

I spent my whole life in luxury, among people who loved me or at least pretended so. I never had to care for anything, all was given to me. From one day to another I became a prince of nothing. A former royalty with no family, no power and no bright hope for the future. Even worse, I was sold as a slave. However I will not give up. I might be young, alone and inexperienced but I will learn to fight for myself, get my revenge and find my own place in this world. … I hope so at least.

KatS2020 · Fantasie
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48 Chs

Chapter 5

I knew the time was up when fat bald Obram invited me to his room. 

"Welcome your highness." He greeted me politely.

"Sir Obram." I nodded. He was very respectful towards me but I knew it was only for show. In reality, he was my owner and I was a slave. There was no need for him to be polite with me.

"Would you dine with me?" He sat down at the table. 

"With pleasure, sir." He wanted to play like this so I acted along. After a few minutes it was clear that Obram had no table manners. He must have felt it too because he stopped eating and watched me.

"What is the matter sir?" I asked.

"I must show you something. Follow me."

We went out of the dining room and he led me accompanied by two bulky guards. We stopped in front of a row of doors.

"Look here, my prince."

I came to the door and peeped through a hole made inside it. I could see a young man, he was naked and he was flushed, he was masturbating and moaning loudly. I stepped away. I felt disgusted by watching something so private like this without consent. 

"Why are you showing me this, sir?" I looked at the bald man.

"You see he was very … disobedient and was given an aphrodisiac. Soon we will lead him on the stage and he will do a lewd show for the potential buyers. I will give you a choice. You will either obey and do as I say or you will receive an aphrodisiac, just like him and lose control over your body."

He allowed me to go back to my room and think about "my choice". He explained to me what I was expected to do to attract attention. It felt like shit. The worst thing was that I really didn't have a choice. They wanted me, a young man, warrior and a prince to act like some weak virgin seducing men. The other option was becoming a bitch in heat. It was all because of the prince of Moreta, that fucker Lot, Sarak, Obram. 

That afternoon I made myself a promise that I will survive, escape and find my revenge. I will avenge my humiliation on all of them. 

I got dressed on my own. They gave me a sort of collar with rows of golden beds that looked like some kind of kinky necklace and a brown and golden robe. That's it. I was supposed to enter the scene slowly, take it off and allow the whole audience to see me naked, wearing only that golden collar with beads, that wasn't covering anything. Yeah I cried, I cried tears of shame. Then I stood up and took all my clothes off, put that weird collar on and the robe. I pinned my hair. I remembered once watching a very beautiful woman doing an erotic performance during my brother's coming of age ceremony. I was peeping from the corner of the room before I was noticed and removed. The woman could rule the whole room with her look only. They wanted a show? They wanted to humiliate me? Fine, I will show them. 

I knocked on the door.

"I'm ready."

They opened the door.

I don't remember the way to the auction hall, I don't remember anybody talking to me. The only thing I remember was the pounding of my heart and odd humming in my ears. I must have looked like a ghost because Obram stopped me.

"Now prince, get yourself together. You won't faint there will you?"

I looked at him with hatred, it was all I could do before I was pushed on the scene. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, today's star. A real royal blood, The Prince of a fallen Deremoth, a young man of seventeen. Educated, well mannered and skilled in music. A real gem." 

After that intro I was supposed to do my show. I grit my teeth and entered the middle of the scene. I raised my head high and looked at the audience, it was full with both men and women. I couldn't see them clearly but it was enough to feel disgusted. I turned my back on them and then I let the roble slip from my arms a little bit revealing my shoulder blades and the kinky collar. The robe slipped a bit more but I stopped before it reached my buttocks. I raised my arm and unpinned my hair. They fell down covering my whole back then I let the robe down. I turned my head a bit to give them a look from my shoulder and now the most difficult part. I had to turn around. I was naked and unwilling to expose my private parts to them. I was slowly turning my body while I grabbed my long hair and swiftly flipped them forward to cover myself. It was the first time I was really thankful for those long hair. Most of the time they seem to be only an obstacle in my everyday activities. Now they turned out to be useful. 

I raised my chin and looked at the buyers. A bunch of vermin. That's what they were. I had enough as I reached my limit so without anybody allowing me I stepped out of the scene leaving that robe on the floor. 

As soon as I hid behind a curtain I felt extremely weak. My head was spinning and I had problems breathing. Somebody gave me my robe back so I covered myself.

"Good job my prince." I heard somebody saying it and then there was a loud bidding. The price went up like crazy. I couldn't listen to it, so I squatted down and covered my ears. I felt drenched out of energy and nauseous and yeah I also felt some wetness rolling down my cheeks. I guess I was crying again. 

"You need to get up, my prince, come.Come, a hot bath is waiting for you" A female voice and some gentle hands helped me up. The same hands helped me into the bath and dried my body. I was helped with getting dressed. It somehow was happening without any effort on my side. 

"Now, my prince, have a drink." I was given a cup of wine and I drank it in one go.