
The March to War


Current Year: 287 AC

Sitting within the small council chamber, the members of the small council sat in wait for King Robert to arrive. A few minutes later, King Robert who had been drinking heavily the previous night had arrived followed by his Kingsguard. Swaying slightly, he rumbled into the room, the heavy thud of his boots echoing off the walls.

A heavy sigh left Robert's lips as he sank into his chair at the head of the table. "What news from Essos? How goes the negotiations with the emperor?" Robert asked looking at Jon Arryn.

"From the message I just received. It seems that Lord Tyrell and Ser Davos have yet to meet directly with the emperor because of the current war going on against Slavery in the region." informed Jon Arryn.

"I did hear about that. The Imperials are waging war against the Slavers, but what does this have to do with the emperor?" Robert asked, confused on how a war would make it difficult to see the emperor.

"It's because the emperor himself is leading the war effort and is away from the Capital. So far, Lord Tyrell and Ser Davos has only been able to meet with Vizier Eonwe who holds a relatively high position within the Imperial Union but have not managed to make any more progress than that." stated Jon Arryn.

Grand Maester Pycelle who is not known for his patience, did not take this news well, "My King," he finally spoke, his voice dry due to old age. "This Emperor, he has dragons if the rumours are to be believed, houses the remaining Targaryen family members, and now he refuses to even meet our envoys? It is a slight, a clear insult to your rule."

Robert frowned, his hand reaching for the cup of wine in front of him. After taking a sip, he responded to what Pycelle said, "That may be true, Pycelle," he admitted while wiping some of the stains of the wine from his mouth. "However the reality remains, we must tread carefully. Dragons haven't been seen for over a hundred years, just the rumours of dragons which have been confirmed to be true by Varys little birds forces us to watch our actions."

Stannis who was quiet had chimed in offering more information on the matter, "There are more than just dragons, there are apparently strange creature as well people who can utilize magic."

Everybody's eyes turned to Varys upon hearing this, "Indeed," Varys stated. "Lord Tyrell reported that he saw a dragon more massive than even Aegon the conqueror's dragon, Balerion. Despite this sounding ridiculous, my little birds have also whispered the same things making it hard to not believe that such a massive dragon exists."

The Council fell into silence, each trying to comprehend the sheer magnitude of what was being relayed. The rest of the meeting was filled with long discussions over what they should do now that they are more than certain that Maximus has dragons.

In the end, it was decided to continue focusing on improving their relationship, establishing trade between them and the Imperial Union, and learning more about what the Imperial Union was capable of.


It has been three months since Maximus completed his conquest of the Volantis Region and accepted his rewards. From those rewards, he earned a total of 150k system points which when merged with his previous amount brings him to 236,650 total system points.

With this massive number of points, he decided to buy 2k High Elf Archers for 30k system points to reinforce his army's range capabilities. Now he had the Dothraki riders who wielded archers on horseback with Elven Archers who could rain down arrows on enemies from a farther range than the Dothraki riders could.

Now marching through the gates of Volantis, Maximus was standing beside Nyxara as she laid on the ground beside him. In front of them, the Eternal Legion which is Maximus's own Royal army marched forward. 100k soldiers made up of very diverse soldiers marched together as one.

Above the Legion, the Griffons and Black Wings flew overhead creating shadows on the ground below. After them were the Mûmakil, shaking the ground beneath their heavy footsteps and the Dwarven Infantry marched in disciplined ranks.

Merlin was flying overhead on one of the griffons as she was placed in charge of the other flying creatures since as of now, they didn't have any riders that were trained.

The long line of soldiers continued to pour out of the city leaving a garrison of 10k soldiers to continue enforcing order within the city. The Shadownhand had a major presence within the city to ensure that the noble families and people didn't attempt to overthrow Imperial rule.

Back to Maximus, standing next to him and Nyxara was Lilith and her subordinate witches who were all assigned a Griffon to ride. Once most of the Legion had passed, Maximus got on top of Nyxara who continued to lay her head on ground.

Maximus's voice lowered to a whisper as leaned down towards Nyxara's head. "Ready Nyxara?" With a slight rumble from Nyxara she lifted her head off the ground, "Are we finally going to get rid of those slavers?" she asked.

"Yep, the time has finally come." he responded

"What about those other cities to the West that practice slavery." she questioned since if they were going to go hard against the practice of slavery then they might as well look to the other cities.

"Those cities time will come. In fact, after this war, I will send Alexander to conquer those cities and end the practice of slavery."

"It's about time." she muttered, flexing her massive wings in response.

"Agreed." Maximus nodded. In the next moments, Nyxara had took off from the ground, her wings causing a strong gust of wind to form.

Seeing Nyxara take off, the marching soldiers had started yelling battle cries as Maximus flew overhead. They are finally going to get rid of those slave masters in Slavers Bay who forced thousands of people to attack their Empire. The overall morale was high, and they were prepared to die if needed.

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