
Broken tears of forgotten memories

Aloy is cyber warrior, who is in search for her true self will she be able to find herself? In a world where her life is in the hands of those who owns! it, is there hope for her in this loop?.

Sophia_Soph · sci-fi
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4 Chs

Mirror of truth

It was as if John was not himself anymore as if something else just took over his body and mind.

"Hey what do you mean by only ten, huh?" said one random soldier, "is it me or is the place getting darker" another soldier shouted.While it's true that only ten get to exit, however that doesn't mean only ten while live alive, this place makes one face his or her true desire and only when one beats their desire the exit reopens.Will they be strong enough to beat their true desire or will they fell into the traps, "The ten people that will live through this exit will have to face the Clicker" John yells. The Clicker are creatures that move by hearing, it does not matter if the sound is as quiet as that of human breath, one single wrong move and your life is gone however they were blinded by their own ignorance and thought to themselves what can a newbie like him know, it was just moments ago he was shivering from fear. "Okay ten from Team Delta move in, the rest of us will figure out what to do" Leader commands, as ten of them passed through the exit the room shifted and the clock sound stopped, "So what now smarty?" said one soldier as he pushed John, "Hey! that's enough" yells Lily.

John collects himself and moves towards the hourglass in between the tree "We have no time to waste" exclaims John, all they have is five minutes till it starts and face the true horror this heavenly place hides.Will they survive?, can they over come their deep desires?, The last bit of sand drops making the sound of that of water dripping, everything goes drak and so it begins.

"Lily" mysterious voice, "Huh, who's it?" Asked Lily, "did you forgot about me already babe?" Mysterious voice "no it can't be" Lily says with tears in her eyes "Zak is that you?" Asked Lily,

"yes, i missed you so much babe,haven't you missed me?" Mysterious voice "yes i did i really miss.....

"don't answer to them and don't look at them in the eyes" exclaims John, as Lily regains her consciousness the room is full of screams and agony, she looks around and sees the most groosen scene. The room that once was breath taking is now a place of horror, a place of blood bath screams echoing, "Please help me make it stop" screams one soldier, Lily run to help him but come to an immediate stop when she saw tiny little spider crawling out of the soldier's eyes, and soon it started to come out of his mouth.These spiders are no ordinary, their body is made of human tissue and can move faster than any normal spider, "What are these" shouts Lily, "i don't know for now, but one thing for sure is that we shouldn't come direct contact with it" John said, "let's go under the tree they can't get there" says John to Lily. they run to the tree and as John told them it was true all of them have confused faces, "How do you know all this John?" Asked Lily, "that's not important now, what's important is our survival" replies John. "hehehe you can't save them, you always did that and failed everytime" Mysterious voice, "you are stuck in the dream world, you can't escape from it" Mysterious voice, "JOHN wake up we need to move, you're the only one who knows better than all of us" says Lily, "when did I fall asleep?" Asked John, "about five hours ago" exclaims Leader. The room was back to normal again and a new exit has opened. What awaits for them?, they all look both physically and mentally tired, can they survive another ordeal?. Only time will tell.