
Burn For Me: Fire In Their Hearts

*Rated R18 How does one go from confessing to their crush to being transmigrated? It was supposed to be a careless remark, but it brought Dyma into a world unknown. Thrust into a life he never envisioned for himself, Dyma had to survive, while seeking a means to return to his former life. But things don't progress the way they were expected to. Fate always finds a way to pinch others. And in Dyma's case, it pinched him hard. Not only was he plunged into a strange world, but he was also given the body of a beggar. Yet, he didn't allow it to deter him. Armed with the foreknowledge of the world he came from, he used that to his advantage. However, everything came crashing down when he unknowingly calls the attention of the Crown prince to himself. Things got difficult for him after that. And not to speak of the strange powers coursing through him.

Unsolvable_Mystery · LGBT+
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20 Chs

Do you like what you see?

Zoban entered the room and banged the door behind him.

It was a miracle how the door kept on standing after the loud bang that was deafening enough.

"Zoban?" I called out as I entered the room.

The prince was sitting on the bench by the window when I came in. And he didn't turn to look at me even when I sat next to him.

"Is this the reason you didn't tell the man at the checkpoint that you are the prince?"

"That's it," Zoban nodded.

"Why didn't you help them when they asked for help?" I frown at him.

"Father was the one who rejected their plea."


I know I wasn't supposed to be inquisitive, but I just can't help myself.

"The village chief challenged Father about the tribute the village brings to him.

For two years now, this village has never sent a tribute to father."


"Their village chief brainwashed them and had them rebel against the throne. That was why father didn't extend a helping hand towards them when they cried to him, for help."


The prince's explanation made me understand most of the things which were, before now, confusing to me.


Zoban and I stayed in the room throughout the night. We didn't leave the room at all, and the old man had to send our dinner to us when he saw we weren't coming down to take it.

"I'm going to have my bath. After that, you can have yours." I took a spare shirt and headed towards the built-in bathroom.

The way they built the bathroom, was funny. It made me remember the shower in my time.

Unlike my world, here, you bathe with a bucket.

There was nothing like switching on the tap.

"Don't use both pails of water. There are only two pails there. Make use of one, and leave the other one for me." The prince shouted from the room.

"Okay!" I replied.

It wasn't as if I intended to bath with both pails of water.

I hurriedly had my bath and wore the spare shirt before I headed out to the room.

"I only made use of one bucket of water. The other one is still there."


The prince nodded as he got up from the bed and headed into the bathroom.

"It's time to sleep." I flop down on the Side of the bed I called dibs on, and sighed.

After a long day of walking, it was time to rest my aching bones.

I turned my face towards the ceiling and placed both hands behind my head.

My mind immediately went back to the thoughts I'd been having since I came to this place.

It was all about how I can be able to leave this place and return to my home.

This world isn't mine. I need to return to mine. But there was no way for me to do that.

The door of this built-in bathroom opened, and the prince stepped out, wearing only a towel around his body.

My eyes immediately went to his chest, which was glistering with water.

His abs were so proclaimed, and hard in the eyes, that it made me jealous.

I wasn't lanky or anything of that sort. However, I'm not more on the muscular side.

But here the prince was, packing enough abs to make the men on my planet envious.

"Do you like what you see?" the prince asked, startling me from my thoughts.

"What?" I snapped at him.

"Do you like what you see?" He asked as he slowly ran a hand on his chest.

"Like what I see, my foot." I frowned at him. "why are you naked?"

"Naked? I'm putting on a towel."

"And you call it being clothed?" I inquired as I tried to avoid looking at his appetizing chest.

Oh, holy moly.

If only I have abs like him and his face. I bet I will be on the cover wall of all the magazines in the country.

Film production companies will be eager to sign me up.

"And here you are, acting as if you don't love what you are seeing?" The prince walked closer to me, with an amused expression on his face.

"Who likes what he sees?" I scoffed as I tried to hide the embarrassment I felt.

"Don't deny it, Dyn." He leaned close to me and placed both hands on either side of me.

"What are you doing?" I asked in alarm as he got so close, all it would have taken to kiss him would have been — Shut up, Dynma!

Why are you thinking of kissing him!"

"What does it look like I'm doing, Dyn?" He smirked as he breathed on my face.

"Let me go!" I pushed him off, and I hastily rose from the bed I was lying on.

"What's wrong?" Zoban chuckled.

"Don't you know what personal space is?" I fumed in anger as I tried to calm my fast-beating heart.

"Is this what it means?" Before I can react, the prince circled his hand around my waist and drew me closer.

Startled by his actions, I had to place my palms on his chest to wedge me.

"Is this what it's called?" He breathed in my ears.

His actions caused my heart to skip a beat. It made me—

"Let go of me, you psycho!" I pushed him off me with my eyes narrowed at him.

Zoban staggered a bit but righted his stance.

"What's wrong?" He smirked.

"If you don't know what a personal space is, then go and learn!" I lie back on the bed and turned my back to him, so he won't see the red tints on my cheeks.

"Are you angry with me, Dyn?" Zoban asked as the bed dipped behind me.

"Don't call me that."


"My name is Dynma. Don't call me Dyn."

"Why? I love the name."

"Don't call me that." I clenched my hands into fists and gritted my teeth in anger.

"I prefer the name. It suits you more than the full one."

"Just don't call me that."