
Bully-guard! [BL]

(Check the chapters comments for AI pics of Characters!) In the midst of his already declining mental health, lack of enthusiasm and turbulent work life. Nikolai Parmar, a rising actor went back to his hometown to film a new movie, only to be met by an unexpected Storm of death threats as soon as he arrived. The source remains anonymous, putting a target mark over Nikolai's head, without an explanation. And after the concern for the wellbeing of the actor became overwhelming, Nikolai's current best friend and manager at the same time, Andrea Andreoli, hired a bodyguard to protect and follow Nikolai everywhere he goes. The bodyguard agreed to a crazy list of demands, even to live with Nikolai in his own house and sleep in his bedroom, Just To insure the Actor's safety at all times. A decision that soon, many will regret. And despite that Nikolai himself, was and has always been against the idea of having a bodyguard for many reasons. This time, the reason why he's against the idea is quite personal, especially when the guy who's hired to protect him happens to be... None other than his ex highschool Bully/Boyfriend from seven years ago, Jin Young. So, just like the past seems to haunt both Nikolai and Jin, forcing them to cross each other's paths again and maybe ignite the flame of emotions between them... Others decided to join the dance, uninvited, Some with the intentions to help, and some to hurt. What seemed like an already crazy life for both the actor and his bodyguard, is about to get a whole lot crazier. [Typos are constantly being fixed (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)]

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123 Chs

Okay, lead the way Mister officer!

"Hallelujah! is this heaven!" Joel mumbled with wide eyes, He was on his way to see Cyrus with a flower bouquet in his hands, when a person accidentally bumped into him and knocked him to the ground.

His eyes went big at the sight of what he thought could only be an Angel, in a tight mini white dress, reaching to him with her hand to help him stand-up again.

"Mister! Are you alright?! that was quite the fall." The Chubby-Curvey Asian woman asked extending her hand, while using the other one to push her dark locks of hair away from her face.

Joel shamelessly stared at her plump body, and kept looking higher until his face met hers.

She had a look of curiousness and worry on her face, as her red lips were slightly parted from each other.

After Few more seconds of awkward staring-competition, "Mister are you deaf?" the woman asked again.

Finally coming back to his senses, "No! No...I'm not deaf! I heard you." Joel nervously replied taking her hand, so she pulled him up.

"I'm so sorry for knocking you! I was looking for my daughter! guess I was too worried I didn't notice you." The woman said apologetically while bowing her head.

"Oh! it's okay, it happens! no need to feel bad about it!

I hope your daughter's fine." Joel said nervously chuckling.

"Oh! she should be fine, she said she wasn't hurt at all...hopefully she didn't lie.

But I'm still terrified, she went through a lot, when I was told that she was taken...I flew as soon as I can, all the way from another country just to make sure she's safe!" The woman said, "Another country?" Joel wondered.

"Yes! All the way from Korea!" the woman said dramatically, then her eyes started welling-up with tears, "My poor baby girl! I will never forgive anyone who hurts my little princess! I'll kill them with my bare hands if I have to." The woman added in sheer anger, making Joel even more nervous than before.

With shaky hands, Joel pulled a handkerchief from his jacket's pocket and gave it to the worried mother, while An idea was already forming in his head.

"Thank you mister! you're such a gentleman!" The woman said drying her tears with the handkerchief.

"By any chance Ma'am, is your daughter Miss Young Seong-min?" Joel asked, The woman's eyes immediately lit-up, "Yes! do you know my Little princess?!" She asked with a hopeful tone.

"Yes...Umm, It's hard not to know her, I'm a detective...with the police? I handled her kidnapping case, And your daughter is okay, she was found unharmed.

Actually, I came right now to visit a friend of mine who got injured while helping to rescue your daughter...I believe she's with him in his room checking on him, if you like...I can take you to her?" Joel said.

"That would be wonderful! Thank you, kind Mister!" The woman replied happily, then without a warning, she wrapped her arms tightly around Joel's, Making him blush intensely.

"Oh god! Umm...uh, You're welcome Ma'am!...Always happy to help...A mother in distress." Joel blurted out while breathing heavily, "Okay, lead the way Mister officer!" The woman replied smiling big before she pushed Joel forward with her body to make him walk.

It took them a minute to find the room, and throughout the whole time, Joel was sweating profusely just thinking about her her chest that squeezed against his arm.

Shaking uncontrollably, Joel reached for the door, he opened it in a rush and walked in with Seong-Min's very much content mother.

Seong-min who was helping Cyrus eat his food, "Eomma! neo yeogi issne! (Mom! you're here!)" Said while putting the bowl aside.

She rushed to her mother, And the older woman finally let go of Joel's arm so she can hug her precious daughter.

"Nae aleumdaun ttal! ( My beautiful daughter!)" Seong-Min's mother said hugging her daughter tightly, a little too tight actually that Seong-min gasped for air, "Eomma! sum-i maghyeoyo! (Mom! you're choking me!)" Seong-min complained.

Realizing that, "Oh? Mianhae! (I'm sorry)" The woman replied.

Cyrus curiously watched as Seong-Min's mother checked on her daughter, asking her a million questions in Korean while it seemed like Seong-min was trying to assure her mother that she's alright.

When Cyrus shifted his attention to Joel, he was surprised to see Joel who always carries himself with confidence, standing in the corner blushing as he gawked at Seong-Min's mother, while hugging the bouquet of flowers and biting his lips.

Holding back his laughter, "Dude Loosen-up a little...damn! you look like you have something stuffed-up your ass." Cyrus mumbled to himself, feeling amused.

Then suddenly, Seong-Min's mother noticed Cyrus who was grinning while watching Joel, "Is that the friend you talked about Mister Officer?" She asked Joel.

Surprised, "Huh?! Oh Yeah! That's him, well he's more of your daughter's friend actually." Joel replied.

"Well aren't you a cutie! But I wonder what's so funny? You were grinning at Mister officer!" Seong-Min's mother said while walking towards Cyrus in a sensual way, swaying her hips left and right.

She then sat down next to Cyrus on the bed and stared at him for few seconds, before she grinned herself.

"I heard you helped my little princess and got injured in the process, thank you Cutie." The woman said slowly bowing her head for Cyrus.

"Umm! no problem...really." Cyrus replied, he knew now why Joel was nervous around this woman.

"Were you having your lunch? I'm sorry, I interrupted you!" She said, "No need to apologize, Madam." he replied.

"Oh, I'd rather you call me Miss, I'm not married cutie." Seong-Min's mother said winking.

Embarrassed, Seong-min dragged her mother away from Cyrus and said, "Eomma! stop Flirting with younger men, you should introduce yourself at least!"

"Oh right! where are my manners?!" Seong-min mother said dramatically while touching her face, "I'm Gyeon Soo-Min, Just call me by my name Soo-Min...I hate formalities anyways.

And feel free to nickname me, I looooove nicknames!" She added winking again.

Seong-Min was so red from embarrassment, she hid her face behind her hands.

"Ah! Okay!...I'm Cyrus, Cyrus Melaina, nice to meet you...umm, Soo-Min!" Cyrus replied awkwardly.

Red-faced, "I apologize, I didn't introduce myself earlier, I should've...Anyways...I'm Joel...Baker." Joel said.

Suddenly, "I'm gonna head for the bathroom real quick!" Seong-min announced, "Mom don't do anything funny okay!" She whispered to Soo-Min before she bolted out of the room.


"Ah...Ah! Jin...Omg, right there! keep it going!"

"Ok I'm gonna stop! I can't do this anymore! Are you trying to torture me Niko?!"

"Ughhhh, what are you talking about now Jin?"

"You keep moaning for god's sake, I'm only a man and I'm loosing my mind Niko...Just why are you making me do this! you're getting revenge on me, aren't you?"

Nikolai who was laying on his stomach in nothing but his underwear, was Unsatisfied when Jin has stopped massaging him, "Is it that uncomfortable?...you act as if massaging my back Is more perverted than jerking me off! I told you we're not having sex, so relax!" he said.

Next to him, "God this man is testing me and my dick." Jin mumbled blushing deep-red, "Speak-up Jin, I can't hear you!" Nikolai said.

"I gave you a hand job like one time! and you keep bringing it up! You even told Minnie about it?!" Jin replied.

"Cuz That one time you acted like a whole different Jin, of course I'm gonna bring it up! it's a le-Jin-dary moment...And you're good with your hands BTW.

Besides, Should I remind you of your shameless words that day, Mister Jin Young?!

First off all You said and I quote: Don't fuck with me Niko! you think you're the biggest tease here?" Nikolai said making Jin grunt.

"Did I really say that? Shit I must've been outta my mind." Jin questioned, "Yes, and you also said 'This innocent boy can make you beg to finish so don't act all tough, we know who's the bottom and who's top in this game'...these are not the usual words of an innocent virgin boy, Jin." Nikolai replied.

Biting his lips, "Damn you and your good memory Niko...Humph! so what if I said that? it was you afterwards, who stopped the car and said you got a boner that you needed to take care of!" Jin replied back.

"Jin you caused that boner, and We made-out afterwards!

Then you out of nowhere started kissing and sucking on my neck, and remember...you're the one who slipped your hand inside my pants first!...you actually made me beg you to let me finish." Nikolai said flustered.

"Okay!...point proven." Jin replied in defeat.

"So, you're gonna keep massaging me, or should I ask for another reward?...Seems like I'm too much to handle for you." Nikolai said asking.

Suddenly Jin's phone started ringing,

Sighing, "No...I'll continue, just give me a second to answer this call, I'll be back." Jin replied taking his phone and fleeing the bedroom in a hurry.

Closing the door behind him, Jin picked-up the call.

Seong-min: Dude!

Jin: *breathless* Did something happen...Min-Min?

Seong-min: You sound out of breath, did Nikolai make you run or something?!

Jin: Just get to the point!

Seong-min: That's no way to talk to your sister who just got kidnapped!

Jin: I'm gonna...ugh, *Sighing* Seong-min please, get to the point.

Seong-min: Okaaaaay...damn! umm, She's here, my mom!

Jin: Oh Shit.


"Who's here again?" Radka asked confused, "The girls are saying it's Seong-Min's mother, A woman named Gyeon Soo-Min...this is the picture they took of her at the airport.

She looks like one of those gorgeous plus size models, doesn't she?!" A girl said in admiration as she handed her phone to Radka.

Radka glanced at the picture of the curvy woman with a small smile, "That's one lady killer right there! Mhmm, suddenly I'm craving cake." she said licking her lips.

"You want cake?" the girl asked Cluelessly, "No silly...I want something else." Radka replied chuckling, "Well I do crave some real cake actually! I wonder if Rushil would make me a chocolate cake if I asked for it nicely...I should call him." She added giving the girl her phone back while grabbing her own phone.


Rushil: Ngh, *Yawning* Rad...you woke me up, is everything ok?

Radka: You still asleep? you must've enjoyed last night, *Chuckling* haven't you? you naughty boy.

Rushil: I'm still Mad at you, but definitely less mad...is there something you want?

Radka: Do I need a reason to call my husband?

Rushil: What do you want to eat?

Radka: Jeez...you figured me out already! of course you would, we're soulmates.

*Chuckling* I want a chocolate cake.

Rushil: is that it? anything else?

Radka: I don't know, maybe something refreshing to drink with it...oh! can you like add strawberries to the cake!

Rushil: Strawberries, wanna'em Whole or sliced?

Radka: Vertically sliced!

Rushil: Are you gonna *Yawning* like come home to eat that cake, or should I get it delivered to you?

Radka: Hmmm, how about once you're done with the cake, you'd pack it up and call me, I'll come pick you up myself.

Rushil: Are we going on a picnic or something? what's the occasion?

Radka: Not exactly, we're going to surprise someone with the cake, after all I owe that person a gift.

Rushil: Rad, Can you even live without me?

Radka: No, You make me happy and you make me food, so I can't live without you.

Also one last request dear!

Rushil: *sighing*...what do you want?

Radka: Please wear something casual and get some clothes ready for me too, I'll change when I get home.

Rushil: *Yawning* aye aye captain.

Radka: Love you baby! Mwah!

Rushil: Bye Rad.


You make me happy and you make me food, I can't live without you.

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