
Chapter 2

Derik was pissed off. His alarm had not gone off that morning meaning he had to skip the morning training session which made him tense. Then Lyssa, Kurt's pregnant mate, had thrown up in his truck meaning he had to turn around and drop her back home because she didn't know she was pregnant yet and thought she had the flue. What ever that was. And he had to take one of the free use vehicles to school. He hated them because they always smelled like cleaning chemicals and cheap air freshener. They were always tuned to the wrong station on the radio and they always had the volume blasting since Lyssa was the one who used them the most.

By the time he got to school with just enough time to run to his first period he was ready to go back to bed and pretend that today was just a bad dream. But as he entered the class room with its tightly packed desks a new scent hit him like a brick wall. It was light and beautiful. Even better, it got stronger the closer he got to his desk. The teacher was taking attendance so he quickly to his seat. "Rosalie Savage?" He said in a loud firm voice.

"I prefer to go by just Savage." The new girl in front of him informed the teacher.

"Alright." she had long crimson hair and a tiny fae like body. Which made sense since her scent was not quite human. It was snow and pine and smoke that reminded him of happy days as a small pup when his mom and dad would take him to the log cabin deep in the forest. Every winter they would go on long weekends. But then his grandfather passed away and it all stopped. His father had taken over as alpha and that was that. From what he could see her skin was a pale alabaster white.

"DERIK SUTTEN!" the teacher shouted, pulling him out of his thoughts.

"Here!" He said firmly as he flinched.

"Derik Sutten, idiot? check." The teacher said as others laughed. Even the beautiful Rosalie laughed at him. It was her fault for distracting him. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat and he heard a faint rustling, almost like dragon fly wings. Confused he gently began to brush her hair aside to confirm his suspicions.

It turned out to be a huge mistake. In one swift move she spun around and her fist collided with his face. He only knew she hit him when she screamed in pain. With a sickening pop his heart sank into his stomach. Her hand was broken. He felt like he was going to be sick. The room spun as he looked at her hand that she was cradling close to her body as she hopped from foot to foot.

"Ms. Savage! Principal's office! Now!" The teacher snapped angrily.

"Yeah! Yeah! I'm going!" Rosalie snapped back. "Fucking hell. keep your clothes on." She muttered under her breath as Derik followed her out the door.

That all happened hours ago. He followed her into the woods but soon became tangled in the thick bushes she easily passed through. As soon as he was free he would get tangled yet again. By the time he reached the cliff it was snowing the white swirling flakes falling so thick he almost missed the bright green of her coat where her scent ended.

He searched and searched in the hopes that he would see her close by. But it was all in vain. Cedric, his wolf howled in agony at the loss. But the rising wind snatched the howls and shredded them cruelly throwing them back in his face, as if mocking the future that never was. Rosalie would never be his. He would never hold her in his arms or make love to her. He would never listen to his pup's heart beat against her swelling belly as they sheltered by a warm fire, safe from the howling wind outside. The same wind that seemed to carry her laugh to his ears. He knew it couldn't be her laugh because she was dead at the bottom of the cliff.

When his voice gave out he walked to where her coat lay buried by the cruel snow and dug it up. He pulled it close and held it in his jaws as he curled up in the icy wind. His tears freezing as they left his face.

That was how Kert and Callahan found him sometimes later. They dug out the snow and Kert linked him. 'You okay buddy?'

'No. She's gone.' He whimpered.

'Wait I'm confused. Who's gone?' Callahan was three years older than them so he had no idea what had happened.

'We didn't even get a chance! Rosalie! Why did you have to do it?' A fresh wave of agony washed over him and he whimpered pathetically.

'She's the one that punched you in the face?' Callahan said incredulously.

'Okay buddy. Let's get you inside. You can bring the coat if you want. But we got to move. The storm is only getting worse.' Kert informed him and he sadly followed his two best friends to the trees. He looked back one last time at where his mate had taken her own life. His heart suddenly felt as if it could fly. Rosalie was struggling to make the tree line but it seemed she couldn't see it. He yipped excitedly and watched her turn around and about in circles, looking for something.

'What the fuck!' He heard both Kert and Callahan shout at him through the link.

Finally he broke free and rushed to her, his tail wagging nonstop. His mate, his Luna. She was alive and he was right about her. She had beautiful iridescent dragon fly wings. She was wearing a dark green, backless top that brought out the beautiful emerald green of her eyes.

She laughed lightly and grabbed hold of his thick black fur. He easily led her behind Kert and Callahan to the small hidden shack that would serve as their shelter for the night. Once inside Kert handed him a pair of sweat pants so he could shift.

"I'm Callahan." His gamma introduced himself. "Are your wings okay?"

"Actually I think they may be frostbitten. Can you check for me?" Callahan nodded and moved closer as she unfolded her gorgeous wings.

"What am I looking for?" He asked as Kert set about starting a fire.

"Ice crystals. It will look like they are inside my wings." Rosalie said as she sat down at the small scrubbed table.

"Oh yeah. There are some but not many. What do we do about it?" He asked.

"Treat it." Derik said shortly as he got closer.

"I'm afraid it isn't that simple, Derik. My wings are very delicate." She sighed. "It's not like treating any other appendage. let's wait and we can check them again later. If the ice crystals are not gone by then I have someone I can call."

"Sounds good. I certainly don't want to damage your wings. Kert do you need help with that fire or what?" Callahan was eager to warm up Rosalie. 'I know she's your mate, Derik.' He linked.

'Please don't tell anyone.' Derik begged. He hadn't even told Rosalie.

"Stand aside Kert." Rosalie instructed and he followed her command without hesitation. "Ignite." She said she extended her hand towards the fireplace and snapped her fingers. A flame materialized out of nowhere and shot into the damp, half frozen wood, which ignited into flames.