

Bella was haunted by her nightmares, but those nightmares are all bloody. She just wanted to live normal like everyone else but first she must get her revenge

Dabby_Judith · sci-fi
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32 Chs


I have been working since yesterday with no rest am so tired I really need to rest.

"Bella which time do you think we should meet tomorrow with your partners for our discussion " Uncle smiths asked, wait is he expecting me to fix a date for the meeting, sometimes I used to wonder who is the boss around here.

"Uncle don't you think is your decision to make, after all is not like anyone can go against your instruction" I replied

"I want you to be the one to make that decision because I may not be around all the time and you need to make that decision yourself and besides I have been stressing you out today so go and rest and come down for dinner and don't eat in your room so we can finish this conversation over the table okay " he said .

"Sure thing uncle and I will now take my leave" I told him before I left for my room to take a bath.

After a long satisfying bath I went down for dinner, it was already time.

When I got down everyone was there already, looks like they are waiting for me.

"Shall we " my uncle said immediately I joined them at the table.

"Mark and Ken how is things holding up lately for you guys, is there anything you are finding uncomfortable " He asked.

"Nothing for now sir " Ken replied

"Sir can you do something about the waking up by 5:00 in the morning you know we sure need some rest after work " I Mark said.

"Mark that has been my rules for years and I can't change it so try and get used to it " uncle Smiths replied. Marrk frowned his face and continued eating

Soon the dinner ended we were all told to come to the meeting room. Ones everyone was seated the projector was displayed showing that face I hated the most in this world.

"This is our mission, Mr stones is a very wealthy man but his riches comes with a lot of bloodshed, he get his hands on anything he wants be it money, property, land, women he does not care if the whole world will come down as long as he gets what he wants.

He is not going to be easy take down because he has so many gangs, not just any gangs but the most dangerous gangs on the underworld, he also have other men in the underworld who are getting their hands stained with blood just for him. So if we are going to get to him we need to start from the people he trust the most and the first person is Mr Michael he is close to Mr stone that people know him as Mr stone's second man in the business world, he is married with a son. To get him we need to go for his weak point which is his son and wife but that is not going to be easy.

That is why I have come up with a plan, Mr Michael is looking for a well trained bodyguards for his son and wife, you four will apply, Mark and Lisa you will apply for the son while Ken and Bella will apply for the wife but you are all going in disguise, you must make Mr Michael trust you.

But remember no harm should come to his son and wife we just need them to get to Michael" uncle Smiths said before calling me up to continue from where he stopped.

"Okay any questions so far "I asked checking to see if anyone was left behind. I saw Mark raising his hand.

"Okay Mark what's your question I asked

"Why are we trying to get rid of Mr stones.

Everywhere was quiet, I decided to answer the question but uncle did instead.

"Mark when I joined the underworld I did not do it because I loved it, I did because I have watched people being hurt by that monster and he also took something that belongs to me a very long time ago and is pay back time "he said, I knew he was trying to save me from talking about my past because it still hunts me.

"Okay let's say you have a problem with Mr stones why drag your daughters into it, you do know you are risking your daughters safety right " Ken asked uncle.

"That's why you both are here to keep them safe so let's go further with our plans shall we "

"You do know we can't help each other or be a team if there is a secret between us " Mark said to me

"She is not keeping any secret, no more further questions to her she is my daughter and she works for me so ask me all the questions you want answers to" my uncle said still trying to cover up for me.

"That's a enough uncle "I said because am tired of hiding and avoiding my past, is time I face it and also delete that monster from my life.

"Uncle!!!!!!!" Ken and Mark shouted with confusion written all over their face.

"You are right mark, am only here because Mr stones took my family away from me when I was just eight and my uncle was the one that picked me off the street after that" I told them

"So Mr Smiths is who to you and is Lisa even your sister?" Mark asked again.

"He is my adoptive father and Lisa is my adoptive sister because he adopted the two of us who fall the victim of Mr stones wickedness" I answered with my face so dark with no emotions.

"Okay one more quick question" Mark said again

"That's enough Mark, she answered all your question so stop already" Ken said.

Uncle just stood and touched my shoulder indicating that he will continue from here, l took my sit beside Lisa and I felt her holding my hands, I turned and she smiled saying "Remember we are in this together as a family " I smiled back at her as I also held her hands tightly.