
BS01: ZERO ACE MONTEZANO ( Chase Me Billionaire)

Zero Ace Montezano was Well known businessman in the World of Business industry, he was called the 'Cold And heartless Billionaire ' despite of having a Bad personality, he's one of the Magazine Riches batchelors and Rich Man Asian, he was considered as the ideal Man of every woman. While Amanda Storm Suarez was born from the family without love,she was was considered as the perfect result of merge between 2 companies. she never felt the love of the parents ever since she was a child. what will happen if the two cross their path? will they heal each other's wound or they will only create another wounds to each other. let's find out

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4 Chs

Chapter 1

Sabrina's Pov:

"ack!" I immediately run to the bathroom to throw up, its been 2 months since i left my home.Right now i am staying at Sam's House but i was planning to move out and live on my own house, you read it right. I have my own condo unit , well I don't want to keep on bothering my friend.

She doesn't need to get involved on my messy life,I think its enough to keep on bothering her.

"Your throwing up again Storm, I think you need to see a doctor." Samantha suddenly show and went to my side as she rub my back.

I started to get sick after last month, i keep on vomiting everytime i smell something not nice on my nose or eat something that doesn't match my taste.

i started to get worried, i am not that stupid to not know about this symptoms so after throwing up. I immediately went to my bag and grab the 2 pregnancy test and went back inside the bathroom, I waited for a second before using the PT.

"+" it was positive, i gasp from shocks. I don't know what to do, I don't have a job to support the baby in my tummy.

I went out of the bathroom and was shock to see Samantha seating on the bed , waiting for me to come out.

I almost forgot about her,she look at the thing in my hand. "Was it positive? " She asked.

It was a pitch Silent for a moment before i decided to answer her,"Yes it was positive." I told her without breaking our eye contact, she was shocked.

"Really?! then who is the lucky guy?!" she asked excitedly

I don't know what to say so i started to tell her about my encounter with my child's father.

"He did what?! I wanna punch him to death! he was a totally jerk! i swear that i will beat him once i manage to see him! do you know what is his name?" Samantha ask furiously

I can't help but to swallow my own saliva, I already know his name after accidentally saw the magazines of rich batchelors.

"You won't believe it i swear Sammy" I told her trying to see her reaction, She roll her eyes at me.

"come on stormy girl! try me!" she told me, I have no choice but to take out the Magazine i bought where his face is the Main cover with the tittle of the riches man in the World

I pointed my one finger on the man in the magazine, She look at me puzzle but then after looking at the magazine for a while she gasp

"Your not joking are you?" she said while covering her mouth from disbelief.

"I told you, You won't believe me." I told her,she suddenly shouted.

"oh my God girl! you hit the Jackpot! Do you know that Zero Ace montezano was the riches guy that every woman dream to marry! But unluckily no matter how rich he is, the Trash personality he has! after you told me who is the father of you child, I didn't have to question why he did that. That guy was a totally asshole to the core!" Samatha said as she pick the magazine and point is middle finger to him.

"Fuck him! He doesn't deserve to be a father! by the way what is your plan?" Sammy ask as she look at me.

"I am going to raise this child without him knowing his exsistance, my child doesn't need an asshole father like him." I stated.

I don't need his help to raise my kid, no matter how hard it is i will face everything with my own capabilities. I look at the white envelope where the dollar he left was in.

i will use that amount of money for my medical expenses, I'll consider that as his help for the first and last time.

"Then You shouldn't leave this house, I think its better for you too have a maternity leave for the mean time." Samantha said.

"I can't do that sammy, the money he left was only enough for 8 months but what about the day i need to deliver my baby? i think it would be better for me to work to get ready for this baby Instead on depending on the money he left, What if this money is not enough?. I'm going work until 7 months. In that case we still have money left for my baby's Needs." i told her.

She just nod, i know she understand what i mean by that. I hope that everything will gonna be alright.


After 6 Years~

"Mom wake up! You'll gonna be late! tsk! what a sleephead!" I could hear my son Said as he wake me up.

"Mom's Always like that, what's new? That's why she was always late on her work." I could hear another voice trying to whisper on his brother.

i open my eyes to see my two angels wearing their usual Pokerfaces, this little devils!

"Hey Kids! Good morning come to mommy and give mommy a kiss" I said as i open my both arms.

The two of them came closer and gave me a kiss on my cheeks, I feel energetic everytime my kids woke me up with a kiss in the morning. This two become my Inspiration , i manage to keep everything up for almost 6 years. We manage to buy our own house, beside sam's House.

"Come on mom , do your morning routine now. you smell gross!" My youngest son said.

i glare at him, I don't know where they got their attitude from. "You little devilsss! If i got you I'll gonna tickle you to death!" I told them and stand up and try to reach them, they laugh hard as they run.

I manage to grab my Youngest son Khalil and tickle him, He laugh so much with a teary eyes. "Leo helpp!" He said , i was suprise when someone started to tickle me from behind. It was Leo who help his brother and now both of them tickles me.

The room was filled with Laughter, I feel contented and happy with just the three of us.

After that moment, I decided to cook breakfast for the three of us.

the two of them was already attending school, Both Second Grade.

My older son's Name is Leonell Alexander Suarez, while my Youngest son is Khalil Alessander Suarez. Obviously they are twins.

"I'll drop you both in front of your school okay? I'll have an interview this afternoon so i might pick you up too after my interview so wait for me okay?" i told them

"Kay/ok" they both chorus, after we eat breakfast we immediately went to school because its already time for them to go. after i dropped them to the School, i went straight to the company where i'll be taking my interview.

The company's Name is the Starlight Company, one of the biggest company here in america.

The guard smile at me as he checked my bag and ask if what is my intention of coming here, i told him that i come here for interview.. He told me to go to the receptionist and ask for directions, so i follow what he told me.

The receptionist told me that i should go to the Top floor where the other applicants was waiting for their interview. I forgot to tell you that i was applying for the position of secretary, i am a college graduate and of course a degree holder. Despite of having my kids , it didn't stop me to finish my study and take a bar exam. I can't believe that i manage to pass the exam, right now i have my own restaurant but i want to work as a secretary here in starlight since its my dream job here.

I went inside the elevator and press the top floor, as the elevator move. I can't help but to get nervous on the idea of meeting the company 's Ceo, I heard the he's one of the interviewer.

The elevator door open and from the inside i could see the other applicants seating as they wait for their turn.

I walk out of the elevator and seat beside the last one..


Zero's Pov:

"Next applicant" I said as i mark the resume as Not qualified, the other look at me.

I am not someone who is easy to get satisfied, i look at the folder of the other applicants. One thing caught my attention, a girl with a familiar face .

Her name is Amanda Storm Suarez, Her face is familiar like i've seen her before but I can't remember where.

"Call Amanda Storm Suarez" I told my P.A and they look at me like i did something unexpected, I just gave them my pokerface.

The door open where My P.A came in and behind him was the Girl name amanda.

She bow to us and started to look at us, her eyes landed on me. Her eyes Got widen.

She look like she seen a Ghost...

she knew me?
