
Brother IN-LOVE

Amanda is the beautiful and honest girl in an Island town called Cornwally She fell in love with her high school sweetheart and he insisted on Amanda marrying him when he was diagnosed with cancer. His death a month earlier destroyed Amanda's. Her world is now upside down. Walking around the beach area one morning she heard a fisherman shouting call 911! Call the coast guard! Taking a closer look Amanda saw an old wooden ship called the Blue Ivy dated 1818 berthing at the shores of Cornwally As she and others ran towards the shore they noticed people disembarking from an Old wooden ship Amanda saw a familiar figure. Shocked, scared and lost for words. she could not believe her eyes, She saw her late husband George walking towards her In 1838 some of the founding fathers of Cornwally were lost at sea, amongst them was Richard. Richard Cornwally Evergreen was George's late great grand father Richard was also the founder of Cornwally Unfortunately for Amanda, George's family ran her family out of town calling them unprintable names Richard had a magical pull that draws her towards him. He was the opposite of her George How can Amanda convince this handsome, mean, wicked man that she is nothing like her family What is it with Richard and his slaves? Why won't they leave? Even when the authorities told them they are as free as the birds. What is the connection between Richard and the beautiful slave girl call Rose Is it true that his slaves were from a powerful village in Africa and they are the 7 powerful witches that helped him build Cornwally

Umandini · Geschichte
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14 Chs

Breaking ground

Richard's head was spinning, He found himself moving towards his hospital door, he opened his hospital door to find everyone sleeping. He did not know why he needed to walk quietly but he was quietly moving towards the hospital gate.

As he was about to step out of the hospital gate he knew he must be dreaming, with the kind of thought going through his head, thoughts that are extraordinary, you know that kind of thought that makes you secretly smile. That incredible lovemaking onces.

Richard was definitely having a fantastic dream, you know the kind you don't want to wake up from

He was thinking of Amanda

How can he have such evil thoughts about his relative, his late great grandsons wife for God sake

Why was he thinking of a million and one ways to make love to her? He smiled. No, no, no Richard you have to snap out of it.

This is not good he told himself so he started fighting all the evil thought running down his head

Why can't he stop thinking of Amanda? All he felt like doing was to rush to Amanda's house, rip her clothes off and make passionate love to her.

What is this urgency? Must it be tonight? His hands tried to hold on to a large pilar but his feet had a mind of theirs. They were taking him out of the hospital, God save him if he gets caught leaving the hospital at this hour.

He smiled remembering his younger day, he use to sneak out of his house to go visit his neighbours daughter, who was always willing to let him do what he wanted with her body

He was grateful to the gods that she never got pregnant.

Her dad was the butcher in his old town. Imagine what he could have done to Richard if he got her pregnant so he always try to do what his nannies taught him, to always pull out when he felt like he was coming

Without been told the butcher could have eaten him for breakfast. he smiled, He had always gone for relationship that offer him that adrenaline rush.

Why can't he control his urge tonight? His dick was so hard you could even see it from the hospital outfit he had on.

This is not good but he kept walking. Walking to where he wondered?

He saw himself leaving the hospital, walking down the road walking into the heart of his town Cornwally.

Cornwally his beautiful town was picture perfect he could not recognise any building, It looked breathtakingly beautiful like a city on a valley surrounded by mountains and a large river at the edge of town which was linked to the mighty sea in the distance.

His city was clean and well-lit. no mud on the road. the streets was paved, Lights were all he could see, lights from cars, street lights, lights from different houses, lights as far as his eyes could see.

When he started seeing the buildings, they took his breath away. The modern architecture with beautiful edifice were extraordinary. Never in his widest dreams could he believe that houses could be built like this.

He wanted to stop to look at the buildings to admire even the flowers in the garden. He loved the surrounding too They were all masterpieces.

He also wanted to enjoy the sea breeze but he could not stop.

Why can't he stop, why won't he stop to enjoy the view? He need to hold on to something.

He tried to stop by a beautiful white building with a black gate. He held on to the gata but he was shocked when 2 big black dogs came out of nowhere and started barking and running towards him.

He started running, He ran passed an elderly man that was singing with a guitar and a little crowd of lovers that held on to each other, the lovers were enjoying the little show, most of them were kissing while dancing, the others held on to each other and were singing along.

They were too engrossed to even notice him.

So he thought but Mari Evergreen saw him as he held on to his mermaid girlfriend

He could still hear the song ringing at the back of his head. The love song the old man was singing


too too too too to

night, to night

Will you be my baby oooo


Yes Amanda was going to be his baby tonight and he was beginning to like this dream.

The pull was so strong that he decided not to fight it anymore, Let it take him to the one his heart could not stop thinking of

All of a sudden, he stopped and he could not believe the structure standing in front of him. The mighty building looked like a palace

The pull started again as he walked towards the gate, it opened on it's own. He was in awe of this masterpiece till he saw something written on the wall

The Evergreen mansion

Like a dog on heat he ran to the side of the house and a mighty big door opened and as he stepped in, the door closed by itself

The pull was taking him up the stairs to a room that was well lit and when he stepped into the room. He saw her in all her glory taking a bath in the bathtub but she was asleep.

He could look at her forever and be content. She was more beautiful unclad. His eyes could not leave her pink nipples

He saw the empty bottle of wine and half filled glass of wine

His heart stopped, he felt sorry for her knowing why she drank a bottle of wine

Amanda he whispered

she opened her eyes

Immediately she saw him she pulled him into the bathtub and she started kissing him.

Welcome back my love. How was your day?

Amanda was wide awake giving him soft sweet kisses as she press her breast against his now wet shirt. While she sat on him. Her private part was slightly touching his dick

She gave him another soft kiss this time burying her tongue deep inside his mouth as her hand worked magic taking his shirt off, She wanted him to join her so they both take their bath

To shower was the last thing on Richards mind

Richard knew she thought he was George but he was greedy, he could not stop to correct her, he did not care who she thought she was kissing.

No man can resist lips that are as soft as butter, lips that taste like the sweetest fruit he had ever tasted. like sweet mango

Tonight let her think she is kissing George but by the time the night is over he would have imprinted Richard on her

Richard took the lead. Kissing her neck slowly, moving to her ears, whispering sweet nothing, his tongue touching her ears made her moan, he went down slowly towards her breasts, as he ran his fingers through her huge breast.

He had always wondered how it will feel to suck her huge breast so he used his tongue.

He stop to lick her nipples gently, she responded to his tongue slightly touching the tip of her nipples, the tip of her nipples grew hard, he moved his tongue to slightly touch the other nipple touching it and sucking her breasts

several times, slowly the other nipple became hard.

He continue using the tip of his tongue interchangeably on both breast as he moved back to her lips. planting soft kisses and before she respond he takes his lip away. Making her beg for more.

Suck my breast sweetheart she moan.

This time he put her breast into his mouth. sucking on one and playing with the other nipple at the same time, her hand was on his head. she moved her hand down to his nipple too.

As her Finger touch his nipples he reacted too, so she used her tongue too on his nipples. His nipples were as hard as a stone.

He picked her out of the bathtub and as she reached out to dry herself with her towel he quickly pulled out his trouser.

As she saw how hard his dick was she went on her knees and put the head of his dick into her mouth and her hand was doing a number back and forth on his dick

He could not wait. No sane person could.

He just picked her up again, passionately kissing her and as she responded to his hungry kisses, he push his dick into her slightly wet private part in mid air

She screams cos her private part was kind of too small for his average well sculpture long dick.

The sound she let out hurt him. He did not want her to feel pain so he stopped but he notice she started rocking her private part on top his dick.

As she passionately kiss him.

I love you George she whispered, Just as he started fucking her hard as he was sucking her breast.. Richard froze

This is so wrong on every level. using his looks to seduce an already drank lady was terrible so he dropped her.

Amanda just pulled him into a room. She sat at the edge of a big bed open her legs wide as he went down to give her a head.

Truth be told his head knew what he was doing was wrong but once he saw her pink perfect private part he could not help himself

He went straight to give her a head, sucking gently with his tongue before he started sucking all the sweet juice coming out of her. by this time her legs were up in the air. She just kept moaning

Amanda was really hungry for him, so he tried to position her on the middle of the bed so the main action could start

As Richard glide into the bed he whispered

My hungry darling relax, we have all night