
Brought to the DeCaDeNcE

Both where born as the definition of misfortune, betrayed by their believes and those the believed in, they cursed their weak self and abandoned everything behind them. So, he saw them, he who had shaped the world to his image gave them the power to shape and build their own world, but contrary to what he wanted, both searched a means to go back to their worlds to enact their revenge and to do that, the needed to climb the separate and isolated worlds and reach the submit, where the door of the origin was. This is the adventure of no longer humans existence, traveling from world to world in search for a means to go back to their world for a selfish purpose.

Poker_mon · Fantasie
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19 Chs

ugly fate

"Ah, I am so tired"

He complained, but his hands never left the keyboard, it kept on typing and typing none stop, compiling documents and building up reports and projects.

His eyes where heavy, he hadn't slept for a whole week, and he fell dizzy and exhausted, his left hand searched the table and caught a bottle of vitamins.

Downing the contain in his mouth he threw the empty bottle which mist the trash can, and wiped his mouth from the dripping liquid.

Saving the file, he stopped and stared at the monitor for a moment, only the sound of the processor was heard in the empty office.

He took his cup of coffee and realized it was empty, he sighed and stood up only to feel a slight pain in his legs and back, leaning on the table, he felt vertigo for a second, but soon readjusted himself, it wasn't the first time this happened to him.

After brewing a new cup of coffee, he came back to his desk and resume what was left as work, expression devoid of feelings and emotions.


His phone rang, he stopped to pick it up, it was his wife, he was slightly surprised, maybe she wanted to know when he would come back, he smiled at the thought and answered the call.

Only if he knew, he shouldn't have...

"Ha! Stop!"

They voice startled the working man who stopped what he was reading on his computer, he called out to his wife.

"Genie, is everything all right?" Asked the man.

"Ah ha... ha... ha..."

"Do you like it like this!"

"Yes, keep going, harder!"

The man stood up, but the weight of fatigue accumulated weighted on his body which immediately sat back.

"Genie!" He screamed out his wife name, "Genie! What's going on!" He felt bad, something inside him was shattering in pieces, his last line attaching him to this world was cutting down, the man swayed on his chair and collapsed on his kneel on the floor, at that moment the final blow was given.

"Oh, lady, tell your husband you are a slut!" Said the stranger on the line, from there, numerous laughter were heard and the honey screams of his wife in the background.

"Sorry sweetie, your wife is a slut, I have being ravage, please forgive me" She shouted on the line, which followed with male laughter, but the man stood there kneeling staring at the empty space Infront of him.

"Why is my life miserable, what did I do wrong " He spoke to himself, asking questions to the empty space, questions which my never received an answer.

"Oh, the man has gone mad, he is talking alone" The line was still connected, so they could hear the lament of sorrow, but their reaction was that if laughter and moaning, the intensity grew to a state that the whole office was filled with it, a melody of hell.

He turn off the phone, and lean on his desk staring at the ceiling, contemplating the lamb on the ceiling for a long moment.

"What was my purpose in this life?" He asked himself, but he had no answer, he sacrifice a lot for those he loved, at the end, he was backstab, betrayed and abandoned.

His parents died in an accident when he was kid, and he had to leave with his uncle and wife, but the had two children, who had never stopped bullying him and extorting money from him to this day.

"Ah... That voice was one of them" He thought, those who called him was surely them, they most have raped and violated his wife in his absence.

"I shouldn't blame her, it was my fault, I dragged her into this" Tears dripped down his cheeks thinking about Genie who was surely being violated at this moment.

Later on, he took a job, he and his friends open a business which went well, but at a certain moment, his friends change and without knowing why, he who contributed the most was thrown out from his own business, the pain was great.

He didn't give up, he worked his ass out and got married, his first marriage, but which was a disaster, for his first wife ran away with all his income with one of his closest friend.

He didn't give up, as long as they is live, there's hope, he thought, he worked and worked and finally reach stability, had a second marriage and was waiting for a child.

Yet, live did not have mercy on the man, he new job was full of exploiters, he was used and used, again and again, even though the pay was high, his condition was worsening and his wife started being distant towards him.

Now he knew why, all this time, all this sacrifice, to be betrayed again and again, who was to be blame apart from him, he was the culprit of his downfall.

"I see, should I just end everything?" He thought, his inability to get angry frustrated him, he walked to vending machine, his vision blurred, he halted and remained still, it usually happens, so he thought it would pass.

"I shall now work for myself, be selfish, be distance towards parasite relationships, love, fuck it, I shall eat this tragedy and make it my strength, smash, smash, and keep smashing those who are weaker than me, those who think they can't be reach, I shall plug them down and feed on their flesh hahahahaha eurk!"

He took his resolution with extreme hatred towards his world, he was totally broken down and something bad was growing within his heart, but it did not take time to germinate when his head throbbed and his heart started beating fast, he held his chest and went on his kneel, and before he could even understand what was going on, he was on the floor, his breath gradually leaving him.

The light of the vending machine as only source illuminating the dark office, his distance eyes watched the source of light gradually diminishing and until turn off.




Cells moving rapidly, dividing and multiplying within, they grew and expanded, the world reconstruction, nods and connection established, interconnection, system and arrangement.

Galaxy, and explosion of particles ran down the milky way in search of a destination to end, the world was turning up down and in the means of this shambles, existence was born.

A world of decadence origin came out, a world were a normal living organisms is said to not have the possiblity to survive, but still, they persist in living, savage and cruel, born to destroy and dominate, no one is weak and in this mess, he open his eyes to his cruel faith.