
Building a Religion as a God in Another World

Kami is a normal 18-year-old high school boy on his way home after he got dumped by his girlfriend. In a small back alley, truck-kun lurks for him and transports him to a world where he has to build a world religion from scratch?! Note: Kami does not have a real physical body (yet) - it's my first time writing, so the summary is a little bit short - please try to survive the first chapters. My writing will get better. I promise -> If you read the first chapters before the 24th of June, please check them out again! - newest chapters are about >1000 words

NTVGOT · Fantasie
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38 Chs

First War of the Divinum Religion (Part 4)

Esther stood at the forefront, her gaze unwavering as she surveyed the approaching threat.

Beside her stood her remaining Holy Knights, gathered from the North, West and South, their armour worn and battered from previous battles, but their spirits unyielding.

Altogether only 13 Holy Knights, 10 Knights and 4 Longbow-Knights remain from the 20 Holy Knights, 40 Knights and 10 Longbow-Knights.

They knew the odds were against them, facing a formidable force of 100 Scarlet Knights marching towards their domain, but their determination to defend their sacred ground burned brightly within their hearts.

As the Scarlet Knights drew closer, Esther rallied her knights, her voice resolute and commanding.

She reminded them of their sacred duty, the oaths they had sworn to protect their domain, and uphold the values they held dear.

The Holy Knights stood tall, their swords gripped tightly in their hands, ready to face whatever came their way.

The air crackled with anticipation as the two forces converged. Esther's eyes locked onto the approaching Scarlet Knights, their crimson armour glinting ominously in the sunlight.

She knew that this battle would test their limits, pushing them to their very edge. But she also knew that their cause was just, and they would not falter.

With a final word of encouragement, Esther gave the signal to engage. The clash of steel echoed through the air as the Holy Knights met the Scarlet Knights head-on.

The battlefield became a flurry of movement, each swing of a sword and clash of shields an expression of unwavering resolve.

William fought with ferocity and precision, his every movement a testament to his training and dedication.

He led his Knights by example, weaving through the chaos, striking down their adversaries with a determined grace.

His comrades fought alongside him, their unity and trust in one another evident in their synchronized movements.

The Scarlet Knights, renowned for their ruthless tactics, pushed back against the Holy Knights with unwavering determination.

But the defenders stood firm, their unwavering faith and loyalty fueling their every strike. They parried and countered, never relenting in their defence of their domain.

Though the Scarlet Knights outnumbered them, the Holy Knights refused to be overwhelmed. Their spirits remained unbroken, their resilience shining through the cracks in their weary armour.

They fought not only for their own survival but for the sanctity and honour of their domain.

As the battle raged on, Esther's voice rose above the chaos, rallying her Knights to hold their ground.

They formed a tight formation, their shields interlocking, creating an impenetrable barrier against the relentless onslaught.

The Scarlet Knights pushed against them, their every attack met with an unwavering defense. Minutes turned into hours, and the battlefield became a symphony of clashing swords and shouts of determination.

The Holy Knights fought with every ounce of their being, their movements becoming fluid and instinctive.

They knew that this was a battle they could not afford to lose. In the face of adversity, the Holy Knights remained resolute. Their commitment to defending their domain burned brighter than ever.

They fought not only for themselves but for the ideals they represented and the people they swore to protect.

But against an overwhelming number of equally trained enemies, no matter how strong the faith may be, the result will still be a defeat. More and more Knights fell, some were beheaded, others bled out due to losing a limb or being cut through an important vein. Some were even shot through the gaps of their armor.

Nevertheless, the Holy Knights stood their ground, their defenses wavering under the relentless assault of the Scarlet Knights.

Fatigue weighed heavily upon them, their bodies weary from the prolonged battle. The air was thick with the scent of sweat and the sound of clashing weapons.

It seemed as though all hope was lost, their imminent defeat looming before them.

But then, as if emerging from the depths of darkness, the shadows on the battlefield stirred. They began to take shape, transforming into eerie, humanoid figures.

These shadowy beings exuded an unsettling aura, their appearances both terrifying and mesmerizing.

The Holy Knights, initially taken aback by this unforeseen phenomenon, felt a surge of inexplicable energy. They watched in awe as the shadows morphed into ethereal, ghostly forms.

Though their appearances were intimidating, an unmistakable sense of sanctity radiated from them, creating a paradoxical mix of fear and reverence. As the shadowy figures solidified, their presence on the battlefield became more tangible.

Their eyes gleamed with an otherworldly light, and their movements were fluid and graceful. It was clear that they were not mere specters but beings of profound power and purpose.

With each step they took, the shadowy figures exuded an air of authority. Their mere presence commanded respect, causing even the Scarlet Knights to hesitate momentarily. The battlefield fell silent, as if holding its breath in anticipation of what was to come.

Then, with a collective motion, the shadowy figures raised their arms, and a wave of energy surged forth. A dazzling display of light engulfed the battlefield, blinding all who bore witness. When the light dissipated, a transformation had occurred. The Holy Knights, once on the brink of defeat, now found themselves bolstered by an otherworldly force.

Their weary bodies were revitalized, their wounds healed, and their spirits renewed.

The shadows had bestowed upon them a divine intervention, granting them the strength and resilience needed to turn the tides of battle.

Empowered by this newfound energy, the Holy Knights fought with an unwavering resolve. Their strikes became swift and precise, their defense impenetrable

The Scarlet Knights, taken aback by this sudden reversal of fortune, found themselves facing a force they could not comprehend. The shadowy figures continued to hover near the Holy Knights, their presence a constant reminder of the divine intervention at play.

Though their appearance remained unsettling, the Holy Knights knew that they were on their side, fighting alongside them in this dire moment.

With renewed courage and the support of the shadows, the Holy Knights pressed forward. Their swords clashed with renewed vigor, their determination unyielding.

The tide of battle had shifted, and victory no longer seemed an impossible dream. As the battle raged on, the Scarlet Knights, once confident in their superiority, began to falter.

The shadow-empowered Holy Knights pushed them back, their movements guided by an otherworldly grace. With each defeated adversary, the Holy Knights grew more emboldened, their spirits soaring with a newfound sense of purpose.

In the end, it was the combined effort of the Holy Knights and the mysterious shadow beings that sealed their victory. The Scarlet Knights were driven back, their forces scattered and defeated.

The battlefield, once shrouded in despair, now radiated a sense of triumph and hope. The shadowy figures, having fulfilled their purpose, gradually dissipated into the air, leaving behind an atmosphere of reverence and gratitude.

The Holy Knights, forever changed by this encounter, knew that they had witnessed a divine intervention, an act of providence that had turned the tide of battle in their favor.

With their faith and determination renewed, the Holy Knights emerged from the battlefield, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them. They carried with them the memory of the shadows' intervention, a reminder that even in the darkest moments, their God will be present, offering hope and salvation.

Above the battlefield, Kami visibly pleased with the combination of both of his bronze-tier God talents.