
Chapter 4| Duel

"Well good day to you fair maiden I am Hundred Volts" Hundred Volts introduced himself and kissed Celestia's hand, she was flustered by that act, her face a little bit red. And there I was hanging in the air as they both conversed about their personal life which is not so common so I made a loud coughing sound to let them know that I am there.

and yet I was still ignored so I went out to the city leaving them both in my house and I don't give a single damn about what's gonna happen, in real life Hundred Volts is a Casanova who casually breaks the hearts of both pure and corrupted maidens. the town center was again empty and I could sense that the players are hiding, something might have terrorized the town again so I went directly to find some players luckily I fished a group of young lads out of the dark alleys, and asked something like "whats be happening" and "what's going on" and they all shouted in unison "The Grime!" so I left them and patrolled the town and after patrolling on the southern gate I found a pack of thugs hitting on some female players so I immediately knew that they were the so called Grime.

I called out their attention and used my signature Dropping sword slash, then my sword found itself at home inside the leader's body, I didn't bother to call out a Challenge because I know they won't accept it and the town Isn't a safe zone so it means that you can be killed inside the challenge system is there so that both parties can have conditions and rewards.

after killing the leader I immediately low swept the one next to him, which was flabbergasted when I killed their leader, then I landed a killing strike at his neck. Next was the remaining 6, I used my hit-and-run method on these guys which led to them being killed one by one. After that I went to the fountain in the town center which was the respawn point of all the players that died that came from Fallen Crest. after several hours (4 hours to be exact) They arrived again and again I killed them, repeating this cycles for about 3 times I managed to steal their Exp and killing them back to 0, Killing players in here grants me 100% Exp that they loose and they loose about 45% of their current Exp, what's interesting is that Monsters who kills a player also gets the Exp which could make them walking Exp pots.

all of them didn't logged in for the next Hours so I informed all of the players that it is safe to come out now, even though it looks like there's no merit in doing that I gained some Fame and a lot of Exp because those Pigs are all in level 3 which boosted me to a higher plane, Level 5. After that I went to the market to but some coal stones, Iron ores, and a single gem an expensive one at that.

I went to home finding that Celestia and Volts are not there anymore maybe they went to hunt some Beasts in the Forest, I would also go to find get some pelts and rare material but before that I invested my Stat points to Agility, and spending my skill point, a skill point only arrives every five Levels so I would be very careful about spending this skill point, I opened my skill window and my choices in my skills are:

•Lunge: dashes for a short distance and damaging foes by 100; cool down- 20 seconds.

•Essence shift: An activated skill that steals the movement and attack speed of a foe then transfers it to the user, lasts 5 seconds: cool down- 15 seconds.

•Crafter: (passive) increases crafting and smithing success rate by 2% also adds a little buff on the creation.

After weighing the value of each skill I picked the Crafter so that I could craft my equipment easily, after that I went to the forest. upon arriving I saw several camps full of players looking at me as if I am an animal, then a player came must be their leader because he looks strong and wears the best equipment so far. "Greetings traveler You need to pay 1 silver coin to pass, or you will be forced to duel me" he spoke and held his sword out.

"Very well draw out your sword" I gestured and dashed towards him but stopped midway, and made a Challenge towards him and he gladly accepted and set out his conditions which is all of my belongings so I also asked for his and then we distanced ourselves meters away from and then the timer started. He directly dashed towards me then swept at my feet but I dodged that move, then I blocked his sword strike, he was aggressively pushing me back and his stamina was nearly empty.

I dashed and pummeled his nape with the blunt part of my sword, causing him to flinch and loose his center of balance and pierced him open back with my sword giving him an intense type of pain and depleting his Hp until it was in the red zones, but he surrendered making me the winner and the system automatically took his items and delivered it to me and I passed them by and entered the forest.

when I arrived I saw both Celestia and Volts having a hard time killing a knoll so I decided to help.