
brother of a jobless reincarnation (up for adoption)

I own nothing... just the OC. new world, new possibilities, Magic, swords. adventures. what can go wrong right? a story about a guy who got reincarnated as the brother of the main character. knowing the future, he decides to take up a sword and change everything he doesn't like.

Idk_wqe2 · Anime und Comics
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39 Chs

The events unfold

"So… What is it that you want to know?"

Alex asked as he sat across from Orsted, crossing his leg over the other.

Orated, sat normally, hands on the table and looking serious as ever.

"You sure she should be here for this?"

He gestured at Eris who was standing behind him. Alex glanced back to her but soon focused back on Orsted yet again.

"I don't see the problem."

With a sigh Orsted began asking his questions.

"What do you know about…him?"

Alex raised an eyebrow at the wording. He looked like the mention of Hitogamis name would summon him.

"That depends, what do you want to know? The extent of his powers? His pawns? His plans?"

Two eyebrows were raised in surprise. Alex doubted that anyone in his repeats gave him information like this.

"You know who his three puppets are?"

With a grin he started talking. And from the look in his eyes, he wanted a lot of answers.

This was going to be a long night.

"About that…did you know that three isn't his limit?"


"Alex…how do you know so much about this "hitogami"?"

Eris asked on their way back home. They didn't talk in the house, anyone could hear, he couldn't set up soundproof barriers yet. That was still a work in progress.

"I know of him because I have been in the presence of someone even higher then him."

At his answer, Eris raised an interested eyebrow, indicating for him to elaborate.

"Tell me. What do you imagine when you think of a god?"

She looked confused but still thought it over and in a few seconds answered.

"Someone powerful, Serious, wise?"

A smirk was on his face as Alex looked on with amusement.

"Pfft. No. That old man? Wise? He watches peoples lives for fun while laying on a couch, he has no damn tact if it isn't required, you can compare him to a bum if he didn't wear those fancy clothes."

Eris stared at him for a few seconds. Opened her mouth… then closed it. The motion was repeated a few more times before an intelligent response came.



It has been a week since that accident. Badigadi started attending the school for some reason but didn't attend any of the classes. He just sighed at that. Orsted left for an unknown destination.

("I will contact you" my ass.)

He thought with a scoff. He was lucky Alex didn't Excalibur his ass.

Opening the door to the living room, he saw his brother hunched over, hands on his knees and a grim look on his face.

Paul was sitting across from him. Looking at him seriously. Alex suspected that he missed something… pretty damn important.

"What happened?"

Rudeus looked over to him. Eyes looking dead. Posture defeated. As if he just lost to… Yamcha, and he made it known.

"Dude… You look like you just lost to Yamcha. Whats wrong?"

Alex walked over and sat down next to him. Hand going to his back and rubbing comfortingly.

"I might as well have… Alex… I think im gay."

Alex raised his eyebrows. Was this the same brother that had three women originally? Oh wait. Hes just starting to get attracted to Sylphy again.

The atmosphere was broken by a very confused paul.

"Whats a Yamcha? Sounds weak and insulting."

He two couldn't help but chuckle. Yes it sis sound insulting. But that wasn't the point here. They were talking about his brothers sexuality. It was time to discuss a plan with the princesses… and test out his clones he had finally finished.

"Rudy… you're on your own man. By the way who is it?"

Rudeus sighed and decided to at least tell them. He was causing such a damn scene after-all.

"Its Fitz-senpai."

Alex started laughing.


"So, he's starting to question Her gender?"

Princess asked with a raised eyebrow. Not sure how to take what she was being told.

"That, and his sexuality. yes."

Luke barked out a laugh while Sylphy blushed. The princess still had her arms crossed and looking at him with a serious face.

"Operation: two halves of a pair is a go?"

Alex nodded.

"I still think that the name is too long though."

He grumbled.

"What are you two planning?"

To sylphys question, the two shared a devilish smirk.

(If she needs this damn operation to tell that dumbass that she is, in fact, a woman. We will so it my way. And it will he glorious!)