
Bride of dominant man.

Miranda Hudson was forced to marry Richard Fuller, Director of DonB cooperation. That was all because of her stepsister who ran away before her marriage with Richard Fuller. Facing her grandmother’s critical illness and her father’s threats, Miranda Hudson could only substitute her sister in the marriage with the Fuller family. But it turns out that her husband was a dangerous man. She asked for a divorce, but the man trapped her in his embrace and said that he would rather be a widower…

BlackFol · Urban
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34 Chs

Need to rest.

Miranda wiped her tears when Richard came inside the room with a menacing expression and a gloomy stare.

He marched up to Miranda. "Miranda, Don't you feel any sense that someone was standing behind you?" Richard's voice was bone-chilling.

Miranda opened her mouth in an attempt to explain herself, but she almost suffocated when she raised her gaze and saw the rolling menace in his gaze.

"Have you turned mute?" Richard said pinching her chin firmly between two fingers.

"I didn't imagine that she was there. Okay, I will apologise to her later." Miranda in a soft voice as she propped herself up from the couch with her head raised while looking at Richard. It wasn't until then that he noticed that her face was extremely pale.

Frowning he turned to go back upstairs. Miranda took out her phone and dialled a number.

After around ten or so minutes, Sophie entered her room.

"What happened to you, Miranda?" Instead of replying to her, she stood up from the couch while gritting her teeth.

"Come and help me up." After Sophie moved closer, she leaned against her arm before tentatively taking a step. The excruciating pain in her legs made her face contort with agony.

"Take me to the hospital. My legs hurt" She said.


When Miley heard about the incident, she rushed home in the afternoon. Miley sat on the couch for a long time with a grim expression after learning about what had happened from one of the housekeepers, Dalia.

The other housekeepers were standing by the side with their heads hanging low, not daring to breathe loudly. According to them, Miranda had pushed Nicole.

Miley suddenly rose to her feet. With a darkened expression, she walked toward Richard, who was standing next to the couch.

She lifted her hand and slapped him hard across the face. The slap was so loud that it scared the housekeepers. They were old housekeepers who had been serving the Fuller family for a long time. "Richard, I'm very disappointed in you," Miley said while shaking her head and putting her hand down in a huff. She glared at Armand and sneered, "Miranda was in hospital in Sophie. Did you know that?"

With that, she let one of her housekeepers help her, and they both went up to the second floor. Richard's expression was still ice-cold, even after being slapped. He took out his phone and failed Sophie.

"Is she injured badly?" Richard asked over the phone.

In the living room, the housekeepers lowered their breathing rates even more. He looked casual, but the cold aura he exuded was terrifying.

"Her burns are severe. Both her legs, from her thighs to her calves, were burnt red. Some parts had blisters too." Sophie replied. His throat tightened after hearing what Sophie said.

If there are blisters on her burns, then it must be serious. Richard thought about how the woman looked at him calmly, yet she must have put a lot of effort into suppressing the pain she felt in both legs.

After he hung up the call, he called Dalia. He lit it casually at his own pace and took two puffs of smoke. "Come here," he demanded.

Dalia shuffled forward a few steps. "Master, I wanted to get something from the kitchen, but then I saw Miss Nicole. Miss Miranda gave Miss Nicole a shove. Miss Miranda was afraid that she would be exposed as the culprit, so she lifted the kettle and poured hot water over her legs—"

Suddenly, Richard grabbed Dalia's left hand, and then put the cigarette out on the back of her hand. In an instant, pain shot through her entire body. She nearly cried out in pain, and her whole body trembled ceaselessly.

"Actually...I didn't see anything...." Her forehead began to sweat.

Richard hissed as she released her arms. He then glared at her with his vicious eyes. "You're not able to stand up straight just from a small burn by a cigarette. So tell me, where would she have the strength to push Nicole?"

"Mr Fuller, I was wrong!" Dalia kneeled on the floor and began to stutter, "When I saw Miss Nicole on the floor, and her arms were burnt. so I assumed that it was Miss Miranda who had pushed her."

"Pack up your stuff. Get lost this instant!"

"Mr. Richard it's my fault!" Dalia was practically prostrating on the floor then. Richard lowered his head and leered at Dalia. His expression was one of menace. "How dare you frame my wife? Just quietly pack your stuff if you don't want to end your life here."

Dalia's entire body trembled as she kneeled further closer to the floor.


Taking off his surgical mask, the doctor said to Maria, "Ms. Miranda's legs should be fine now. She needs to rest and recuperate for the next few days. Don't get water on her legs, and remember to apply the ointment I've prescribed every day until the scars fade."

Both George and Sophie were relieved when they heard that.

Together with Sophie, they then brought Miranda back home. George strode in and went straight to the bed, then leaned forward to place Miranda gently on the bed.

At that moment she received a call from Richard.

"How is she?"

"The doctor has reminded her that she needs to rest at home for a week," George replied, pressing his lips together as he thought about the injuries on Miranda's legs.

After Richard was done talking with George, he called Steven over via the internal line to give him an order. "Get Henry to arrange a good family doctor and let him stay at Nicole's place. And stop her from going to the Fuller Mansion so often."