
Chapter 1. Reborn

Right now on the streets of New York a man in his late twenties could be seen in an dark alley bleeding out it was Tang Yue and he was on the verge of dying.

Yue was a man feared and respected by both allies and enemy's as the leader of one of the most powerful organizations in the underworld

but nobody knew or nobody would ever imagine that such being was addicted to anime, manga and novels even now as he was dying in the alley all he could think about was about not being able to watch the latest episode of battle through the heavens.

But then suddenly everything went pitch black and Yue finally dies yue could now be seen floating in the void endlessly when a bright light engulfs the void a humanoid figure appears created by the light with no face just light and speaks

"Child I am in a rush I will not beat around the bush you have died but I will allow you to be reborn with your memories to any world of your choosing be it a fantasy world or a cultivation world doesn't matter as well as two wishes" the unknown being states

yue had enough novels to know what was going down and instead of panicking he began speaking without any hesitation and chose the world he wished to be reborn in

"The world I choose to be reborn in is battle through the heavens as Xiao Yans younger brother" I said the entity just looks towards me and speaks "DONE"

I then begin asking for my wishes "For my first wish I want the memories and battle experience of Madara uchicha as well as the sharingan but of course without it's curses like going blind and stuff as for my second wish I want all different types of techniques from the many worlds weather it's a martial arts technique or a sword technique

I want everything in this B**** ohh make sure you include something similar to ya laos flame mantra also can you throw in some alchemy knowledge and experience that would be very helpful" I did waiting on the entity s response

"Done your second wish has been granted as we'll as some alchemy knowledge and experience as foe you're first wish it can be granted but if you wish Madaras memory's and experience it may influence your personality you may become more ruthless crueler as well as you may gain an intense love for battle and blood do you still wish for it" he said as he looked down upon me

"Hahaha I was a god damm mafia Lord most of my life I was pretty cruel and ruthless myself I shall still take my wish" I replied

"Then so be it enjoy your new little life and one more thing you will have to awaken the sharingan just like any uchicha and you won't gain Madaras memory's and experience until you've awakened it" he spoke as he began waving his hand as a portal opened and sucked me up....

When yue awakens he realises that he was not reborn or rather his soul took over the body of a three year old boy which he was quite thankfully for since he didn't receive any memories but since he was only three no one would be able to tell any difference

and if everything had gone as planned then he was Xiao yans younger brother and just then his thoughts were proven correct when a boy atleast a year older then me walks in into

the decent sized room he then sits on the Kings size bed next to me and as I looked at him I realised he looked identical to his manga self he had light blue hair

with blue eyes he was smiling at me as he played with my hands.

                       (Time Skip )

It had been over ten years since I had arrived I was now thirteen while my older brother xiao yan was fourteen

their wasn't really any difference from the story or any major event besides maybe two years ago when brother Xiao Yan became famous through out the

Jia Ma Empire for being a prodigy in cultivation and breaking through Dou-Zhe stage by twleve of course those few years were probably the most fame and glory our clan had received in the past generations of course it was all because of me and Xiao Yan while brother Yan

was known for his talents in cultivation I was know for my talent in alchemy I to was only twelve but was already a rank one alchemist which shocked the jia ma empire as for level of cultivation nobody truly new what stage I was most were just gueses after all I had concealed my cultivation with a technique I had came across within my mind after all their was hundreds of techniques engraved in my mind and probably only a

dou ancestor could see through it other then this their was a young girl who father had brought with him one day obviously it was xuner she too looked more like her manga self dark blue hair matching blue eyes and beautiful smooth white skin she was really shy and was always expression less at first when we first met

she was very shy and always kept to herself but as time went on she and I became very close always playing with each other brother yan isolated himself and die nothing but cultivate so he didn't have that much time to play and mess around unlike me who did whatever I wanted I had spent most of my time playing with xuner but that's when I realized that she and I were getting to close and I

felt that if I took xuner away from Xiao Yan the changes it would bring even I don't know what would happen so I began avoiding her the best I could but I was all for naught since the little blue haird girl followed me where ever I went it was like this for a few months until that day

{Throwback to a few years ago}

Back then I would train everyday out in the forest practicing different types of martial arts as well as training my strength and speed but that one day

as I was training I heard a few screams coming from the forest behind our clan that's when I began running towards it trying to see what was causing such distress

but when I arrive I see a young girl with a blue dress and blue hair with blue eyes it was obviously xuner although she was a brave girl she was backing away from the beast that was attacking her since she was still far to weak I immediately stood in front of her covering her with my back as it was the only thing

I could do even if I had many techniques I was still far to weak to fight the mythical beast but even if I didn't have the strength to fight this beast I couldn't just leave xuner alone I had to fight but it was all for naught as I was being beaten I kept struggling and struggling to fight it off but just as I was about to accept my fate

I felt something within my eyes go off and they begin changing from their normal golden eyes to a pureblood red but just as my sharingan was beginning to awaken

memories upon memories began invading my mind Madaras entire life began flashing through my eyes from his childhood to his rivalry with hashimara to their final battle even when he was resurrected and fought against Naruto everything was coming to me but not just that but

memories of my last life memories that I had hidden within my heart memories of when be my drug addicted father used abuse and beat me memories that I had chosen to long forget

and in that moment my emotions were out of control I could feel intense rage hatred regret yet in the next moment I was feeling pain sadness

emotions that I coudnt bear to feel and at some point there was so much emotions flowing through me that my mind was beginning break I was in such pain that when my sharingan awakend two tomoe appeaerd on each eye instead of one but I was so occupied on my feelings that I didn't even realize that

we were still fighting off the beast but with my sharingan awakend it didn't even take me a minute before I had gutted this God Damm beast to pieces and in that moment I didn't realize it but I looked like a blood thirsty war god that had just descended I even saw xuner take a few steps back most likely scared at what she had seen and ever since then that day we had barley interacted with each other naturally she had tried on many occasions to try and talk but I had either ignored or avoided her...

End Of flashback

Right now I was geeking out since it was the beginning of the story just yesterday Nalan Yanran had came and broken the marriage and I would be lying if I wasn't angered I might not have been originally from this world but over the years I had come to see Xiao Yan as a true brother and

seeing this little brat come here and insult him in such a way i wanted to gut her alive but I knew I couldn't do anything since this incident becames one Xiao yans biggest drives to get stronger so instead I took out the anger on our idiot cousin

Xiao ning who was making fun of Xiao Yan later on that day but I think I may have gone just a tiny too far since I had broken a few of his bones I had also heard his sister was in his way from the academy to most likely check up on him not that it matters

right now within the forest one could see a teen with beautiful golden hair that blazed like the suns rays reaching down his neck while blowing against the winds with a godly handsome face his majestic purple eyes giving off a mysterious radiance that makes people wither it was Yue he was practicing his sword stance as well as many martial arts as well as casting different types of ninjutsu's trying to find out how many he could cast before reaching his limit it had been been maybe over an hour or so since Yue had begun his training he was in his own little world

just focusing on training but was interrupted by a young girl he obviously knew who it was at first glance it was he realized it was his cousin Xiao Yu it had been at least two years since I had seen her after she became a disciple of Jia Nan Academy and damm was she grown up she looked more like she did in the anime she

had long pure black hair running straight down her back while two bangs in front of her face beatiful smooth white skin and probably the sexiest long legs I had ever seen in bothy lives "Hey stinking brat I heard it was you who put Xiao ning in such a state I'm here to pay back what you did to him with double interest"

she said as she began taking her stance "hahah you do realize it was your brothers fault if he would've just stayed quite and not provoked my elder brother I wouldnt have touched him" yue said while still trying to contain his laughter

"I don't care who started it or who's fault it was you went to far and I'm here for revenge prepare yourself " she said as a laso appears in her hand

but Yue just ignored her and began walking towards her forcing her to take a few backs before being pushed to a tree blacking her way as he creeped up in front of her

our faces against each other and I began looking at her as I smirked "You are quite a beauty Yu if you don't leave now I might get a little hungry and take a bight of these delicious legs" as I said these said ts I began gliding my right hand across her long smooth

white legs earning me a flinch from her I then went on and gave her a slight kiss on her neck before taking off into the distance running as fast as I could not wanting to see her angered and as I was running all I could hear was her cusring me me "BRAT HOW DARE YOU TEASE ME LIKE THAT" and if Yue would have been paying more attention to his surroundings he may have realised the young girl on top of the tree clenching her small fists.

(Xuner pov)

Today I was in quite the mood after all brother Yan had just regained his lost qi and began cultivating once again I had just came from deep within the first after congratulating him and now I was in my way back to the clan but as I was jumping through the forest from tree to tree I came across brother Yue and cousin yu I

was quite interested as to why both them were together out in the forest as I was gazing at them they seem to be talking about a few thing but because I was to far away I couldn't hear but thats when I saw brother Yue beginning to tease her he stepped forward and began messing with cousin Yu even as going as far as gliding his

hand through her legs he had even kissed her on her neck which angered me to no ends I would be lying if I said it didn't hurt me to see another women by brother Yue sides that wasn't me but what could I do

I couldn't force brother Yue to talk to me let alone like why does it hurt so much just to see you with another women brother Yue why must I have feeling for both brothers sigh.....