
Building the Ultimate Harem in Another World!

Forcefully pulled out from his own world and intended to become a slave to an apprentice mage, our hero caught a break when her specialized “Slave Collar” failed to work on him. Taking advantage of the situation, he placed it onto her, forcing her to comply with his wishes. Now with no clear way on how to get home, he decides to make the most of his situation… By becoming an adventurer of this new world and creating the greatest harem it’s ever seen!

Deolo · Fantasie
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2 Chs

Feeling Stark

Hmmm…? Why does everything feel so hazy?

The male could form much of a coherent thought until just this moment. As if his mind had been sinking and only now was he able to finally reach the shore. Steadily he began to hear foreign laughter coming to the forefront of his thoughts.

"I-I did it?! I mean, of course, I did!"

His eyes were opened, yet he couldn't see a thing. The earlier blinding light still hinders his vision, yet he attempts to reach out to make contact. As expected, he doesn't come close to reaching the voice. He's at least able to make out that it belongs to a woman.

"O-Oh! I almost forgot…!"

They seemed frantic. The male's brow raises as he listens to her footsteps running all over the place. Seems they may have lost something. While they're occupied with that, he'll attempt to try and catch his bearings.

"How could I have been so careless?!"

Now that he has time to think… He's been sitting in a chair this whole time? Leather? He didn't own anything this well made. Now that he thinks about it, he should be home, sleeping the day away if not on his games.

"Just who are you-?!"

He's interrupted by something being wrapped around his neck. His hands immediately reached to feel it. The same texture as the chair. Had she just collared him?!

"What the hell do you think-"

Once again he's cut off. This time more directly as she presses her finger against his lips.

"Shhh. Save your questions for after I stick it to those stuck-up alchemists. You're going to be my ticket to greatness, you hear~"

Was he supposed to be some sort of… prize?! A tool? All for the benefit of some girl he didn't even know? For a kidnapper, she didn't seem too bright if she didn't even restrain him. Then again, maybe she had purposely ruined his vision just for that.

"Ah, right. If we're going to show you off, we need to deal with those side effects. You've been staring at nothing for a while now."

Before he could speak her palms would rest against his temples. A strange sensation flows through him. He can't properly describe it. Perhaps it was like resting in a warm bed after a hard day of work? Nonetheless, the blurry image began to vanish. He could finally see his kidnapper for who she was.


Far from what he had expected. There wasn't an easy way to state this. She looked like a complete mess. A petite brunette. Heavy bags under her eyes, her clothing wrinkled and unkempt and the same could be said for her hair. He wonders when the last time she brushed it or even changed her outfit. Not recently if the food stains and smell were anything to go by. Perhaps it was silly to have higher standards, but if he was supposed to be kidnapped, he'd at least want it to be with someone he didn't feel the need to cover his nose at.

"No need for words, Mr. Pet!"

She swiftly grasped his palms. Her eyes beaming like stars. He couldn't help that she was looking right through him.

"Now, go and get those books over there. We have a lot of work to do~"

She reaches up and pats his head. His eyes narrow sharply yet she pays him no mind. She even turns her back over to him. Hands tightening up into fists, repeatedly imagining multiple ways he could get back at being belittled so much.

"How about…"

With gritted teeth, he unhooks the collar from his neck. She raises a brow. Now preparing to turn to face him but it was already too late. The collar she had placed on him was now fitted on her neck.

"You go get your own books?"

His arms crossed over his chest defiantly. If he was hoping for a response, he wouldn't get one right away. Confused, she would repeatedly blink before her body began moving in the direction of the stacked books.


She lets out a shriek. She wasn't the only one confused. He also watched intensely as she made her way towards where she had instructed him to move. Was she messing with him still? The way she flailed her head side to side as if trying to throw herself off course seemed to adjust otherwise.

"W-What's happening?! What did you… Wait, wait, wait!"

He could only watch in silence as she bent down and attempted to lift a stack of books about as high as she was. It was almost sad seeing her struggle. He could tell that she already didn't have much upper body strength… or perhaps just body strength in general.


At his command, she stops her futile attempt. She immediately crashes to the floor, releasing a series of heavy pants as she struggles to keep her heart from beating out of her chest.

"...Stand up."

As he expected, she stands to her feet as he had ordered. The corner of his lip begins to curve upwards. She flinches as she notices his change of expression. They both knew that he understood exactly what was going on.

"Come here~"

With a soft chuckle, he slowly beckons her forward. He didn't take himself as a sadist before, but watching this woman who had recently attempted to use him as a tool for her benefit… He couldn't lie that he felt something akin to pleasure.

"Why don't we start off by introducing ourselves? What's your name?"

Her body begins to twitch. He wonders if she's biting on her tongue.


Her hands immediately clapped over his mouth. He had to admit that she has one hell of a glare. If not for that collar he'd worry if he'd be in danger at just that sight alone.

"Nice to meet you, Monika. I'm Stark. I think we might have a lot to talk about…"

For the next few hours, he would interrogate her for as much as he could. It was… perhaps just a tad overwhelming to take in all at once. If what she was saying was true, this was an entirely different world than his own. He considered the possibilities. This didn't feel like he was dreaming. Not even after striking himself did he feel he came close to waking up from a dream. Not to mention she still complied with any order he's given her.

He sits motionlessly at the table. Fingers locked together as she poured him a cup of tea.

"So… This is called a Slave Collar?"

With a single finger, he begins to tug on the end of it. She gives a slight nod before casting her gaze to the side. Some type of magic if what she says is true. He can't say the results don't speak for themselves. Not to mention slavery is legal here.

"And it makes whoever wears it subservient to the one that puts it on them?"

Another nod. She doesn't even attempt to look into his eyes. She's what he described as a naughty child trying to pretend they didn't get caught with their hand in the cookie jar. Strangely he can't help but find her cute despite her lacking in some obvious areas in not only her physical health but responsibility. He hasn't been here long and he's already been stepping on books messily tossed to the floor. Some library…

After a while, he's setting his tea down to the table after taking a few sips. She certainly knew how to brew a good one. Just what he needed to help relax.

"And just… What were you planning to do to me if this worked on me?"

The question that's been on his mind as soon as he realized the effects of the collar. A loud noise in response to his elbows hitting the table. His eyes narrow slightly as he sees her try to avoid his gaze once again. He gives another command for her to keep her eyes on him for the meantime and she cannot refuse him.

"I… I would've turned you over to the State Magica."

His glare didn't subside at all. He knew he could feel she was still attempting to withhold something from him by only stating the bare minimum.

"Why? And what would they have done to me?"

He completely ignores how much she trembles under his stare. For her, despite technically being taller than him due to him sitting down, she felt smaller than she had ever felt in her entire life. Not only has she spent many years for this exact moment. Something that was supposed to be her big day. Something that would give her the respect she deserved for all her hard work! Now it may very well be stripped away.

"I'm not sure exactly… I just know they would've likely taken you under custody. What that would entail I can't say."

He rises to his feet and she takes a step back with a gulp. His hand moved to her shoulder to keep her from running off. His expression turned back over to a more neutral expression as he nodded.

"So you kidnapped me and planned to turn me into a bunch of people without a clear idea of what they'd do?"

She was left only to twindle her thumbs with a weak nod. She wished he'd just get it over with. Perhaps she didn't have much room to ask for mercy anyway. If the tables were turned, she wouldn't have eased up on him either. She jumps once again as his hand falls onto her shoulder. Was he squeezing it as hard as she felt it? Would trying to remove it only anger him further? What was she-

"I forgive you."

Going to do-wait…


A sense of whiplash runs through her. She looks up to him by her own volition. Intensely trying to read his expression for any sign that he could be lying. Nothing about the way that he looked at her changed. He even removes his hands and walks away from her. Her eyes darted back and forth from his back to where he had touched her. What was he thinking?

"Before I forget; show me all your clothes."

She pauses.



Any fear she may have had for him had been tossed out the window. Now the collar was just keeping her from turning the male into a spec of dust at the bottom of her shoe. If he was even lucky for her to be so considerate.

"Why?~ I think you look great!"

Taking his place on her bed he continued to watch her in great interest. Having her change out of her earlier uniform to instead now dawn an interesting outfit she had in her closet. A black and white maid uniform, though the size certainly didn't leave much to the imagination. Her hands were feverishly pulling down the front to hopefully save herself some shame.

"You know if you keep pulling down the front, I can see the back, right?"

He chuckles once again at her realizing she was realizing her backside to this man and immediately presses her butt to her door.

"Why do you own that anyway? Saving it for a special night?~"

"Fuck off!"

She hisses with every ounce of venom she could muster. Still, his expression would keep that aggravating smile of his no matter how much she wished to intimidate him.

"I-It belonged to my mother. She gave it to me when I moved out and said I might… 'need' it."

Her cheeks began to match her burning hatred. She loves her mother to bits, but she would make sure to deck her and her equally awful father next time she saw them for this!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Just what are you planning to do anyway?!"

Her emotions exploded. Nearly pulling her hair out with both her hands, seemingly forgetting the short length of her outfit. Not that he minded in the slightest. He'd keep his eyes focused on her striped undergarments, even as he began to speak.

"My plans? That's an easy one."

His fist collides into his palm. His smile beaming as he stands up to his feet. Her hands are still keeping a tight hold on her locks but keeping her eyes on him. His eyes seemed far too focused and determined to her. It honestly caused a chill to run up her spine.

"You mentioned slavery being legal here, yes? This place is a lot different from my world from what I understand. But I think I can work with this. And you're going to be helping me of course!"

Her hands protectively come in front of her when she sees him approaching. Having been backed to a wall she had no options to escape.

"H-Help you with what?"

He practically pounced her. Arms wrapped around her waist and lifted her off her feet. She's just as light as he had expected. Tilting his head upwards and still giving her that smile that she could only sigh at in concern.

"You're going to be the first girl in my ultimate harem plan!"

As if all color runs from her face. Her arms limply fell to her sides, dangling in the air. Her mind comes to. The first thing she thinks is that he's not joking. It's scary how well she can read him already and she wishes she couldn't. Repeatedly she begins to slap her cheeks. Just a few good blows and she'll be in her bed, waking up from a horrible nightmare after a bad day of the academy.


Futile of course. Once her emerald hues had opened once again, she would still be looking down at him as he held her up. Fate sure had decided to give her a rude awakening. Perhaps another day she'd find a way out of this situation. Now, however, she just wanted to pass out right in his arms...

It's honestly nice to be able to get this out. I've been considering this story for a long while, thinking of the characters and the world building and I'm excited when I'll be able to dive into them.

This may have been short, but I do plan on having the rest of the chapters longer. Felt that it would be best to have the first chapter be more digestable.

Deolocreators' thoughts