "I was more spritely for my age... until someone decided to poison an old man's first meal in two days."

"Hah! I was surprised that you didn't have any royal food tasters." I barked in unrepentant laughter, "Also, I'll need your declaration of surrender in writing."

"...Ugh. So, you're not just a stuffy Fire Nation noble, you're also a boring Fire Nation bureaucrat."

Ignoring his comment, I pulled out a roll of sterile bandages from my Gamer Inventory and tossed it to the old man. "Something for the burns, you're ugly enough as it is."

"Disrespectful brat... besides, good looks are overrated." Bumi grumbled- catching the bandage roll and dressing his wounds, "Leads to the neverending preening of high society like vain peacock-pigeons."

"Don't hate me 'cause I'm beautiful, you old fart. Maybe if you got rid of that yee yee ass haircut, people would respect you more."

Predictably, it was only then- after the gruelling boss fight had been concluded and Bumi was patting his bald head- that backup had arrived. An eight-squad led by a {Firebender Bodyguard Sergeant} came marching into the battle-scarred throne room. Compared to my dented and cracked black and red armour, I noticed that their uniforms were practically untouched as they saluted me, "Captain, the 41st have secured all the designated control points in the city."

"Did the locals give-" I paused as I tried to turn, "Give me a moment, this crumpled armour is getting in the way."

Taking off my banged up helmet and ripping off the breastplate that was practically just flapping around me, I was left in just a sleeveless red undershirt slick with my sweat from all the battle. I'll definitely have to work on my [Smithing] skill

"Did the locals give you any trouble?" I continued with my question.


"Sergeant, the locals."

"Uh... No, sir!" She stammered out an answer before clearing her throat, "It was as you predicted: We only had to announce that we'll be distributing food, and they fawned over us like we were their saviours. The citizens of Omashu are too hungry to care who runs the city. Earth Kingdom or Fire Nation... they'll bow to anyone who can promise them a meal."

I nodded.

"Good... And what about the local nobility/officials? I presume they have also cooperated?"

"Not exactly, sir..." She murmured before looking over her shoulder. And as if on cue, shrill shouts of whining and complaining echoed through the stone hallways of the palace. Another squad of Fire Nation soldiers led a group of fancily dressed noble-types clasped in iron manacles. There were around thirty of them. Like a drove of squealing pigs, these people were led in- clearly well-fed despite the rest of the city starving. They must have been the only ones in the city who could have afforded to always have pantries stocked with food. Not that it helped them right now.

"You Fire Nation savages! You can't just parade us around the city like prized cattle!"

"I'm the new junior minister of finance- you can't do this to me!"

"Unchain us now, or there will be no mercy for you when the armies of Ba Sing Se come thundering over the mountains to save us!"

"You may have slain the city's garrison, but King Bumi is the strongest Earthbender the Earth Kingdom has ever seen!"

Of course, their whines quieted down to worried muttering as soon as they saw that their only hope was sitting on the floor and bandaging his burn wounds... and my seven-foot-tall frame alongside the Kyoshi Warriors standing over him.

"So, these fools had their household guards put up a fight." I drew the most likely conclusion, and the {Firebender Bodyguard Sergeant} nodded an affirmative.

"Yes, sir."

"Any losses on our side?"

"None, sir." She said with quiet pride, "Their household guards were incredibly rusty- probably used to fighting only untrained Earth Kingdom peasants... but they'll have plenty of time to practise in the Underworld."

"Good. Now, what to do with this band of fat incompetents... oh, I know." I nodded in approval before looking over to the {Firebender Bodyguard Sergeant} and nodded to her. "Get the charcoal."

She saluted once before double-timing it out of the palace. Meanwhile, the fuming glares from the chained officials reached a boiling point as a few of them began making demands. With one noblewoman with garish make up being the loudest and shrillest, "Who do you think you are? Binding us and parading us around like cattle? We demand to speak with your commanding officer!"

I glanced down to what I was wearing- practically the in-universe equivalent of jeans and t-shirt- then back at the officials.

"I am Khan, the Captain of the 41st Division of the Fire Nation Army. The same division that is currently occupying your city."

"You're the Giant?" the middle-aged woman squawked, "But where's your scarred and ugly visage?!"

"My what?" I arched an eyebrow, "Ugh... Nevermind, what you need to know is that I'm the victor. Specifically, the victor who is currently deciding whether to keep you alive or outright execute you all."

Their faces paled as I reminded them what their current position was, which was only mildly surprising. I thought they'd be more aware of it a lot earlier, but apparently officials out in the countryside were particularly stupid or have gone soft.

"My House will serve you faithfully, O' Giant!"

"We will serve you twice as faithfully!"

Meanwhile, I just thought about it. In the 13th century when everyone was sparing nobles and ransoming them as was 'chivalrous' way of life, Chinggis Khan was particularly infamous for executing nobles and officials. It was an exceedingly effective way to dismantle old systems of power and institute his own- where once people looked to the local leadership for guidance and direction they would then look to him. It was also successful in preventing rebellion and insurrection as the usual masterminds behind those plots were former nobles embittered by the loss of their titles. It was brutal, yet practical wisdom that I could get behind, and I've been trying to do much of the same in all my conquered villages.

However... This was the city of Omashu, and I was going to hand it over to Fire Nation Command soon anyway.

"I'm going to give you one chance not to screw this up." I began and their faces lit up with hope. "I'm allowing you all to keep your stations and offices, but if you're anything but respectful and obedient, if my patience is tested, if you even attempt to rebel or desert... I'll force feed you hot charcoal until your belly bursts, and other amusing methods of execution. Understood?"

Fearful and cowed expressions all around, they knelt on the stone floor and pressed their foreheads on the ground.

"... Your humble servants will obey, your Eminence!"

[Quest - The Capture of Omashu] Completed!

Main Objective: Claim the Earth Kingdom city of Omashu from King Bumi

Secondary Objective: Complete the Quest before the Fire Nation Siege Corps arrives


Massive Reputation increase with the {Fire Nation}

Massive bonus exp

Secondary Rewards:

Perk Points x4

+ R +

For exceeding all expectations and capturing Omashu with only a single infantry division..

{Fire Nation} Reputation : 26 - 66

{Earth Kingdom} Reputation : -40 - -60

{Earth Kingdom} Infamy: 25 - 65

{Water Tribes} Reputation : -10 - -35

{Water Tribes} Infamy: 0 - 20

+ R +

Level up Achieved!

All in all, an amazing haul of rewards. but it will take some time for the news of our incomprehensibly large victory to reach the Fire Nation. If I'm lucky, Fire Lord Ozai will take notice and grant me a title. Not that I currently knew how that worked- the political system of the Fire Nation was a convoluted mess. What our current government being an unstable seesaw of an oligarchy and a military junta with the Fire Lord's hereditary monarchy balanced on top like a clown would balance on a giant ball. At the very least, I should at least get a military promotion.

That was a concern for a later date though; in the meantime, it was time for my favourite part of every successful conquest of a settlement: The looting.

"Now that's a proper kowtow if I've ever seen one." Bumi remarked, looking at his former officials with a shake of his balding head, "Never got them to be that respectful to me before."

"The threat of violence achieves a lot of things." I nodded- my skull-faced helm looked down at the gathered nobility, "In fact, let's put that to the test... You'll be handing over whatever riches you have so that I can jumpstart the local economy... Gold, the 41st needs a proper medal to commemorate taking our first major settlement, and Omashu at that! Yes, that'll help my [Smithing] skill immensely... Also, concubines- the men will need concubines."

At my demand, flashes of indignation and humiliation swept across their faces, and I could tell that some of them were about to speak out against me. Fortunately (for them at least), that was the moment that the {Firebender Bodyguard Sergeant} came back carrying a small bag of charcoal- reminding the officials of my earlier threat. Threatened with a fiery death, their faces paled considerably as they desperately agreed.

"Yes, we would be eager and delighted to meet all your demands!"

"See to it that you do, and take note that half-assing things count as testing my patience" I warned them, "Now, as for myself, what I want is the most valuable thing you have in this city."

Again, they were eager to try and one up each other.

"Yes, your Grace! Please help yourself to the most valuable pieces in our vaults!"

"We have prized artworks and sculptures all the way to the reign of the 40th Earth King!"

"However much gold you require for your troops' medals, we'll supply you with the same amount for yourself!"

"We will gather the city's prettiest maidens for your perusal! We will hold a contest! They will be delighted- No, they will be honoured to be your concubines! I assure you!"

"No, that's not what I want." I growled- unable to contain my rising hunger for the greatest of spoils, "What I want are your libraries."

"... our what?"

"Just... get your servants to gather all the books you have." I groaned while Suki and the others just giggled at my exasperation. After all, the officials were wearing the increasingly familiar expression of people being baffled as to why a giant of a Fire Nation Warlord would want books.

This would make it the fifth time it has happened.

They had better have larger collections for this insult... Pillaging the libraries of almost-illiterate country bumpkins who didn't put much stock in good literature as they did in a bowl of noodles just wasn't cutting it, I needed a real library. At least, by this victory in Omashu, I will be ingratiating myself with the royal family. Surely, the Fire Lord would grant the privilege of accessing the Royal Archives to a war hero like me... I hope- he was canonically one of those stern types who had a whole flagpole up his ass. But even if that fails, I'm sure Azula can appreciate someone who was a ruthless warlord like me.

Just a week or two, and the message of my deeds will reach the capital. Yes... I can already taste the 'Quest Completed' and smell the old Fire Nation tomes already!

(A week later) [Fire Lord Ozai's Palace]

Azula was ready to steal the show with her frankly brilliant plan.

"The city of Omashu. That should be the Fire Nation's target." She began- proudly filling her father's War Council Chamber with her unquestioningly delightful voice. Her audience? Just a dozen of the most preeminent generals of the Fire Nation as they sat cross legged around a great map of the Four Nations laid out on the floor. But the single person in the audience that she truly wanted to impress was her own father- Fire Lord Ozai himself- who sat above them all on the royal alcove behind a hot curtain of fire. All their eyes were on her- watching and waiting for her to make her proposition worthy in their eyes.

She wasn't too concerned. She was crown princess, there was no doubt that she'll exceed expectations.

"Omashu is second only to Ba Sing Se in size and population." She continued the preface of her argument, "And if the local folklore is to be believed, it is also the birthplace of Earthbending. It is a fortress that stood defiant for a hundred years against our valiant armies. Technically 99 years, but a hundred does sound more impressive, doesn't it?"

She deliberately paused with that almost flippant remark as she paced down the room- all eyes following her. She had their attention. Good.

Pointer stick in hand, Azula drew a circle on the map all around Omashu as she continued, "The city safeguards a region where a great number of towns and villages lie. Individually, these settlements are of little strategic consequence; but through sheer number, they form a belt of industry and commerce that fuels the western front's stubborn defence. The Earth Kingdom uncreatively calls the Gaoling-Omashu trade route. It is through this that Omashu's area of influence has dominated the south-west theatre of the war for the last 85 years; its strategic and impregnable location permitting the Earth Kingdom to maintain its annoyingly vast network of Earth Kingdom fortresses all along the western front."

Azula knew that her audience already knew all of that.

"...But we recently had a new development: In a rare case of fresh recruits showing notable initiative and competence, a single infantry division has managed to disrupt this economic lifeline and establish a foothold in the vulnerable underbelly of the Earth Kingdom. They had even weakened Omashu's garrison with tainted supplies." Azula said before aiming an innocent question at the sacrificial lamb that she had selected, "Speaking of which... Wasn't it your cousin who leads the infantry division in question, General Tuan?"

Sitting at the opposite end of the map, the fat general reddened with anger at her having drawn attention to his most recent shame to his family name... after all, he was the one who assigned his cousin to that post.

"That traitor troubles the Fire Nation no longer, Princess Azula." General Tuan ground out with much difficulty as the other generals looked at him with disapproval. And that played right into her hands, any disapproval that wasn't aimed at her only increased her chances.

"My mistake then." Azula airily replied- needling the general further, "But with the valour of your disgraced cousin's former infantry division has created a vulnerability in the once strong Earth Kingdom defensive lines. Something your traitor and incompetent cousin would never have been able to do."

"That is merely an illusion of a weakness, Princess Azula!" General Tuan argued, "The 41st Division may have gotten lucky, but as soon as the ponderous Earth Kingdom puts together a proper retaliatory strike against them, they'll be wiped out: Their little foothold will be buried, the Gaoling-Omashu trade route will resume operations as normal, and Omashu's garrison will be reinforced. All these military gains are as ephemeral as fireworks on Szeto Festival Day!"

... And the blustering fool plays his role perfectly in her little dance. Azula felt her red-painted lips tug into a smile. How delightfully predictable.

"Oh, the vulnerability may be fleeting, but it is still very real." She asserted- before looking straight at her father and going straight for the crux of her proposal. "The Fire Nation has been given a golden opportunity. The Earth Kingdom has been pushed off-balance, and a powerful enough blow delivered swiftly enough will crack the Earth Kingdom defensive wide open. I only need three siege divisions to hammer Omashu into submission, and four infantry divisions to secure the flanks. Then the entire Earth Kingdom- save for Ba Sing Se- will be yours for the taking within the month."

Behind his curtain of flames, the Fire Lord stayed silent, and so did the rest of the room in fear.

Smaller minded people would have misconstrued her father's silence as a bad thing, but Azula knew better. Her father was actually considering her proposal, and it gave her a shiver of anticipation. Because as much as it was a joy to aid her father in administrating the Fire Nation, she yearned for him to grant her more responsibility- more opportunities to impress him. The war was close to arriving at its logical conclusion: A total Fire Nation victory. So, she truly needed to rush if she wanted to collect great deeds and noteworthy military accomplishments that will solidify her place in history by her father's side. Such opportunities for military renown were dreadfully hard to come by in peacetime.

Her blood was boiling with excitement by the time her father spoke.

"And what of Admiral Zhao's upcoming siege of the Northern Water Tribe?" His voice calmly resounded through the war council chambers.

She had his attention! She was so close now to winning his approval... She just needed to iron out the details.

"Admiral Zhao's siege will be indirectly aided by this plan to siege Omashu." Azula readily explained- pushing down her excitement, "With two vital locations under attack, the Earth Kingdom will be forced to split its energy and attention between both locations. Whatever aid they manage to send to the Northern Water Tribe will be rushed and divided. Easy prey for the largest armada ever assembled since Fire Lord Sozin first invaded the Earth Kingdom."

Another thoughtful silence from the figure behind the curtain of flames.

"My daughter... how confident are you with your timeline for this siege?"

Excitement rose in her heart even further- tingling through her veins like the lightning she wielded. He was sold on the idea, she just needed to close the deal on a strong note now!

"Very confident." She replied with a self-assured smirk, "For anyone else, it would take four months, if they didn't fail by the first month of course. My royal self only requires a fourth of that time... I will be your fiery fist that strikes down the last great obstacle standing between you and Ba Sing Se, and I humbly require only your blessing."

She had already handled everything else days before this war council session.

The troops to fight the siege, the fleet to ferry them, and the merchant marine to supply them... all their commanding officers easily persuaded to cooperate with a gentle reminder of her royal authority and little display of blue fire. Her father's seal of approval really was the only thing she needed. He only needed to say the word and she could be on her way to her first major military accomplishment before sunset. She will do him proud. Completely unlike her failure of a brother.

"Omashu within a single month, Azula?" Her father clarified with just a hint of doubt.

To blazes with it, she'll even use the H word that Zuzu loved so much- just to one up her sorry brother one more time. Azula gave a confident smile at her father and promised, "I'd stake my honour on it, father."

Oh, she had done it now- she could see his eyes narrow at the mention of the H word. But she really wasn't worried, she had left nothing to chance and she wasn't about to fail. Omashu really would fall by her hands, and her little use of the H word will only make her appear even more capable to her father.

"Very well..." Her father's voice muttered, and Azula almost felt her heart float with excitement. This was it. She was going to start her illustrious military career with the second greatest victory that the Fire Nation was going to have against the Earth kingdom!

... then the doors burst open to reveal a lowly messenger-soldier panting for air as he carried a small wicker basket.

"What is the meaning of this?!" She snarled at the fool who dared interrupt her on her moment of triumph.

"Forgive my interruption, my Fire Lord! My generals!" the messenger begged- immediately prostrating himself on the lacquered wood floor, "But I bring pertinent news! Great news in fact!"

But Azula wasn't having any of it. She rounded on the messenger- trying to glare a hole right through his impudent head as she angrily demanded, "What news can be so great to warrant an interruption of the Fire Lord's own war council!? I'll have your head for this!"

"Azula, control yourself!" Her father not-so-gently chided her before looking over to the messenger. "... However, my daughter does speak sense- this news had better be good. Speak quickly, your life depends on it."

"Omashu has fallen, my Fire Lord! The banners of the Fire Nation now fly on its walls!"

Azula heard the wave of shocked gasps escape from the generals in attendance, but she was the one who managed to put it into words.

"What?! But HOW!?" She roared in indignation as her hopes and dreams just shattered before her eyes. Moreover, it really shouldn't be possible because the South-west was their weakest and most remote front. There were no Fire Nation units in that region that could take Omashu- just scattered and nearly-depleted infantry divisions stuck behind enemy lines. And even if they had all miraculously ran into each other in the endless wilderness, they still wouldn't have the equipment or numbers to take Omashu.

"The 41st Infantry Division has taken and occupied the city all on their own, my Fire Lord."

"A single infantry division...?" Azula repeated before glancing at her father and laughing out loud, "Ahahaha! Someone must have made a grave error, father! There's no way a single infantry division could possibly take the second largest Earth Kingdom stronghold in existence! It might even be a plot by the Earth Kingdom to trick us into not attacking Omashu! Yes, that's it. It has to be it!"

All eyes turned to the messenger once again who simply replied, "Captain Khan of the 41st Infantry Division sends you King Bumi's crown and a written declaration of surrender marked with his personal Earth Monarch seal as proof of the accomplishment."

Without another word, he opened the wicker basket that he had carried in and pulled a small pillow. On it rested a rolled up letter and a fine green cloth cap with a pair of long peacock-pigeon feathers.

General Tuan- being the closest to the messenger- reached out and opened the letter. Beady eyes scanned the contents before he bowed to the Fire Lord.

"It's... it's true, my Fire Lord." General Tuan muttered- just as surprised as everyone was, "Through the 41st Division's sole efforts, Omashu has surrendered to the Fire Nation. This is truly King Bumi's crown."

Azula had to watch as her father's eyes lit up with cruel delight. No... No, no, no, no! This was all wrong! She was the one who was supposed to do that! She was the one who was supposed to take Omashu and claim the glory! She was the one who was supposed to send the earth monarch's crown in a basket And most of all, she was the one to make her father's eyes twinkle with delight!

"Crude and ugly, just like the Earth Kingdom." Her father mocked the crown with an unkind smile of relish, "The city is noteworthy, but this crown isn't. A fine trophy, indeed. Place it in the vault with the rest of them- right next to the crown of the Earth Monarch of Taku."

"At once, Fire Lord!"

A wave of muttering followed, some in disbelief and some in excitement. Of course, it was: Omashu was now held by the Fire Nation- their forces had a straight and unobstructed shot for Ba Sing Se now. It was good news indeed for everyone in the Fire Nation... except for Azula herself. All those weeks of endless preparations, wasted. She was caught immensely off-guard, and right in front of her father as well!

"A recess on this war council is in order." Her father told the rest of the council. "Leave us, I must speak with my daughter alone."

Obediently, the generals stood up, bowed respectfully and left the chambers. It was just her father and her.

"I... father, I can..." she stammered, but for once, she was really out of words. What could she even say? That she'll make things right when it was already the single greatest military victory they had attained all year? That she'll top it with an even more impressive achievement when even her most optimistic estimate was three weeks off? That Omashu was already weak and at the breaking point right after she had done her hardest to boast about what a grand achievement it would be?

"You claimed that it would take you a month, Azula." He pointed out her own claim to her, "It rings quite hollow now that a captain with a single infantry division has taken the city a full week before you had even started. Worse yet, you also staked your honour on it. Let us discuss that."

Azula hid a wince. She really shouldn't have said the H word, because now she looked like a complete and utter Zuko!

[The Fire Nation-Occupied City of Omashu]

For making her look like a complete mouth-breathing idiot...

{Azula} Reputation : -10 - -50

What the hell did I do?