
Broken Realities

All say reality is perfect with its unbreakable laws that govern all of existence, but what if those laws were not unbreakable? what if the reality was not perfect? what would happen if the perfectly oiled machine known as reality was never perfect?

light_4458 · Fantasie
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1 Chs

[CH-01] The Begining

Before Existence came to be, Nothing reigned supreme.

In the vastness of nothingness where everything was blank, concepts of time space not existing yet, A point of blinding light came to be. It expanded at an immense rate while pusing back the nothingness that surrounded it, slowly forming a sphere. The nothingness being pushed back also started push in on it at the same time causing the sphere to deform in some places, This was where everything started to go wrong. The ever increasing Ball which will soon be know as reality, expanding too fast, caused its stellar boundary, keeping the nothingness out, to falter.

The moment the sphere faltered, nothingness breached the boundary keeping it out and a portion of it got it before the boundary sealed itself. The ball stabilized and continued to grow larger bringing the concepts of space and time within, but the small portion that got in started to rampage as it started to consume everything around it. 

Inside the ball A stellar crystalline river, of incomprehensible size was slowly forming but the spec of nothing latched onto it.

Cracks started to form in the crystalline river as it splintered and started breaking down. Many small branches of it flowing outwards.

The newly formed will of reality sensed the destructing as it did everything it its power to stop it but even though it has an unlimited amount of power it was still not developed enough to utilize it. It pulled power that was being utilized to form concepts and laws and diverted it to contain the Void that was forming in it.

The void of nothing was contained but the damage was done. The Reality was broken into many pieces, Its laws and concepts were unfinished, Its will never completely formed to govern everything properly.

Even though the stellar boundary outside was holding up the insides were already a mess.

A reality with incomplete rules and no proper overseer to govern its creation and development was born.

In all of this a very minuscule spec of void managed to escape and enter one of the many branched reality taking place in one of the uncountable individuals on one of the uncountable number of worlds.