
Spell. You'll Pay For It.

"No!" Jess screamed hysterically. Elfara lowered her hands, then turned around, lifting her feet from the eerie room. The girl returned to her room, staring hatefully at her own family portrait.

"This is all so unfair! Daddy, I miss you so much. Just be with me for a while. Mommy never wanted me. I can't live in a broken family." Elfara wiped the tears that fell down her cheeks as she placed the photo frame on the table.

The wind blows into the ears. It was a bit strange, but Elfara ignored it. One step towards the door, an audio rang out. Elfara's eyes rolled. She found the speaker on the upper wall of the room.

"Qul 'audzu birobbil falaq ...."

"What spell is this?" Elfara staggered and decided to get out. However, as it turned out, the foreign language audio that she called the spell was heard throughout the room.

"Mommy! Mommy!" Elfara shouted towards Jess' room.