
Broken Hearted

Meet Tori, a 24 year old orphan, the only heir to her parent's fortune who was dumped by the love of her life on her wedding day. Meet her two friends, Tomi, a focused 24 year old who wants the best for her friends and isn't really interested in love and Cynthia, another 24 year old that seem to be very promiscuous and also a betrayer.

Testimony_Ipaye · Urban
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3 Chs


Tori's pov

As I walked out of the priests' office, I felt an ocean of bitterness flowing inside of me. Since I stood up I lost the strength to cry, I lost the ability to cry. All that was left was anger, bitterness and hate. I felt everything I felt before I started dating Harry, everything in double folds.

As I walked towards the congregation, they stopped murmuring. They looked at me like I was a movie and the church was a cinema. Nanny, Cynthia and Tomi ran to me.

Nanny hugged me "My child, you alright?" She squeezed me harder and held on for a while.

"Where is Harry?" Nanny whispered.

I broke free from the hug and looked at Nanny, then at Tomi and Cynthia. They looked very confused.

"I'm fine" My tone was very cold, Nanny looked worried at this point.

I turned to the congregation and smiled "Everyone, thank you for wanting to witness my wedding. Now I'm not going to repeat this twice so please pay attention to every word."

Tomi held my left arm, I turned to her. She looked very worried. Her eyes told me to stop talking. I smiled at her and removed her hand from my arm.

I faced the congregation again "Harry, who was the groom to be, just told me right there in that office" I pointed toward the priest's office "that He is no longer interested in this matrimony. With this, I'd like everyone to go back to their houses now. The wedding is officially over"

Nanny held me, she turned me to look at her. She already started crying "Please calm down my child!"

Cynthia placed her hands on my right shoulder gently "Tori, you need to_"

"Im okay!" I interrupted her "or do I look like someone who is not?"

I turned to Nanny "And please, can you three let me be? I know what I'm doing. I am not crazy or anything, I'm in my right senses"

I looked outside the door and saw my car still packed outside. "The keys are definitely on the seat" I said to myself.

I pulled my long wedding gown up and sped to my car.

"Tori! Please stop!" I heard Nanny's voice. Nanny, Tomi, Cynthia, the Priest and some of the people in the congregation ran after me.

I got into my car and locked its door before anybody could get to me.

"Tori you have to open this door. Please open this door" I heard Tomi as she knocked my car's window.

I looked for the car keys as fast as I could and found it on the passenger's seat in no time. I started the car and sped off.

I headed for the reception.

The reception was a big hall, well decorated even from the outside. It had pictures of Harry and me outside and heavy security.

I parked my car right in front of the hall and got out of it. I walked into the hall. The hall was well decorated. There were a lot of food and drinks. The guests already started partying, they definitely had no idea about what happened.

One of the guests sighted me "Hurray for the bride!!!" He shouted.

Flowers poured on me and everybody stood up and clapped. "Cheers to Mrs Collins!! Hurray for the bride!"

I starred at everyone and made my way to the front of the hall. I imagined Harry being right there beside me. How nice would it have felt to have him beside me? This would have made a lot of sense to me, I would have been so happy.

"Snap out of it Victoria!" I cautioned myself.

"Here comes the newest bride in town! DJ! Play me some music!" The master of Ceremony said excitedly.

I raised my left finger up at the DJ ordering him to stop the music.

The crowd looked amazes, in suspense. It was quite obvious that they were waiting for a grand entry.

I went up to the stage and collected the microphone from the Master of Ceremony.

I cleared my throat "I think everyone here has not heard about what happened today so I'm glad I came

Here anyway. Harry and I are no longer getting married. I am Miss Collins and I am not a new bride. Since the wedding is over, you're allowed to eat as much food as you like, you're also free to take home. Just make sure you are not here till night waiting for some bride and groom"

I was about to drop the microphone but then I remembered that I had to add one more thing.

"And please, I am about to step out this hall, I want to question or comment whatsoever. I am doing okay and I don't need consolations or pity. You all should probably take those things home with you as well" I dropped the microphone.

The people started whispering, some started making phone calls. I left the hall.

Tomi's pov

"Please hurry" I shouted at the driver for the third time since Nanny, Cynthia and I entered the black brabus that was supposed to take Tori and Harry home after their wedding.

We had already lost sight of Tori's car as it took time for us to find a ready vehicle. We definitely were not aware this was going to happen.

I turned to Nanny who was sitting beside me, she looked very worried and lost in thoughts. I took her left hand and squeezed it in mine.

Nanny looked at me and smiled. She then turned back towards the window.

As we drove to Tori's house, I got very scared. We weren't so sure of where Tori could be, the only place we could think of was her house.

I also felt very restless. I knew Tori, I knew how soft hearted and emotional she could get. I also knew that little things got to her real fast and deep. I sighed in all hopes that she had not done anything bad to herself. I sighed and tried hard to stop myself from having negative thoughts.

"Ring ring ring! Ring ding ding ring!" Nanny's ring tone brought me back to my senses. Cynthia turned from the front seat as well to know what was going on.

Nanny looked for her phone in her purse for a while before she found it. She cleared her throat before answering the call.

"Hello…..Yes...Oh my God! She was at the reception? ....what? ...She said that? ... Oh Goodness! ...Is she still there? ... She left? .... You have an idea where she went to from there? ..... Her friends and I are trying to figure it out...…" Nanny started crying again at this point, I held her left hand again with my both hands. She looked at me and closed her eyes to probably summon up courage. She covered her mouth with her left hand as she tried hard to stop crying.

"Alright…thank you very much....sure...alright then" Nanny ended the call. She dropped her phone on the seat and covered her mouth with both her hands. She cried.

I place my right hand gently on her back and moved it back and forth. Nanny wiped her tears off slowly and sobbed.

She turned to me "She went to the reception, she went there to tell them that the wedding is over" Nanny sobbed again "We need to get home as soon as possible. She probably went home from the reception, they don't even know where she went".

Nanny covered her mouth with her right hand again, then she wiped her tears. "My sweet child" She sobbed.

I looked at Cynthia, she already faced front since the phone call was over. She looked settled, too calm for everything that had just happened. It annoyed me. I leaned back on the seat and faced the window. Harry, that jerk. I never liked him and I never trusted him. I couldn't bring myself to tell Tori because she seemed so happy with him. I knew all along that he was a cheat.

I sighed and closed my eyes. I should have told Tori, this was all my fault. I had caught him kissing Cynthia on three different occasions. He had always asked me out too, even with the fact that He knew how close I was to Tori and how much I valued the relationship. He had always been disgusting to me.

I looked at Cynthia again, how calm she was. I got even angrier at her and myself. Who knows? Maybe she planned everything with Harry. She is probably very happy with what happened. Harry was a man someone like Cynthia would want, tall, handsome, muscular, light in complexion, calm and friendly. Or maybe it didn't even matter, Cynthia liked all the boys anyway. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh Goodness! Thank God" Nanny said as we got to Tori's house. The car she drove was packed in front of the house. She was definitely at home.

Immediately the car stopped, Nanny, Cynthia and I rushed out of the car. We headed straight for Tori's room, it was locked.

My heart dropped. I started getting very worried. What if something had happened? Suicide?

"Oh my God!" I heard myself shout, I stopped knocking and fell on my knees.

"Tori my child, I know you're in there. Please open the door" Nanny said in tears. She was the only one knocking at this point. Cynthia started examining the door.

"Tori! Open this door please" Nanny was really crying. She leaned on the door and fell on the floor slowly.

"Nanny! What are we going to do now? What are we going to do?" I shouted. I was trying really hard to calm down.

"Well, I guess we'd have to break the door" Cynthia said calmly as she starred at the door as she felt it with her hands.