
Brother IN-LOVE

Amanda is the beautiful and honest girl in an Island town called Cornwally She fell in love with her high school sweetheart and he insisted on Amanda marrying him when he was diagnosed with cancer. His death a month earlier destroyed Amanda's. Her world is now upside down. Walking around the beach area one morning she heard a fisherman shouting call 911! Call the coast guard! Taking a closer look Amanda saw an old wooden ship called the Blue Ivy dated 1818 berthing at the shores of Cornwally As she and others ran towards the shore they noticed people disembarking from an Old wooden ship Amanda saw a familiar figure. Shocked, scared and lost for words. she could not believe her eyes, She saw her late husband George walking towards her In 1838 some of the founding fathers of Cornwally were lost at sea, amongst them was Richard. Richard Cornwally Evergreen was George's late great grand father Richard was also the founder of Cornwally Unfortunately for Amanda, George's family ran her family out of town calling them unprintable names Richard had a magical pull that draws her towards him. He was the opposite of her George How can Amanda convince this handsome, mean, wicked man that she is nothing like her family What is it with Richard and his slaves? Why won't they leave? Even when the authorities told them they are as free as the birds. What is the connection between Richard and the beautiful slave girl call Rose Is it true that his slaves were from a powerful village in Africa and they are the 7 powerful witches that helped him build Cornwally

Umandini · Geschichte
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Mad house it all came crashing down! keep calm sir, what do you mean

Amanda was mad at herself, She still could not believe all the pictures her memory was serving her. She felt a teardrop running down her face

How could she belittle herself like this. She did not just disgrace herself, she just rubbish her poor late husband's reputation

Richard was a mad man for coming into her home and taking advantage of her.

He said she was busy throwing herself at every man earlier at the hospital so to prove his point must he came into her home and rape her?

Entering her house in the middle of the night like a thief, when she was drunk and deciding to sleep with her at her lowest was hitting her below the belt

Bad Richard, very bad, could he not tell she was drunk? Did he not know that she was willing to do anything to spend one night, one day, even one hour with George again. She started crying.

life is not fair, it has not been fair on her. Not on her dad, her mum and even George.

The stupid man must pay. She will have to deal with him.

She was going to file a case at the police station this morning. She must teach him a big lesson that you don't go about raping women or sleeping with them without them giving you consent, he should know he must face the music in this century

Amanda did you just say consent? You practical pulled him into the bathtub and you had one of the best night of your life..

No.., no, no. I can't report to the police.The police will always ask for details of the happenings of last night.

The verdict will be love making not rape. As she recollected all his tongue did to her pussy. No, no, no. What will she do?

Richard was also family. it will be bad arresting him after all this ship ordeal

What will the people of Cornwally say? They will think the worst of her since the other day it was Amanda that Kiss Richard and it was televised

God, what was she going to do? The 1st thing that came to mind was she should stay far away from him. Very far from him and she should never speak to him again

The fact that he looked like her late husband was not helping her. Amanda started crying. God what should I do? Why did this ship appear from nowhere?

The 1st thing Amanda did was picked up her phone and dial her boss.

Really not feeling fine sir, can I take the rest of the week off? She asked her Boss

Yes sunshine and thank you for coming in to lend a hand when you needed to rest.

Don't forget that I gave you 3months by my calculations you still have 2 more months.

Amanda you are like my daughter, I saw how you lovingly slaved day and night in the hospital and also when you took George home for him to have comfort at his final hours.

You are still very young, you need to go out and make new friends, I want you to remarry, i will suggest you take a vacation. spend time enjoying life. I still remembered one of my discussion with George.

Amanda, George wanted you to be happy and for you to find love again. He said he got both of you tickets to go to the Carribean for your honeymoon but you did not use it because of his ill health.

Amanda take the holiday. Call the travel agency

This is an order Amanda, I don't want to see you near this hospital unless it's an emergency said her boss.

As they said their goodbye and she hang the phone.

She was going to do some Spring cleaning to get her mind off all the Richard incident and after having breakfast she will call the travel agent.

She also deserve some sunshine, a beach, a novel and some peace and quiet.


It was mid day and no sign of Amanda at the hospital. The guilt of last night was eating him up.

This might be the 10th time he had walked up to the other lady Mary to ask of Amanda.

The lady has been acting strange towards him.

Rolling her eyes, flattering her eyelashes. and pretending to drop something and stylishly pick it up but showing off a lot of skin.

Excuse me, do you know how irritating you are? asked Richard when he could not keep it in.

Am asking about Amanda and only Amanda, I have no intention of seducing a lady but even if I intend to am intrigued when am the one doing the Chasing not the other way. Kindly stop all your nonsense and tell me how to reach Amanda or better still keep to yourself

Mary had never had anyone insult her like this. As she tried to reply him she saw someone in the shadow. it was Daf

Daf told her he was a one woman man and he had eyes only for Amanda. She was beginning to believe Daf

Excuse me Mr Richard am so sorry if you misread my body language. I am also not interested in you. I was doing everything in my powers for someone else to notice me and be jealous

He gave her a second look and walked out of the hospital

Daf walked up to Mary and tried to add salt to her injury

When are we having the 3some?

Mary was upset, she stood up and walked toward the ladies, Daf the nutty boy was walking behind her.

As she entered the ladies room Daf use the lock and close the door and said. Come here.

She walked towards Daf. She went on her knees and started unbuttoning his trousers

What she found was an ever ready hard large dick. Ready to fuck her anyday anytime she wanted it.

Maybe she made a mistake thinking she could have both Richard and Daf together. To Mary, Daf was all she wanted.

Daf smiled because he read her thought.

Mary started giving Daf a blow job as he was enjoying himself he knew she needed to go back to work so he had to be quick. He picked her up spread both her legs and arms on the wall as his hand travelled to her clitoris she was already wet. mmmmmm He really like Mary. She knows what a man want

He slightly bend her so she can receive his mighty dick while using the side of his hand to take one side of her panties off

Her position was everything. He lovingly slap her backside because she pull her uniform up to reveal her buttocks and she loved it as he lifted her back to meet up with his hard dick.

Mary pussy like she called it last night was welcoming as it swallowed more than half his dick at his 1st thrust.

As he entered her and was fucking her he use his fingers to rock her hard clitoris like he was playing a guitar. She was giving it to him rocking her waist to the side and back, he continuously fuck her, he was playfully slapping her back side

As he kept fucking her in and out he did not realise when his hole dick disappeared into her pussy, he stop to enjoying his full length inside her, the rate she was going he will cum any minute so from behind he held her small breast and as he played with it she started rocking his hard dick faster and faster.

She used one hand to close her mouth so her moaning could not be heard.

Hmmmmm, mmm mmm he could not hold himself so he joined her faster, faster, faster harder, harder, harder as they both came.

He want to the wash hand sink to wash his dick while Mary went to clean herself in the toilet.

When he was done and was about to leave Mary ran and held him from behind.

Will I see you tonight?

Only if you promise that your pussy wil only be mine

It's all yours my darling

See you same time tonight

As Daf followed the nurse into the lavatory. No one saw Tully Evergreen shape shift into Mary as he walked into the room that nurse Winny was