
Bride Of Fate

It was supposed to be the happiest day of her life, but when the groom decided to make a last-minute exit at the wedding altar, she didn't break into tears. Instead, she mustered the courage to utter the boldest words she'd ever spoken: "I'll marry anyone here, right now!" In a surprising twist of fate, an unexpected voice from the crowd broke the stunned silence, responding with a resounding, "I'll marry you." To her astonishment, the man who stood up to accept her impromptu proposal was none other than her fiance's own brother. What began as a desperate and unconventional union quickly transformed into something neither of them had anticipated. From the very start, he made it clear that their relationship was built on convenience and mutual benefit, and she reluctantly agreed. She believed she could keep her emotions in check, taking it all in stride. However, life had a wicked sense of humor, and it had no intentions of following their carefully laid plans. As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, the lines between convenience and genuine affection blurred. Unforeseen circumstances, shared experiences, and undeniable chemistry threw them into a whirlwind of passion, confusion, and heartache. Their journey became a rollercoaster ride of unexpected twists, challenging their notions of love, loyalty, and destiny. In this gripping tale of love, fate, and the unpredictability of the heart, they would discover that sometimes the most courageous words spoken in the heat of the moment could change the course of their lives forever.

Divine_Mist · Fantasie
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64 Chs

Morning Light And Surprises

The night grew late, and Gu An Tong, already a bit tired, slowly drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, the first rays of sunlight played playfully on the curtains, attempting to enter the room like an eager child. But their path was blocked by the curtains.

The bright light made Gu An Tong squint and rub her eyes with her hands. When she finally opened them, she realized that it was morning.

"Mo..." Gu An Tong gently turned her head to wake up Si Zhen Xuan. However, a face suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, causing her to jump in surprise. She quickly looked down and was equally startled.

Oh my goodness! They didn't fall asleep on separate sides. How did they end up sleeping like this, with her held in Si Zhenxuan's embrace from behind?

Although it was just a few words, it instantly jolted Si Zhenxuan awake. He opened his eyes and was met with Gu An Tong's surprised and embarrassed expression.

"Good morning," he greeted, his voice short, powerful, and filled with awareness. It had a way of quickening one's heartbeat.

Gu An Tong blushed and quickly looked away, her voice barely above a whisper, "Good morning."

Si Zhenxuan glanced at the sunlight streaming in through the window. It was already late. He released his hold on Gu An Tong.

As he withdrew, Gu An Tong suddenly felt a chill, and it left her feeling somewhat lost, but she tried to hide it.

"It's still early. I'll go out for some exercise and then head to the company for some work orientation. There's a lot to be done. We can't afford to relax," Si Zhenxuan said, removing his bathrobe without paying much attention to Gu An Tong's gaze.

Gu An Tong turned her head quickly, "Alright, I understand."

Perhaps it was the fact that she had just woken up, but even her voice seemed different from her usual sleepy and disoriented self.

After changing his clothes, Si Zhenxuan turned and headed downstairs. He planned to go for a jog around the hotel, a habit he had maintained for many years.

Only when the sound of the door closing reached her ears did Gu An Tong turn to look at the closed door.

She wasn't sure if she felt relieved or a bit lost. She poured a glass of water, sat on the sofa, and ran her fingers through her hair. She reminded herself that she could order breakfast for both of them to share when he returned.

Half an hour later, Si Zhenxuan returned, a light sheen of sweat on his brow. Gu An Tong rushed over and handed him a towel.

"Wipe off the sweat. Breakfast is here," she said with a soft tone and a gentle smile. At this moment, she felt content. Despite the less than ideal circumstances of their stay, they were living together like a real married couple, and she believed that their future would be even better.

"Sure, I'll take a quick shower first," Si Zhenxuan agreed. He wiped his forehead with the towel, then disappeared into the bathroom with his bathrobe.

Gu An Tong blushed, and the image of the semi-transparent bathroom door came to mind, leaving her feeling a bit helpless. "I'll wait for you," she stammered.

She sat down at the dining table, her cheeks still tinged with pink, and she could hear the sound of running water. After about ten minutes of unease, Si Zhenxuan finally emerged from the bathroom, dressed in a shirt and trousers, and joined her at the dining table.

"Let's eat," he said casually, and they began to have breakfast together, like an old married couple.

The meal was plain, but Gu An Tong couldn't help but smile throughout.

After breakfast, Gu An Tong was getting ready to go to work with Si Zhenxuan when he suddenly said something that left her bewildered.

"The bus will pull into the company's underground parking lot, and then we'll go our separate ways to our respective companies, Ru Company for you."

Gu An Tong hesitated for a moment, then asked, "Why?"

Si Zhenxuan organized the documents, not lifting his head, and replied, "I aim to maintain a clear boundary between personal and professional life within the company, and your true identity remains concealed. Although you've expressed your desire to work at Ru Company, your collaboration with Xie Minglang is a special arrangement made by him. If any other connections come to light, it might interfere with your work."

Gu An Tong fell silent. She couldn't deny that Si Zhenxuan's reasoning made sense, yet keeping their relationship hidden still left her feeling uneasy.

Observing Gu An Tong's silence, Si Zhen Xuan stepped forward and gently held her hand. "This is for your benefit as well. If our relationship were to become public, it would bring complications your way too. Moreover, when you return to the company, I want people to see your professional skills, not your personal life."

With just a few simple words, Si Zhenxuan eased all the discomfort in Gu An Tong's heart. She knew deep down that what he was saying was the truth, but she had hoped that he would voice her thoughts.

"Alright, I understand," Gu An Tong nodded, offering Si Zhen Xuan a faint smile and a tinge of sympathy.

Si Zhenxuan felt a tug at his heart, and he lowered his head to plant a tender kiss on her lips. It was a fleeting, delicate touch, almost too ethereal to be real. However, the warmth and sensation of that moment assured Gu An Tong that it was very much real.

Feeling somewhat embarrassed, she lowered her head and gently led Si Zhenxuan out of the hotel.

She wanted to escape. She wasn't sure if she could ever become accustomed to such intimacy, but she didn't reject it at all. In fact, she hoped they could grow closer.

They reached the underground parking lot of the company. There were elevators that led directly to the top two floors and elevators from the ground floor to the highest floor.

"I'll go report in now," Gu An Tong said with a smile to Si Zhenxuan. She turned to walk toward the employee elevator but was suddenly stopped by a firm grip on her wrist.

"What's the matter?" Gu An Tong looked back at Si Zhen Xuan. Was there something else he wanted to say?

Si Zhenxuan lowered his head and lightly touched Gu An Tong's forehead. Before she had a chance to blush, he withdrew his hand and took a step back. "I'll call you."

It was a simple promise, but it warmed Gu An's heart.

It seemed like he still cared about her, didn't he?

Gu An Tong was in a cheerful mood, her smile never fading. As she reached the door of the project team she would be collaborating with Xie Minglang, she encountered a man in a black suit. He appeared to be around 40 years old, with his hair slicked back. He was tall, slightly portly, and exuded an air of authority.

"Miss Gu An Tong? I'm Wang Yong, the company's general manager." The man spoke in a surprisingly gentle voice that didn't match his imposing appearance.

"Hello, General Manager Wang. I'm Gu An Tong," she replied with a polite smile, projecting an approachable demeanor.

Wang Yong nodded and led Gu An Tong into the project team's workspace. The team comprised about a dozen people, a mix of men and women, all deeply engrossed in their work. It was evident that the company regarded this collaboration as highly significant.

"Clap, clap, clap!" Wang Yong applauded, capturing everyone's attention as they momentarily set aside their tasks and turned their gaze to Gu An Tong.

"Hello, everyone. Allow me to introduce a new addition. This is Miss Gu Antong, who will be leading our project team for this collaborative endeavor. I hope we can all work together harmoniously in the days to come." Wang Yong's words didn't elicit much surprise, suggesting they had already been informed about the situation.

Certainly, here is the revised and expanded version of the text:

However, it's no surprise that this cooperation is highly esteemed. Suddenly, a group leader arrives, causing quite a commotion even though their role isn't explicitly defined.

"Miss Gu, can we have a word with you?" Wang Yong passes the floor to Gu Antong and requests her to provide a brief introduction.

With a serene smile, Gu Antong gazes at the assembled crowd. "Ladies and gentlemen..."

"Gu Antong?"

Just as she begins to speak, an irate and resentful voice cuts her off.

The familiar voice causes a slight furrow in Gu Antong's brow. Si Zhenxuan had informed her that Si Yueyun would be in charge of this collaboration, but he had omitted the fact that Jiang Nuan was also involved.

A flamboyant figure strides up to Gu Antong, compelling her to lift her head. But upon closer inspection, she notices that Jiang Nuan has applied heavy makeup, giving her a pallid appearance.

"Why are you here?" Jiang Nuan isn't surprised, but she's clearly angry and unwilling.

Just the night before, Gu Antong believed that she had successfully ousted Jiang Nuan, and that she would soon gain control within the company. She had thought that by dealing with Si Zhenxuan, she could gradually assert her dominance. However, she never expected Gu Antong to rejoin the company.

Raising an eyebrow, Gu An Tong feigned ignorance of Jiang Nuan's displeased expression. "I could say the same about you."

While it's unsurprising for Si Yueyun, the heir of the Si family, to work here, Jiang Nuan is not only unmarried to him but is also expecting a child. Isn't this a bit unusual?

Gu Antong's heart skips a beat as she recalls the previous night's events. She suddenly regards Jiang Nuan with suspicion, wondering if she's here to take action against Si Zhenxuan.

Jiang Nuan's expression darkens as her resentment deepens. Gu Antong's words and demeanor at this moment feel like a condescending insult to her.

"Gu An Tong, I wonder how long you can maintain that invincible facade!" Jiang Wenleng sneers and turns to address Wang Yong.

"Let them know who I am!" Jiang Nuan's haughty demeanor and tone suddenly appear more appealing to the project team than Gu Antong's composed appearance. It's as if she has gained an advantage in their eyes.

Wang Yong casts a disapproving glance at Jiang Nuan, but his hands are tied. She's been acknowledged by the family.

"This is Jiang Nuan, who will serve as the head of the project team starting today. You will all collaborate closely in the future."

Head of the project team?! A wave of shock ripples through the crowd, some unable to believe their eyes. Not only has a new team leader been appointed from outside, but now even the director is an external appointment. Given the attitudes of these two individuals earlier, it's clear that they are more than just acquaintances; they share an extraordinary connection.

Will they be able to coexist peacefully in the days to come? The project team members lament in their hearts.

Jiang Nuan tilts her head, casting an imperious look over the gathering. "The most important quality when working under my guidance is intelligence and attentiveness. If you're not sharp enough and make mistakes, don't blame me for the consequences, alright?"

Despite their reluctance, everyone nods and says, "Yes, Director!" In the midst of the collective response, Gu Antong remains the sole exception, drawing a discontented frown from Jiang Nuan. "Gu Antong, didn't you hear that?"