
Broken Legacy - The Cursed Blades Swordsman

This story is one of many under the Broken Legacy franchise. The cursed blades swordsman was a professional assassin whose sword work impressed and influenced the most skillful assassins across this fictional world. Losing his family to magic users, he vowed to kill the one responsible and to put an end to dangerous magic users everywhere.

Kerron_Masters · Fantasie
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4 Chs

A Moment Of Happiness

Two days ago...

The sound of a falcon's beak tapping the front glass of the cabin, caused Miysuyoshi to look up from the morning paper. The brown and silver bird stood by the window curiously looking into the dimly lit cabin.

This was the color of his younger brother messenger bird. Miysuyoshi got up from his seat at the table and headed towards the front door of the cottage.

Pulling it open, Miysuyoshi stepped out of his cottage and into the early morning sun. The dew upon the plants were now beginning to get warmed up as the first light touched upon its surface. Miysuyoshi reached forth for the falcon that rested upon his window sill for the message that was attached to it.

It was indeed a message from his younger brother which read:

Good Morning brother. I am writing this message to offer my congratulations to you upon getting married as well as getting out and giving up of "the way of the sword." It is indeed, two very important and significant milestones for you so I will say that I am genuinely happy for you. I also offer my sincerest condolences for I am not able to be there for your wedding. My mercenary group has cornered some rebels and I cannot leave at this point time. I will be there however to have a drink with you after the wedding. Hope to see you and our parents after I have finished my duty.

The better looking brother Mariko

Miysuyoshi rolled up the letter and let out a small sign. It wasn't because of his brother not being able to attend the ceremony but it was because so much time had passed and his relationship with his brother had deteriorated quite a bit over the years. He was not the elder brother that he had always wanted to be.

Suddenly the sound of the church bells from the church down the hill, broke through his thoughts. He could see the top of the church with the large bronze bell as it swung back and forth. The loud noise echoing through the country-side.

It's wooden structure which had stood in that same position for what seemed like the beginning of time.

Miysuyoshi entered the cottage and put together his attire, trying to not wake anyone in the house, especially the bride.

"He would change at the church, he said to himself as he was exiting his bedroom. As he was about to close the door, he looked at the two swords which sat on top of the Tansu (drawer), next to the window.

He hoped that he would never have to use it, in his life, ever again. As the bedroom door began to close in, he noticed the metal arm bands next to the swords and decided to carry them, just in case.

Putting them in a bag, along with his clothes, he closed the front door of the cottage softly, then left the cottage and headed down the hill towards the church with a slight smile on his face.

When he reached the double doors of the church, he knocked on the front door and pulled open the double doors. Then he went inside and pulled the doors back in behind him.