
Broken Promises ✔️

Sahithi_1401 · Teenager
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13 Chs

Chapter 5

Scarlett's POV

A week later

I woke up feeling drained. God, how much I wish for a break. I was feeling tired physically and emotionally. The stress I was feeling was doubled when I realize that my semester exams are coming soon. My nightmares are getting out of hand. Those words just keep getting more insulting.

Javier and I are getting along. He is still quite closed up but I wouldn't blame him because I know what he went through. Two days earlier, I got to know that Sam and Kat are together. I'm so happy for them. Well, they were working on the project but things got tense. They got in a fight and accidentally blurted their feelings to each other.

I got out of bed and freshened up. I got dressed up and put some makeup on to hide my dark circles and my tiredness. I ate a sandwich and packed my bag, ready to go to school. I walked on the footpath listening to music. My hair was swaying along with the chilly air. I entered the building and walked up to my locker. I opened it and a sudden sick feeling came over. I suddenly felt overwhelming. All I wanted is to survive today, just today.

I closed my eyes and controlled my heavy breathing. I waited for my friends to show up. They arrived five minutes before the bell ring. Sam and Kat were holding hands as well as Adam and Hannah. I smiled at them, trying to feel the positivity.

They all greeted me and hugged me. I faked a squeal and said " congrats Sam and Kat, I'm so happy for you guys. Who asked out whom first ?" They chuckled and looked at each other. I could see their love shining in their eyes. Sam said " Thanks Lettie, I asked out first because apparently, I couldn't handle my happiness " rolling his eyes, he looked at Hannah who smiled mischievously.

As the bell rang, we all went to our classes but I couldn't help but feel suffocated in these walls. 

I didn't see Javier in my first class. I would be lying if I said that I didn't miss him. We have become friends and whenever we hang out, we joke around.

Soon, lunchtime began and I went to the cafeteria to sit with my friends. Lately, I think they are busy with their relationships. I texted them if they are coming, they texted after a minute or so that they are going to eat their lunch somewhere else. What did I expect? They are dating so they would go on dates with their partners.

I quickly ate my lunch and walked out of the cafeteria. I sat under the tree and listened to the music.

The bell rang, I went to my class. As soon as I entered, I saw Javier, he was sitting at the back. I made my way to him and sat beside him. His addictive scent surrounded me.

"Hey ... I didn't see you in my first class," I said, looking at him.

He looked at me coldly and said in a monotone " why do you care? Mind your business ."

My heart sank hearing the words, he was staring at me coldly as if I just committed a crime.

I said slowly " it's ok if you're feeling low ...you can talk to me. You don't need to shut me out. "

He started to shake in anger and looked at me. His eyes were almost black. His stare broke me. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything. I looked away and started focusing on what the teacher just started to teach.

After the class ended, Javier walked out of the class quickly. I followed him like a lost puppy. He pulled me into an empty room. He asked, controlling his anger " what the fuck is wrong with you? Can't you just leave me alone? "

I put my hands on his shoulder, consoling him, and controlling his anger. I quietly said " I can't leave you alone when you're feeling low. I'm your friend. You can talk to me. "

" Tell me what's bothering you ?"

He lost his control and yelled " Leave me the fuck alone. Are you fucking dumb? And you're not even my friend ."

I got angry and yelled " I'm not fucking dumb. I'm just helping you out because you're not okay and it's okay not to feel okay. You're just reliving your past. "

He was calm but his eyes were molten lava as he was staring down at me. It felt he stared at my soul. He said in a dangerous tone, sending chills down my spine " you don't know anything about me. You know what, you are just as pathetic as everybody in this town ."

His words rang in my ears. I was beyond hurt but I'm not going to show him my emotions.

"You are acting on your anger. You don't know what you're talking about. Let's just calm down and talk, ok? "

He let out a humorless chuckle and said " You are unbelievable. I am calm and there's nothing to talk about....just leave mE ALONE ."

"Stop talking and let's sit and cool down ."

He smirked and said " Oh god, now I know why you wanna be my friend so badly, you're afraid that everyone will just see how pathetic you are and leave you alone. News flash, you ARE alone. "

" Stop, you don't know what you're talking about. "

" Oh I know what I'm talking about, you think you know everything. You know nothing. You think everybody loves you. You're wrong, nobody likes you or wants you.  Your friends are just avoiding you. Look at yourself, do you think anyone will become your friend ...you are not a model or a popular cheerleader. That's why you hide in shabby clothes." He said those words in a scary tone while coming towards me. I took a few steps back, registering the words. Those words stuck in my head.

" I hate you. I thought you were different I thought maybe you could understand me but I guess I was wrong. "

" Feeling's mutual. I thought the same but you turned out to be the same as everybody here "

I was hurting so bad I walked out of the room without looking back and said " I hope you're happy, you finally got rid of me ."

I ran out of school and went to the only place I could let myself out. As soon as I got there. I dropped my bag and sat down. Tears were rolling down my cheeks. I looked at the sky and glared I finally let my anger out.

" What did I ever do to anyone Why does everyone hate me? Why does everyone leave me " My anger turned into sadness? I was going back to the dark place I fought so hard to get out of maybe deserve anything. Maybe I don't deserve anyone Maybe that's why everyone leaves me. Maybe I should just accept the truth.

Maybe if I disappeared now, no one will ever notice They would still be happy

I take out my phone and call Hannah. She doesn't pick up the call two times but it directly goes to voicemail. I then call Kat and she picks up after some time

" Hey, Lettie can I call you later? Sam and I are busy right now ."

"Sure, sorry for disturbing you guys. "  she hangs up. I guess I was right. Nobody cares.

I left the place and went back t.

The rest of the day went by .and here I am laying on my bed at 1 AM.

I sighed tiredly I hate my life I wish I could just forget my pain.

Javier's POV

Today is the day when my family left me alone I was really in a bad mood. I didn't go to the first class, I went to the cemetery and sat near my family's gravestone I talked to them for hours and went back to school. I sat in my seat and looked outside the window The weather wasn't good either I sensed that someone sat near me. I turned and looked at her. She said something about me not showing up in the first class. I was cold to her and told her to mind her business. I just don't want anyone to talk to me today.

After the class ended I walked out of the class quickly She kept following me. I finally had enough and pulled her into an empty room.

I was so angry at her after the fight. Who does she think she is I admit I have anger issues but what she said doesn't justify why she keeps telling me to talk to her about my past I walked out of the room and went to the class.

I didn't see them for the rest of the day.

I waited for her at the public library I waited for hours but she never came My anger was about to explode. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with her? This gave me one more reason to hate her. I don't even why I thought she would be different from everyone.

I went to an abandoned place and raced against some competitors. I won all the races I took the cash and went home.

As I laid on my bed, I kept thinking about her, maybe I was being too harsh on her. No, she deserved it. She was trying to let my guard down. Getting rid of the thoughts, I closed my eyes with a sigh of exhaustion. Today was a rough day. I let sleep consume me.


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Love y'all ❤️😍