
A reject in a crowd

The drive was peaceful, we listened to my five finger death punch CD. while we talked about the few questions that were brought up during last night's session.

"What happened to your stomach, really?"

"Wow, jumping straight to it are we?"

"It's was going to come up eventually, might as well be first."

"Fine, you want the long version or the shirt one?"


"I'm going to go ahead and guess you've seen the news."

"Yea, I've seen it, I want your point of view... I wanna know what really happened."

I stop at a stop light.

"That story isn't short enough for this ride."

"Then give tell me what you can."

*Sigh* "I've been bullied all my life by other kids because of my disabilities. At some point I started cutting myself. I don't remember much from that day... but the news got it mostly right."

"What all did they get wrong?"

"The news said I didn't fight back..." My knuckles turn red as I squeeze the steering wheel

"Did you?"

"Of fucking course I did. By the time the cops got there five of them had to be sent to the hospital, the other five kids were long gone."

The light turns green, the car lurching forwards.

"I was curled up in a corner trying to hold my guts together. They took me to the hospital and three days later the picture hit the news. All ten girls were arrest and I continue my life as the school punching bag. What else is there to know."

"Why did they do it?"

I go silent. the sound of Wrong side of Heaven echoes through the car.

"That's a question I ask myself every day."

The short ride to school was quiet after that, the music and engine being the only sounds in the car.

It wasn't long before we pulled into my drive way. I parked the car and we both got out.

"Its only a five minute walk, and it's only 11:55 so we'll get there in time for lunch."

"Sounds good."

"You can start walking, I gotta get my bag." With that I turn and jog to the front door. I quickly push my key into the door, opening it and rushing down my hall to my room. I reach in the door frame, grabbing my bag from its spot next to my door. I rush back out the front door to find cat still standing by my car.

"I thought I told you you could start walking."

"I wanted to walk with you, talk some more."

I shrug my shoulders.

For the first time, this five minute journey wasn't a walk of misery and isolation, but it was comforting.

"So what were we talking about?"

"My body, but next question please."

"Ok, you'll tell me when you're ready. What do you wanna do when you graduate?"

"Easy, either a game designer or a teacher."

"Really, you..... a teacher?"

I blush at her reaction. "What? Regardless of what's happened to me I've always liked the though of being able to influence young minds."

"That's a weird way of putting it."

"Yea ik but it makes sense to me. What about you, what do you wanna be when you grow up." I jokingly say.

"I'd probably say a nurse or a teacher."

"Dam, why'd you have to pick two of the sexiest professions?"

"What do you mean by that!?" Her face begins to turn red as embarrassment spreads to her voice.

"I can't stop the images of you in a sexy nurse or teachers outfit." I say as a little drool drips down the side of my mouth.

"Shut up!" She says as she jokingly punches me in arm.

"What after last night you aren't expecting me not to have dirty thoughts about you?"

"I want you to, but can you keep your voice down."

"Everyone of these houses are empty, but I'll do as you ask.... mistress." I have a smirk on my lips as I say the last word.

"You better if you know what's good for you."

Our eyes meet as I begin to chuckle. "Oh, if I don't listen then what happens?"

"That my darling is a surprise."

It was only another minute or two before the school roles into view.

"It's Tuesday soooo Barbara should be at the front desk, and lunch hasn't started yet so we should get a pass."

We walk along the path to the front door. We walk into the building, the halls are quiet, the only sound being our footsteps as we walk to the door that led us to the front office. There I see a familiar blond head sitting just behind the counter.

"You're late asshat. What did I tell you about this, and on the second day of school, come on man." Barbara looks at me from behind the counter. "And don't tell me the rumor about you and the new girl getting together is true."

I start to blush as I look over at Cat, a nervous chuckle is all I give as a response.

"Oh come on Mia! Every time you do this you get screwed in the end. No offence, you're probably a really nice person."

"None taken." Cat says, shrugging her shoulders.

I clear my throat. "Anyways, can we get our passes now?"

"I guess so. Give me a second." Barbara begins to type into the computer. A few seconds later Barbara reaches below the table, grabbing the papers from the printer and placing them in front of me.

"Here, you know the drill." She slides the second paper next to me. "So what's your name?" She gestures to Cat.

"Catriona, but everyone calls me Cat."

"Alright, well we get our lunch table back, so are you two going to eat with us or go back out to the announcement box?"

I look up at Barbara, sliding her the now filled out tardy form before I answer. "Depends on what she wants to do." I use my thumb to point in Cat's general area.

"Wow, already whipped. I'm impressed with how well you have our little Mia wrapped around your finger, and its only been a day." Barbara chuckles at me as my face started to burn.

"J-just hurry up so I can get some food." I say with a hint of anger and embarrassment in my voice.

"Don't get your thong in a twist, your passes are right here."

She reaches over the desk, I grab the two pink slips from her hand.

"What's for lunch by the way?" I ask before I turn and start walking towards the cafeteria.

"Pizza and cheesy Mac, or are you gonna eat from the salad line?"

"I'll decide once I'm in there. Oh and you're going to tell me who's spreading rumors about me again so I can set them straight." I feel Cat reach over and pinch my arm. "Ahh hey what was that for?!?"

"Its not a rumor if its true." A small smirk present on her lips. I can hear Barbara chucking to herself as the scene plays out in front of her.

"Alright, I'll see you in ten." I flip Barbara off as I push the door open.

"Love you too!" Is all I hear as the door closed and the silent hall echoes with a slam.

"So I'm guessing that's friend one of six."

"Yea, she's an interesting one, but they only get weirder from here. Lets chill in the library till the bell."

I begin to walk down the hall, hearing Cat's foot steps behind me. We take a few turns but eventually we reach the glass doors of the library. I open a door, gesturing Cat inside as I follow behind her.

We walk past the checkout desk were two familiar faces stand talking with each other.

"Don't tell me you two got in trouble already."

The two boys look over at me, toothy gins plastered on both of their faces.

"Late again Mia, don't tell me she's the new shadow?" One of the boys ask.

"Yea, there's already some pretty intresting rumors circulating through the school. Care to tell us the real story."

"I've no idea what you idiots are talking about, and she's not my shadow. I'm allowed to make friends with the new girl."

"Come on Mia, Barbara already told us about your little altercation in the office, so be truthful. Are you guys a thing or not?"

It wasn't me who spoke up this time, but the answer Cat chose to say made my heart do back flips

"I'm her little doll and she's my darling, so you could say we're..... together together."

The two boys both had their mouths wide open and my face lit up like a light. I rub the back of my neck.

"Y-yea, what she said. Imma go grab a book." I quickly grab Cat's hand, pulling her past the two boys, disappearing amongst the books.

Once I pull us out of sight, I begin my search for something to read.

"Friends two and three?

"Antonio and Bradon, they're brothers, and the closer they are together the more my head begins to hurt."

I hear a little chuckle come from behind me.

"I think now's a perfect time for a test."

I turn to her. "What do you..... "

My sentence is cut off by Cats hand moving to covert mouth. I see Cat reach into her pocket, pulling out a familiar looking toy.

"You remember this don't you?"

I simply nod my head as my eyes focus on the little egg and remote in Cats hand.

"Put this in your pants, little egg on your clit." She whispers her instructions, and I do as instructed, feeling my body heat rise.

Once the toy is placed in my pants, Cat again reaches into her pocket, pulling out a tiny remote.

"My little gift is wireless, this is the remote to it. Same rule as last night, no cumming without my permission."

I grit my as I feel the toy switch on, the vibration low. I remove Cat's had from over my mouth and through gritted teeth I speak.

"Understood mistress."

"Good, we've five minutes, lets see how close you'll get in that time."

I feel the vibrations quickly accelerate. I lean back against the book shelf, placing my hands over my mouth to suppress my moans.

"Oh that's right, your friends are in here aren't they, better make you work for it then." Again the vibrations accelerate forcing me to suppress another scream. There was no sign of the toy stopping so out of desperation I spoke through my gasping breaths.

"Pl-please..... mi-mistress... can I-I cum...." My voice as low as it could be so I don't attract attention to us.

"Only when the bell rings." Cat hits the same button on the remote, and again I feel my stomach clench as the little toy goes crazy against my sensitive little nub.

My knees shake as I try to hold myself up straight, my hands firmly over my mouth as I lean on the shelf behind me for support. I look in front of me, to the girl that hasn't touched me, but already has me so close to exploding. Her eyes watching my every reaction, studying me like someone studies for an exam.

"One more click and you're at max power darling, can you keep your voice down long enough for the bell to ring?"

I shake my head no, knowing my voice was going to break past my hands.

"Oh well, you better try then because the bells supposed to ring in just under a minute."

With that I feel the egg go into overdrive. I drop to my knees, my legs unable to support my weight under the onslaught of the toy. I clench my jaw closed as I let my body circum to the euphoria. As my head hits the floor I feel my pants becoming damp as the vibrations stop to a slow pace, allowing me to ride out my orgasm in lustful peace.

*Ding..... Ding... Ding*

I hear the door slam shut once the bell sounds.

"Your friends have already left, now what do you have to say to mistress before we leave."

She lefts my head from the floor, her eyes staring into my glassy ones.

"Th-thank you mistress."

"Good girl, now stand up, I'm hungry."

Cat helps me stand, my legs shaking as I try and walk, slightly leaning on Cat for support.

"Keep my toy were it is, I plan on using it later."

I don't say a word as the egg stops its vibrations. We walk out into the now busy halls, shuffling our way to the cafeteria.

We get to the cafeteria, the lines were still small so we both get in a line.

"So do you understand my earlier statement now?"

"Yea, I understand."

"Good, and don't worry, I won't do it in here, too many people."

I look around for my little group of friends as we move through the line, finally spotting them at a table near the back.

"What are they doing?" I say out loud.


"My dumb Ass friends."

Cat follows my gaze to to see Antonio throwing napkins at Bradon while he arm wrestles with Barbara.

"Oh my god!!" Cat laughs.

"I am so sorry, we can eat outside if you want."

"Hell no I wanna know what that is about."

"If you wish so you shall receive I guess."

"And what's with that comment?"

All I do is look down at her and smirk, a light blush crossing Cat's face as she glares back at me, but I soon realize my mistake as I feel a shock of electricity as the little egg is turned on then off again.

"O-okay Cat I-I got it." My face turns a dark shade of crimson.

We move through the line, finally reaching the food, the smell of pepperoni overwhelming me.

"The food's good on some days, others not so much but today Papa Johns is the best you're going to get." I grab a tray, placing two slices on it and a scoop of mac n' cheese, Cat does the same as me.

"You want milk or do you want a soda from the machine?"

"If you're buying a soda, if not hand me a chocolate milk please."

"I'll get you a soda, you probably didn't set your lunch stuff up, seeing we didn't eat yesterday, so I'll get your lunch today, cool?"

"Fine by me."

We finally get to the end of the line, "Hey Mia, you better get your friends in line before I go over there, yesterday they weren't allowed to leave till almost two because of the mess they made."

"Sorry bout that Ms. Hopps, I was showing our new student around, I'll get them in line when I go sit down."

"Oh so you must be the celebrity I've been hearing about, well its nice to meet you Catriona."

"Nice to meet you."

"So what are you having today?"

"Two of the usual."

"That's $2.50 out of your account, you have $10 left."

"Okay, have a good day Ms. H."

After getting our food we walk to where my small group of friends are still doing whatever it was they were.

"Come on Bradon, are you seriously losing to her, where's those big man muscles!?" I ask as I walk up to the table.

"Shut it I have her right were I want her!"

Just as those words leave his mouth, Barbara slams the back of his hand to the table.

"Fuck! Damit Antonio, you distracted me."

"Man your just mad you got beat by a girl!"

"Alright guys, this is Cat, she's the new addition to the group so be nice while I run to the soda machine."

"You're not going to introduce me to your friends?" Cat asks me.

"Okay, Cat, this is Andres, Jon, Antonio, Bradon, Adam and Barbara. Guys this is Cat. Introduction finished, I'll be back in a flash."

With that I put my tray onto the table and walk away towards the soda machine outside.

*Catriona's point of view*

After Mia walks off I take a seat next to Barbara. I watch the two brothers argue amongst each other about something.

"Look dude I don't care what you say I have ten bucks that she didn't." Bradon argues.

"I'll raise you to twenty that she did." Antonio counters.

"Guys we can always ask Cat so we can end this." Barbara pipes in.

"Ask me what exactly?"

Andres is the one that fills me in. "The two numb skulls saw you and Mia walk to the announcers box yesterday, and they made a bet to see if you two did anything while up there."

My face turns red. "Well it all depends on what you two are referring too exactly."

"Did you two bone of not?" Antonio asks me.

I was about ready to answer him when another student ran up to the table.

"Mia's getting jump by the soda machine, you guys gotta do something!"

Before I could even process what I just heard, the whole table jumped up and ran out of the cafeteria. I run after them, trying to push my way through all of the students crowding to the door just to get a look.

I'm finally able to make it outside, but the sight I see makes my heart drop.

In the center of the massing crowd, there are two girls on the ground, they aren't moving so I'm guessing they're unconscious, but what ripped my eyes away from them was the action going on closer to the soda machine. Mia was being held back against the wall by all five of the boys, blood was leaking from her forehead and nose, Barbara was holding a different girl back to try and keep the two from going back to blows.

"YOU WANNA TRY AND JUMP ME ON THE SECOND DAY, COME ON THEN BITCH!!!! LET ME FUCKING GO!!" Mia screams in total rage. Her five friends having trouble holding her against the wall.

I run to the mass of people up against the wall, grabbing Mia's face and pulling her into a a short kiss, the entirety of the students watching the fight go silent.

"Football field, now!" I demand.

All Mia does is shrug her friends off of her and walks off in the direction of the field, her group of friends and I follow her.

Bradon leans over to his brother, "Where's my money bitch?" Antonio pulls $20 out of his pocket and hands it to his brother.

"Fuck you and her."

"Told you they did stuff." Bradon chuckles as they follow the group outside.