
Burn For Me: Fire In Their Hearts

*Rated R18 How does one go from confessing to their crush to being transmigrated? It was supposed to be a careless remark, but it brought Dyma into a world unknown. Thrust into a life he never envisioned for himself, Dyma had to survive, while seeking a means to return to his former life. But things don't progress the way they were expected to. Fate always finds a way to pinch others. And in Dyma's case, it pinched him hard. Not only was he plunged into a strange world, but he was also given the body of a beggar. Yet, he didn't allow it to deter him. Armed with the foreknowledge of the world he came from, he used that to his advantage. However, everything came crashing down when he unknowingly calls the attention of the Crown prince to himself. Things got difficult for him after that. And not to speak of the strange powers coursing through him.

Unsolvable_Mystery · LGBT+
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20 Chs

Offsprings of the Earth

We slept under the trees that night, and the next morning, we had our bath before we started on the journey.

I don't recognize where we are going, but the prince seemed to know.

As he confidently strode through the forest, I can't help but marvel at the Change in the prince.

Compared to the arrogant one I met yesterday, the prince seemed more laid back.

Had this been how he was when I was put in the carriage, I don't think I would have pushed him as I did then.

"It won't be long until we reach the next town."

"That soon?" I frown at him.

"What? Were you expecting us to walk forever?"

"No, that's not it. I thought it will take longer to reach the next town."

"No, that's not it." He grinned, "before we reach the mountains, we will have to go through three villages."

"Who would have thought the mountains you all spoke about were far?" I frowned as I glanced around the forest.

"When I was little, my father took me around the Kingdom." He beamed, "back then, I thought he was punishing me by taking me around the place.

But now, I know it was for this."

"Are you trying to say your father is a psychic?" I arch a brow at him as I purse my lips to tell him exactly what I think of his words.

"You can take it how you want." He turned and continued walking, while I followed him.


I don't know how long we walked until we arrived at the end of the forest.

"Had we travelled by horse, we would have got here faster than we did." He said as he started walking towards his right.

On both sides of the road were grasses. However, it was clear the forest ended at the place we came out from.

The paved way was enough proof of that.

"And why didn't you bring your horses?" I frown at him. "Could it be that you intentionally wanted to punish me?"

"Why will I do that?" He laughed as if I said something absurd. "You were the one who ran before I could complete what I was telling you.

And I raced after you without taking a thing with me, for fear you might run at the sound of the horse's neigh."

"Take me as an excuse if you please." I hurried towards the stall we saw from a distance.

From the distance, it looked like a small hut, but on closer inspection, I noticed it was like a gate post.

"What's that doing here?" I glanced at the village, which was farther from where we stood.

Unlike the capital we just left, this place seemed more ancient.

"It's a gate post. Come on, let's go." He started walking towards the gatepost, and I followed him.

"Why are we going towards there instead of the village?"

I pointed to the village, which isn't too far from the supposed gate post.

"You will see." The prince winked at me before he started for the stall.

The prince walked towards the stall, which was erected like a hut.

However, unlike the hut that's made of mud, the stall was built with bamboo.

The prince hit his sword on the bamboo.

"Who are you?"

A gruff man came out from the door of the stall.

He gave us a once-over.

"Can't you see? He's your—"

The prince nudged me before I can introduce him like I intended to do.

"Sorry to disturb you, kind sir. We are travellers from the kingdom of the East."


My eyes widened at the prince's words.

You would have thought that as a prince, he would prefer to exert his authority over others.

I doubt this man will question us should he tell him who he is.

But he didn't.

And that made me wonder why he did what he did.

Could it be that there's something he's not telling me?

"Travellers?" The man gave us a once. "Where are your belongings?" He narrowed his eyes at us.

"We are the offspring of the Earth," the prince smiled.

"Children of the Earth?" The man tilted his head.

"Yes. We go anywhere our Spirit leads us.

As offspring of the Earth, we don't take worldly possessions with us.

It weighs not only our physical body down, but it does the same to our spiritual soul."

The man nodded at the prince's words while I tried not to show my surprise.

How he can lie with a straight face is something that's beyond me.

It made me wonder if he has been acting all along.

"And you?"

"Me?" I blinked when I noticed the man's attention on me.

"Yes, you."

"I'm with him. We are the children of the Earth." I nervously said as I tried to keep my face as expressionless as I can.

And luckily for me, the man didn't notice how nervous I was.