
Building my own stronghold in a fantasy world (GL)

Looking at the army of heavily armored soldiers, stretching up the horizon. On the lonely, peaceful forest path. I wasn't sure if we had any chance. Feeling a bit scared but at the same time excited. The battle will not be easy. Five thousand humans versus my one thousand elves. The odds are not on our side. "The ambush is ready. We will process whether you give us an order." Said one of my female officers. 'It's too late. I can't hesitate now. ' I thought. Feeling the determination of my archers. Rising my hand and giving them the signal. "Fire!" The cloud of arrows flew in the direction of the human army. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Disclaimer: The cover doesn’t belong to me. All the credit is to its author. If you are an author of the cover and wish to take that down, please contact me and I will remove it. This is my work of fiction. Names, characters, and events are the products of my complete imagination. This story is created for entertainment and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or events is purely coincidental. So please read a plot as being totally fictional. Author notes: English isn’t my first language, so sorry for any misspellings or grammar mistakes. The only thing I can say is that I will try to get better at it. So please go easy on me, guys.

Bored_Writter · Fantasie
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3 Chs

More summons

Opening my eyes for the first time on this new day. Hearing the chirping of birds and a morning breeze on my skin.

I got up from the bed.

I can't waste time. Besides, it's impossible to rest on this rocky bed.

My back hurt so much.

Dressing up because I slept with only my underwear.

Looking at my empty surrounding. I remember what happened yesterday. Natalia didn't share a bed with me in the end.

She said that it was a perfect time for her to hunt. Being already healthy, she doesn't need to sleep.

I was naturally opposed to this idea.

However, who could have known that she has a cute site to her? When she pleads for something. Overwhelmed by this powerful attack, I let her go.

Nonetheless, I said to her if she gets hurt again; I gonna punish her severely.

How I would do that?

No idea. But it should motivate her to come back with no injury.

'I am curious if she got any scrolls.'

The likelihood of getting them is quite low but dropping some basic ones. Shouldn't be a problem.

Going outside. I surprisingly met with Natalia. Sitting leisurely on the grass as if waiting for me.

I thought she was still hunting.


I greeted her and sat next to her.

After last night, I am not so cautious of her. She seems to be a quiet person. Not liking to show her emotions outside, but in the end, a sincere vampire.

So I came to trust her.

"Hi, I am looking through the loot."

She answered, looking at the holographic screen in front of her. I can see it too.

It's just a bit different from mine. They have normal levels and you can even look at your statistics like agility, endurance, etc.

Overall, they are much different.

Natives of this world don't have this privilege. That is why we can expand relatively smoothly here.

"Did you get any scrolls?"

I asked, unable to hide my eagerness.

"Yes, I did, here."

She said and brought out 9 scrolls.

[ Scroll of summoning-low grade, Tier 1 ]

[Using it, you can summon your new subordinate. As it is a low-grade scroll, there will be only a minimal chance for a race other than human and small chances for underlying with a job.]

"WOW! You got five summoning scrolls. You are amazing."

I exclaimed, feeling happy.

"Thank you."

She said, but turned her head in the other direction, so I couldn't see her expression.

[ Scroll of strength-low grade ]

[Giving this scroll to your subordinate he or she will rise their strength permanently by +1 ]

'Good stuff.'

I thought and looked at the last three scrolls.

[Wooden house project]

[Farmhouse project]

[Mill project]

Seeing the projects, I already had a plan forming in my mind.

Giving her back the scroll of strength, I said.

"Take it. It can enchant your strength. I gonna summon more people."

"You know how to use it?"

I asked to make sure.

"Well, I think so."

She said calmly.

Hearing this, I stood up, going in the direction of the hut.


She shouted. Making me turn my head around.

"I mean Catharine. What do I do?"

She raised a question, and I couldn't help but see some confusion in her eyes.

"You worked hard. You can rest."

I voiced and was just about to continue on my way but...

"I am not tired. Please give me a mission."

She stopped me.

Looking at her. Why did she suddenly become even more pleasing to the eye?

Hardworking girls are the best.

"I mean, sure. Still, this is the same thing. Just hunt monsters. The materials from them and especially scrolls are really precious to me."

I spoke up my mind.

"Do you want the rest?"

She said and suddenly in front of me, there was a pile of furs, bonnes, monster crystals, and other valuable materials.

Before I could process the situation, she spoke again. Showing me a tube made of bad glass quality with some liquid in it....


"Can I take a bit of it?"

"If you need. Take all of them."

Understanding the situation, I said.

After this, she thanked me and disappeared into the woods.

Taking the materials into my inventory. Making it almost full capacity.

I smiled a little, and in a good mood, went to the hut.


Finding myself in the familiar void. I started customizing my new summons. The interesting thing I found is, I don't need to come here again and again. As long as I have scrolls, I can customize more summons.

I just need to open more tabs.

Race: Dwarves

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Overall look: random but not ugly

Height: tall for a dwarven

Job: lumberjack

I found some useful options. That I overlooked before and made the same summon but female. So he will not be lonely.

Why dwarves and lumberjack job?

I need wood, and dwarves have a racial skill that helps them in gathering the resources.

So it was the obvious choice. Though there sure exist better races to do that. However, I was never a studious type. So I can't remember.

The last ones....

-10 minutes later-

Race: Elves

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Overall look: Superb

Height: 175 cm

Job: adventurer

I basically made three copies of them.

Elves are obviously a good race. This is why their reproduction abilities are so low. However, the adventurer's job is actually a combination of ranger and swordsman. When it comes to elves.

At the start, I was to just give them an archer class.

Thinking about it more deeply, I changed my mind. It's just, I know this will sacrifice their archery skills a bit, but the versatility and fast adaptation perks this job has is the thing I need.

The other things.....

Let's not speak about it.

Clicking a confirm button on every summoning panel. I prepared for the coming headache.

Despite all this, a wave of dizziness suddenly hit me, and my legs just give up..

I was falling down...

At the last moment... Unexpectedly, someone grabbed me, stabilizing me.

I stayed like this for a moment, trying to fight my headache. Biting my own lips, almost making them bleed.

'It seems like the first couple of seconds are the worse. It hurts a bit. '

I thought.

Blinking my eyes and finally regaining my clarity.

Realizing that someone is holding my waist with a strong yet gentle grip.

I opened my eyes and saw a blond-haired girl with long ears and blue eyes. Glimpsing at me with some concern in her eyes. Looking like someone straight up coming from a fantasy book.

"Are you okay?"

She said in a slow melodious voice, and I realized my pure virgin heart can't take it anymore.

My cheeks got redder and redder despite my protest.

"I am okay."

I said, standing on my own. Distancing myself a little from her.

Examining the other people in the room that were looking at me with similar expressions. My heart warmed a little.

"Hello everyone, do you know why you all are here?"

I asked a simple question.

"We are here to serve you."

They say in unison.

"What, I didn't hear you?"

"We are here to serve you!"

Smiling a little, feeling satisfied, I said.

"The first thing, tell me your names...."


After getting to know them a little and giving them a mission. They were just about to leave the room when I asked them about something.

"Did you get your tools from the job?"

I asked two dwarves.

"Yes, yes we did, don't worry. We will get you a lot of wood in a minute."

Said the male dwarven in a joyful mood.

"Yes, don't worry about us, Catharine."

Expressed female dwarven.

Actually, after the summoning. I realized that I shouldn't have given a female dwarven a lumberjack job.

After all, she is a girl, and that's a hard physical labor. However, seeing her being packed with muscles similar to the male dwarf.

'It should be fine...'

I thought.

"Okay, then go."

I said, waiting for them to leave and slumped weakly on the bed.

'The headache is killing me.'

I just hope that after my lord rank rises up, it will get better.

"Does it still hurt?"

Startled by a sudden voice, I saw that Keya managed to sneak up on me.

Keya, the blond-haired elve from earlier...

Sitting up on the bed, I said.

"Just a bit."

Hearing this, she walked closer to me. Hesitantly outstretched her hand and actually placed it on the top of my head?

Starting to massage it gently.

Somewhat struck dumb by a sudden touch.

I looked questioningly at her. Only for her to see my stare and smile at me sweetly.

'Critical hit?, Critical hit! You need to evacuate.'

My sanity seems to scream at me.

Although, I ignore it. Enjoying her touch.

"Okay, you have to go. You have a mission, don't you ?"

I said after some time, taking her hand off me.

"Sure, bye."

She responded, but stopped at the door.

"See you soon."

She added, exiting the house.