Within the frenzied Medical Room, the staff worked quickly and efficiently. Jillian was swiftly carried off by a team of medical alchemists, their faces grave as they assessed the severity of her injuries. The room was a whirl of activity, filled with the sharp scent of medicinal herbs and the murmur of urgent voices.
Jasper, despite his concerns for Jillian, was guided to an adjacent room by another member of the staff. His heart pounded in his chest as he anxiously awaited news about Jillian's condition.
Meanwhile, one of the medical staff had quickly departed from the room with a grave expression. His mission was urgent: he had to inform the elders of the Martial Hall about the dire situation. His feet pounded against the cobblestone paths as he hurried towards the central building of the Martial Hall, known as the Spring Pavilion.
This imposing structure was the heart of the Martial Hall. It was where the highest-ranking elders worked, and where the most proficient martial artists trained. It was also the hub for reporting significant matters that concerned the Martial Hall or the village itself.
Despite his racing heart, the medical staff member collected his wits as he approached the entrance of the Spring Pavilion. His mission was too crucial to allow his nervousness to get in the way. After taking a deep breath to steady himself, he pushed open the heavy doors, his eyes set determinedly ahead. The fate of two young lives hung in the balance, and he could not afford to delay.
Panic coursed through the medical staff as he rushed into the Spring Pavilion, the central building of the Martial Hall. He was quickly intercepted by the stern-faced guards, their stances firm and unyielding.
"Halt!" one of them commanded, his hand raised authoritatively. "State your identity and your business here."
The staff member gulped, his breaths coming out in short gasps. He tried to calm his racing heart and spoke, "I... I'm a staff member from the Medical Room. There's been a serious incident. Jasper, the Chief's son, and Jillian, Elder Jacob's daughter, have been gravely injured. They're currently in the Medical Room."
The guards exchanged glances, their expressions growing solemn. One of them nodded, "Understood. Follow me." He guided the staff through the grand halls of the Pavilion, ascending to the third floor where the higher-ranked elders resided.
Arriving at a grand office still alight, the staff relayed the information to the elder present. The elder, known as Elder Ryder, was a well-respected figure within the Spring Village and the Martial Hall. As the gravity of the situation sunk in, Elder Ryder shot up from his seat, a serious expression plastered on his face.
"I will immediately head over to the Spring Village," he declared, heading for the exit. Before he left, he turned back to the staff, "Return to the Medical Room. Report back if there's any change in their condition."
With that, Elder Ryder sped off towards the Spring Village, leaving the staff and guards in the wake of the unfolding crisis. The Medical Room staff quickly returned to the hall, hoping that the situation wouldn't worsen. The atmosphere was tense, each passing second feeling like an eternity.
As he sprinted back to the Medical Room, the staff member couldn't shake off the anxiety weighing on his chest. The village Chief's son seemed to be injured and an elder's daughter was in critical condition, their lives hanging by a thread. He couldn't even begin to fathom the implications if anything were to happen to them.
Back in the Spring Pavilion, the guards at the entrance could only look at each other with solemn expressions. They too understood the seriousness of the situation. There was an unspoken agreement between them, a silent pledge to execute their duties with utmost diligence during these trying times.
Meanwhile, at the heart of the turmoil, Jasper sat in the small waiting room adjacent to the Medical Room. His hands were tightly clenched, knuckles white from the strain. His heart pounded like a drum, each beat echoing the seconds that felt like an eternity.
He had come so far, he survived the life-threatening situation, killing the tiger beast, only to be here, on the precipice of potentially losing someone he had started to care for. He was powerless, and that feeling gnawed at his heart like a relentless beast. But he held on, bracing himself for the news that would decide Jillian's fate.
Unknown to him, Elder Ryder was making his way towards the Spring Village, determined to do whatever he could to help. He understood the gravity of the situation. Not only were the lives of two promising youngsters at stake, but the balance of the entire village also hung in the balance.
As Jasper waited with bated breath Elder Ryder rushed towards the village. Luckily, it was Elder Ryder that received the message. With Elder Ryder's exceptional martial prowess, he stood among the strongest in both the Martial Hall and the Spring Village. He was a distinguished martial artist, having transcended the Practitioner realm to reach the pinnacle of the Body Refinement realm. Such a level was the zenith of martial arts in these parts, with even the most formidable individuals in the cities only residing in the same realm. As for realms beyond that, such knowledge was yet to find its way to the Spring Village.
Harnessing his formidable speed, Elder Ryder dashed toward the Spring Village. It took but a moment for the outskirts of the village to come into view. A few more breaths, and he was standing in front of the imposing Village Hall. He glanced at the four-story structure with a sense of urgency before approaching the counter situated at the base of the stairs leading upward.
The grand double doors of the office swung open as Elder Ryder stepped in. Inside the spacious office, Cline, the chief of Spring Village, sat behind a broad desk piled high with scrolls and papers. His stern face softened into a look of surprise as he saw Ryder.
"Ryder? What brings you here at this hour?" Cline asked, rising from his seat.
Inhaling deeply, Ryder started to relay the information, his words like a fist, pounding on Cline's heart. "Chief Cline, there's been an incident... involving your son, Jasper, and Elder Alder's daughter, Jillian."
The room fell silent as Cline processed the news. His expression remained stoic, but his clenched fists betrayed his inner turmoil. "What happened?"
Briefly, Ryder described the situation, telling him about the mission, the fierce battle, and the injuries that both Jasper and Jillian sustained. He added, "Their current condition is still unknown, but the medical staff is doing everything they can."
Cline leaned back in his chair, pressing his fingers against his temples. For a long moment, he didn't say a word, his gaze distant. "Our Martial Hall... it has nurtured many talents, but it has also seen countless tragedies. It seems it's time we rethink how we run it."
Ryder was silent, giving Cline the space he needed. He knew the chief was considering the larger implications of this incident. Cline was not just a village chief, he was also a father. His son's safety was at stake.
As Cline prepared to leave the Village Hall, he turned to Elder Ryder and said, "Elder Ryder, I would ask you to personally inform Elder Alder about Jillian's situation. He should be at his residence." (Elder Alder is Jillian's father)
Elder Ryder nodded, "Understood, Chief Cline. I shall depart immediately."
With those words, Cline, accompanied by a few servants, quickly moved towards the direction of the Martial Hall. Meanwhile, Elder Ryder hastily headed towards Elder Alder's residence. Elder Alder was a burly man, often seen with a stern expression. Despite his intimidating appearance, he was known to deeply care about his daughter, Jillian. Breaking such news to him wouldn't be easy.
Upon reaching Elder Alder's residence, Ryder was quickly ushered in. Upon seeing Ryder's grave expression, Alder immediately stood up, worry evident in his eyes.
"What happened, Ryder?" he asked urgently.
Ryder explained the situation briefly, "Jasper and Jillian encountered a beast during their mission. They've been severely injured and are currently at the Martial Hall."
For a moment, Alder was silent, his face turning ashen. His strong facade crumbled as his thoughts immediately turned towards his daughter.
"Let's hurry, Alder. They're at the Martial Hall." Ryder suggested, trying to provide some comfort.
Without wasting a moment, the two elders rushed out of the residence, mounting their horses and set off towards the Martial Hall. It didn't take long before Elder Ryder and Alder who were on horse back caught up to Cline's carriage. The three elder's decided to travel together to the Martial Hall.
Their horses kicked up clouds of dust as they rode side by side. The urgency of their pace mirrored the tension etched on their faces. Despite the urgency of the situation, Elder Ryder's composure remained unbroken. He was a man of elegance and grace, his every movement radiating an aura of tranquility.
Elder Alder, on the other hand, was a man of a robust nature. His usually boisterous demeanor was replaced with an uncharacteristic silence. His worry for his daughter's well-being evident in his furrowed brow and clenched fists.
Cline, the village chief, and Jasper's father maintained a disciplined silence. His eyes, though, betrayed his worry for his son. He was a structured man, one who valued discipline and order above all else.
"Chief Cline," Elder Ryder broke the silence, his voice as calm as a quiet lake. "This incident... it begs for a change. The current system of the Martial Hall seems to fail our youngsters."
Cline nodded, "I've had similar thoughts, Elder Ryder. But the change requires meticulous planning and careful consideration."
Elder Alder, who had remained silent, interjected, "I agree with you both, but this is not the time for such a discussion. My mind, at present, is solely with my daughter." His voice was strained, revealing his underlying worry.
Elder Ryder gave him a sympathetic glance before replying, "Of course, Elder Alder. This discussion can be postponed to a later time. For now, we should hasten."
With that, they quickened their pace, each lost in their thoughts as they made their way to the Martial Hall.