
Building an empire in another world with an empire-building system

Last_Warrior · Anime und Comics
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4 Chs

chapter 3

[host is 10x powerful than the average human and will continue to get stronger the more you expand the empire and conquer more land, host can also tame the queens of the hive nests that are spread out throughout the land which can help build the empire and the military].


"so I can tame these queens and have their whole hive, that's nice."

[host has also completed a quest to establish your first city, do you want to accept the rewards now].


[host has received 200k citizens, 10k soldiers, and 30 ninjas, and also you got a special ability called god strength which will make you even stronger, also you got a general summon and a chancellor].

"a general and a chancellor" he smirked and knew now he can start exploring the land.

"spawn the general, chancellor, the 10k soldier, and the 30 ninjas, I will summon the 200k citizens tomorrow" he then proceeds outside, and in front of the palace was 2 humans who looked rather young, and the 10k soldier, and the 30 ninjas.

once they saw him they all kneeled.

"you can all stand up I want the 5k soldier and 10 ninjas to patrol the palace and the others you can patrol the city and I will have the barracks built in a day or two for now set up the tents and general what is your name" asked Alex

"My name is Alena, your majesty"

he looked at the chancellor who respond with "Natasha, your majesty" Alex nodded and then said.

"Alena I'm giving you the troops under your command and I want you to guard the walls and make sure the city is safe, Natasha I want you to handle all the government affairs but let me handle the important one"

they both nodded and then left to do the job Alex assign them. Alex was feeling tired with all the things going on so he went to his bed and lay down.

Alex woke up the next day, he looked around and still found it hard to believe the situation he was in, he couldn't wait to build up his empire and conquer the continent. Alex walked out of his room and was greeted by two soldiers who saluted him, he waved his hand to tell the soldier to relax and continued walking followed by the two guards. Alex was now walking to the throne room when he got there he was greeted by his chancellor who most likely came with a report, so he sat down on the throne and looked down to see the chancellor bowing

"you can be at ease with me" Alex said to Natasha

"yes, your majesty" Natasha replied

"I assume you have something to report" asked Alex

"yes, as our troops were patrolling the gate last night, while you were sleeping we encountered some flying type of creatures, at first we thought they were friendly but, then they started to attack us on the wall, but because of our weapons we were able to dispatch them easily, but that's not all then some land creatures attacked and the there shells were quite tough for our weapons, it took a couple of shots and we lost a couple of soldiers and ninjas and have some injury while trying to protect the walls" Natasha said

"how many men we have loss" Alex asked

"We loss 240 men and 100 injured they are now in the hospital getting healed up" Natasha said

"send scouts out to scout the area and find this creature and have our mechanical engineer and science create a new weapon and war machine so that we may prevent more loss to our soldier" Alex said

thought this would be the perfect time to tame these creatures all he needs to find the queen and he can tame them all.