
Bringing the game items to real world

What if a person gets to bring the gaming items from the game world to real world? What if the mana potions and the health potions that are almost a currency in game world could be brought to the real world? What if he can bring the guns and weapons? What more can he bring? Pokemon? Greatest weapons of all time? Star-ships? Follow a guy who gets the cheat and pushes world into a new era Warning : Don't expect the MC to be all knowing, all powerful from the get go and is a genocidal maniac. The MC will be more realistic. English isn't my first language so I don't have a plethora of vocabularies in my head. So please cut me some slack. Hope you will like the story Join the discord server at discord.gg/ankAtNwyaz

thelightedghost · Videospiele
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212 Chs

I am an alien! Watch me

50 miles East of Matan as Sarah Airport, Libya (Close to the border of Egypt)

From the town of Matan As Sarah, a team had been sent to determine what the LIDAR-detected location was. All the equipment was available to this team. JARVIS was careful in his planning, and he assigned a personal mercenary army to the squad. This army had its own vehicles, which were airdropped in the town's airport by specialized military planes.

A well-known archaeologist and expert on ancient civilizations led the team. He was picked to lead a very youthful and motivated team to discover what the LIDAR had identified because of his vast research into the South American and Egyptian pyramids.

They had never seen their employer, but they were certain that he or she must have deep pockets because, merely to utilize LIDAR on the Sahara desert, their company would need to spend at least $1 billion. Above that, It would be a different type of nightmare if the issue of security and permission entered the picture.

However, it appears that LIDAR use was permitted in three nations, namely Egypt, Niger, and Nigeria, and that it was now moving toward the Western Countries that were covered in the Sahara Desert. And in the troubled nation of Libya, they have struck it rich.

Since Muammar Gaddafi's overthrow in 2011, the nation had only experienced bloodshed. Even though the nation was surrounded by borders, numerous extremist organizations had developed over the years in various regions of the nation.

If it weren't for the mercenary team they had recruited, the team wouldn't have traveled to this nation that the respective governments had designated as risky. It was originally known as Blackwater and now had the infamous moniker Academi. Even though the corporation itself was the subject of numerous controversy claims throughout the years, their status as a leading mercenary organization could not be disputed.

The team traveled to the place where the LIDAR had detected structures and had already set up tents and camps. Excavating in the open Sahara Desert was a huge matter and everything would come crumbling down with one sand storm if there were no proper structures established so this again was taking time.

They had been there for a month before today, when they finally started digging. It took a while for everything to arrive and for them to be able to get to work because of the terrible logistics situation here. A small squad was awake maintaining watch while the rest of the team and the mercenaries slept in their tents during the night.

Since there was no moon that night, the sky was clear and dark, with only the stars shining. Unbeknownst to them, eight medium-sized trucks carrying a bunch of armed militants had pulled up around 5 miles from their camp.

This violent organization had only been formed about a year prior, and after purchasing supplies and weapons from another organization, they had finally received them. This mob had intimidated and pillaged a few nearby villages.

They were aware of this newly formed group of people, which included both white and black individuals. They discovered that this party also possessed their own weapons, but not all of them were skilled in combat, after questioning their guide, who had come to the town for provisions.

Therefore, this terrorist gang targeted them with the hope of taking some of them hostage, which would be a big coup for them.

"How many people sleep through the night?"

"General, there are always five people on the alert."

The terrorist group was led by a man who enjoyed using the title "General" and made much of his experience serving in Gaddafi's Libyan Army.

"Hehehe.. Do they include any chicks?" General inquired.

"Among them are two white girls. You'll adore their body, I'm sure." An approaching insurgent talked while displaying avarice in his eyes. Each and every one of them had clothing covering their entire bodies, including their faces. If one approached closely, one could only see the eyes.

"We'll approach silently and surprise them. You five will each take a shot at one of them, and we'll kill them all at once. Was I clear?"

"Yes! General."

They got out of their pickups and began making their way slowly toward the camp in the chilly night. Their feet were drowning in sand, but they didn't seem to care because they were so excited to rob a wealthy group.

"General, we'll be able to see them past that sand dune." A militant spoke while becoming pretty animated.

"Our money and ladies will be beyond this sand dune. Hahaha..."

*pew* *pew*

A few muffled sounds were heard in the area, and three of his soldiers immediately dropped to the ground, their bodies turning limp. The men around went into alert mode as a result and pointed their rifles in the area. The militant group was young, but because they had previously been in the military, they were familiar with using weapons and engaging in combat, so they didn't go into full panic mode.

The General and the others were working very hard to determine what had happened and how three people could have fallen down so suddenly. When someone knelt to inspect the remains, they saw that the victims' heads bore bullet wounds.

"General.. They are dead..."


*pew* *pew* *pew*

Four more fell to the ground during this period ofwith further suppressed sounds. 4 additional people had their heads shot. The General carefully scanned the area but was unable to detect any muzzle fire, nor were the sounds audible enough to pinpoint its source.

He lighted his powerful lamp and began to search around, disregarding caution. He was trembling as he did so. Although he was aware that they had been ambushed, he refused to acknowledge it.

*pew* *pew* *pew*

Additional gunfire could be heard, and the guys were falling left and right.

"Come on out. You timid ones. Enough with the hiding, already."

"Why hide? Come out, you cretins."

"What type of coward shoots in the dark!"

As they were saying this, they had already begun fleeing for cover towards the closest sand dune. More muffled gunfire could be heard as they fled, and the guys were already falling as they shouted. One man became so furious and fired an AK-47 in an arbitrary direction after seeing his colleague suddenly hit the sand.

The man was sane enough to fire continuously in every horizon direction. Sadly, none of the bullets struck anything, and the next instant, he too fell to the ground.

The General was shocked after catching a glimpse of everything.

Fortunately, he and three other men were able to get to a sizable sand dune and hid behind it.

Now, there were blood blots on the General and the other three people's clothing.

They had never before witnessed such an ambush. Until some people had been waiting for them for a long time and had remained inconspicuous, ambush in open sand was practically impossible.

The militant squad had gone over the path to the camp several times to make sure there weren't any obstacles. Even in the afternoon, they checked it.

And now they were ambushed.

What the fuck!!

"What was that General? What do we do now?"

The other three men's faces inside the cloth had turned white and they didn't know what to do. They could only look at the leader and hoped he could perform a miracle.

"Idiot.. Didn't you see that this is an ambush? We have been set up."

"How could this possible? I personally checked this place in he afternoon. There was nobody here. There were no foot marks and nobody ever came here."

"Then how do you explain that we have been ambushed so easily."

"Well! It's because we have better weapons, better technology and better information."

"Yes. You are right... Eh!"

The General instantly turned around and without any hesitation he open fired at the voice that he had just heard. He didn't know whose voice this was but since it was a foreign one, it was better to take action first and ask later. His AK-47 lit up like a flamethrower and all the bullets sound like they had hit some kind of metal plate.

After 1 second of shooting did the General stop and opened his eyes wide to see who he had shot. There stood a man who was wearing blue colored suit standing in front of him. The man in blue suit lifted his finger and from his finger tip and blue colored ray flashed out which blew away the gun of the General after making a hole in it.

The General, the three men, and themselves were utterly terrified. They had never seen a man like him before, and based on his attire, he appeared to be from another planet. The other three men raised their weapons and prepared to fire at the man in the blue suit, but a sharp, huge sword from behind cut through them just as they were about to pull the trigger, severing their bodies in half.


Read 16 more chapters on my p@treon.com/thelightedghost