
Meet Nania

After waking up from fainting, Dev looks at the clock on the wall. Immediately, she thought of Jess. A beam of light enters the ventilation opening. It was then that she realized that she had been unconscious for quite a while.

"Mommy!" Her body was still wobbling, but not as badly as yesterday.

She walked into Jess' room and saw that the woman was frozen on the side of the bed. Dev doesn't know what Jess was thinking, the woman's eyes looked blank. Dev gently touched her mother's shoulder and with a gentle motion, the skinny woman turned her head.

Dev is shocked to find her mother's eyes all black and her lips are chapped. Ten seconds their eyes met, Dev's ears heard Jess' voice like a gong.

"Mommy!" Dev is shocked when she regains her sanity.

"Mommy?" Dev catches her breath. Time and time again, she tried to understand what was going on, but she failed because all she could see at that moment was Jess.

"Deva!" Someone called her.

"Uncle Mehmet?"