
#BTTH : My Solitude reincarnation system (When the solitude fades)

The Soldiers of Darkness are here.Curses have infiltrated many worlds.Can anybody stop the unstoppable forces ? What are the curses and who is their king ? Learn about the clashes and a mysterious world . Read the novel to get answers .

Aurobindo_Sarkar · Fantasie
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55 Chs


After some more training thay day Cardcrow came and sent them back home .

Cardcrow : Connect to your trueselves and you will feel you always belonged here .You will feel this was your life . You are not ordinary believe me .

(Cardcrow thinks something like ," I have to prepare myself well.")

This continued for many days.They were put through many hard tasks like running the ground 5 times in 20 seconds , carrying heavy objects , breaking hard objects with hands and fighting swords with hands. But they managed to do it really well and easily.

Jis said to Master Akhand ," Master we can see our power and physical strength has grown too much but we cant use our powers in our area.We seem to dropping to our earlier levels in our area."

Master Akhand replied ." Well that is true You have completed all the basics of your physical training so quickly in just six months. Even if somebidy doubted yhe fruits theort there is no doubt now that you are indeed chosen from this.Your soul is formed such a way since the begining.But you see there certain limitations right now . I can see your aura has grown much stronger too but there are certain rules here . When you come here your aura is exposed to the other powerful auras here and it feels the need to be here besides here many different dimensions of energy are opened ,so your energy hungry auras can also gain some energy but when you reach your place the auras of yours are exposed to relatively weaker auras and it doesn't feel right to be there. The only way to keep your powers everywhere is to Work much more harder and work everytime everywhere and expand your aura and meditate and focus on your powers daily.I know that it is difficult now because of your school but Master Zoh has found the solution.

Tuk : What ?

Akhand : You will learn about it after sometime .

After sometime when you will gain some dimensional and little destructive powers you will get your first mission and after you complete your first mission you will be able to control better.

In the city Cardcrow is looking for someone.Suddenly he notices an aura flying through the streets. He follows it and reaches an old and abandoned building building in an abandoned place which was closed down because of a failed nuclear experiment.The aura disappeared near it. Cardcrow moves inside the building.

Inside the building he sees a cursed wolf growling .The wolf notices him and tries to attack him .Cardcrow uses his green beam at the wolf and destroys it.

"You have grown stronger haven't you ? " A voice came from behind.

Cardcrow turns around. There was a man who covered his face with a towel.

Cardcrow : Yeah a little but i have still to grow much stronger .

The man replied ," Well you see a dark portal opened here and these wolves came out of it . I finished each of those curses but kept one for you.

Cardcrow : These wolves were at the same level of the curse that had almost destroyed me .

The man told ,"Seems like the curses are attacking the destroyers only.

Cardcrow i guess you have understood it by now how important getting stronger power quickly is at this moment.You were having trouble facing one of these just two days ago but look at it now.Those at the SGN follow stupid rules that don,t allow you to become powerful quickly and want you to remain weak.Their potential is never reached.How can they expect to fight these creatures without allowing their members use full potential.

Cardcrow : Have to agree with you on this .


Jis Tuk and Mith are sitting down of a stream trying to meditate but repetedly getting distracted with thoughts .

Jis trying to meditate but suddenly the thought of Tuk falling of cycle comes to his mind and he starts laughing slowly. Mith starts thinking about his homework.Tuk starts thinking about food. Asthey were thinking a dragon like creature appeared in their thoughts and said " if you don't empty your minds things will get worse from now ." They got scared and started trying to focus on their meditation .

That was actually Akhand doing it .

Akhand : Oh ! this is so hard.

I wonder what cardcrow is doing right now . I told him to practice his special attacks and healing ability but he told me that he was going to search for The Ultimate Warrior.He has been going out daily at this time since these three joined . Who knows what's he is doing right now ?

- to be continued