
Breaking Allastair

Being young and beautiful, Celeste is the only daughter of the Marcon Family and was raised by Don Andres Marcon and Dona Saffira Marcon in their province. She was known to be an in-demand event stylist and a successful event planner. Everything is fine with her life, but she doesn’t remember anything about her childhood to her adolescence. She always felt that something was always missing in her life –not until she found out the truth when an unknown man came named Allastair and he claimed that she was his.

Apple_Joy_Olvina · Teenager
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6 Chs

Chapter 4

Celeste can't stop her tears from flowing while seeing her mother packing her things. It was just early in the morning yet she was already crying. She quietly roamed her eyes around her room that was now empty. Her books are also packed with her because she can't live every day without reading a novel.

"Let's go, Iha." her mother said to her, but she noticed that her voice was hoarse, maybe because Celeste had heard the heated argument between her parents last night. Celeste was shaking and didn't want to leave the house, but her parents, especially her father, had decided to take her to that man's house without letting her decide if she wanted to. It was a sudden shock to her. Celeste couldn't accept it. She immediately felt betrayed and despised the man who did this to her and to her family.

She was just so confused and didn't understand why they had to do this to her.

"Is it really easy for you to just give me away huh?" Celeste said with sadness and anger.

Her parents looked at her and she saw how Doña Saffira's hands shook when she went to hug her. "I hope someday, you will understand. We love you so much. "

Celeste's cries filled the mansion. She was hurting inside because she didn't see a single tear coming from her parents' eyes. But she felt that they were sad.

"Papa, I'm sorry, but why would I be with someone I didn't know?" She reached her father but he just gave her a tight hug.

"Someday, love. You will understand. "

A loud noise from the outside suddenly broke their farewell. She looked into her mother's eyes and it mirrored her emotion. It was sadness and fear.

She didn't have a choice but to follow her parents' decision even though it was killing her inside. She doesn't want to leave them, but they are the ones who are pushing her away.

Celeste saw a fine looking man wearing an all black suit. His face was defined and she could not read any emotions from him. His lips are in a grim line and his eyes are like piercing her soul.

"We have to go." he said in a cold tone.

Celeste walked towards the car while her things were being loaded in the back. She saw how her mother hugged her father. Her father just smiled at her, but sadness could be seen in his eyes.

"I love you." she mouthed to them before she went inside the car. With tears streaming down on her cheeks, she felt that the engine had started. Celeste didn't even dare to look back on her parents because she would lose the will to leave them. She might have run away from this car and gone back inside the house if she had.

If they wanted her to do this, even though she didn't understand what was happening, she would do it for them.

Celeste just focused her eyes on the car window and just watched the trees and the cars that were passing by. She realized that they were really leaving the province.

"I promise, I'll be back" she whispered to the wind.

It was already dark when they arrived in an unfamiliar place. Celeste looked at the window and she saw a huge house. After a couple of minutes, the car stopped.

"We're here."

Celeste immediately opened the car door and looked at the huge mansion infront of her.

"Follow me." She heard him say those words. Her heart was beating so fast because of fear and she was really nervous.

The house was old but it was big. It was bigger than their house and had a huge fountain outside. Celeste watched her steps when she walked towards the main corner of the house.

The man earlier was standing in her front and pressed the bell on the right side of the door. Seconds later, she saw an old lady. Her face was stiff and strict, and she was probably in her 50s. She looked at Celeste with a cold stare before she let them in.

"Mr. Bonventre is in his studies. Walk through the stairs and you will see a brown door. He's waiting. " the old woman said to Celeste with her emotionless face. She obliged and walked towards the stairs while her hand was shaking a bit. She reached the end of the stairs and saw a huge brown door with a painting of a woman beside it.

Celeste took a deep breath before knocking on the door. She was looking at her shoes when the door opened and she saw a pair of black shoes in front of hers.

She immediately looked up and her breath hitched when she met his eyes. She saw how the man licked his lower lip. It was Allastair. The man she despised the most.

"Come in." He said with a hint of coldness in his voice.

She walked inside the room and saw a table full of papers. The room was big and her eyes immediately darted towards the shelf that was full of books. She shifted her gaze immediately. Celeste walked towards the opposite side of the table and sat on the chair.

"Why are you doing this?"

she said angrily to the man who was just looking intently at her. He sat on the swivel chair in front of her holding a glass of liquor. Celeste can smell it because they are only inches apart. She could also smell the manly perfume of Allastair that was enveloping her nose.

His lips were set in a grim line and she could see the movement of his Adam's apple. The man had clean cut hair that was pushed backwards and she could see how his eyes shifted from her face towards her body. Celeste immediately felt uncomfortable because of him.

"What the h-hell?" She snapped when the man suddenly bent over towards her and cupped her face holding his chin. It was aggressive and his eyes were looking intently at her. His eyes were dark and dangerous.

"You're mine." he said possessively, like she was his possession.

Her forehead furrowed at what the man had said. She could not speak any word due to shock. She just stared at him and was even more surprised when he grinned at her.

"You will be mine, Celeste."

She immediately removed his hand and looked at him angrily.

"No one owns me but myself. What kind of madness is this? What do you need from my family huh? " She shot back at him.

The man sat properly in his seat and sipped from his glass of liquor.

Celeste felt really angry and disappointed at the same time. She didn't really know what she was doing here and she didn't know what his plans were for her. The only thing that she wanted right now is to go home and be with her family. She really wanted to escape this place.

She looked at the man and fear suddenly filled her body when his expression went serious. It was as if he could read her mind.

"You can't escape from me, Celeste." he said and she saw how his jaw clenched. Celeste could feel the hint of anger from it.

Celeste immediately took a step backwards when he walked towards her direction and he held her cold hand. She looked up at his face and she saw an unfamiliar emotion suddenly cloud his eyes, but it disappeared immediately. His eyes now are different... they were filled with anger and hatred.

"You can't get away from me. Not anymore. "

"S-stop touching me, Moron." She said angrily.

The man stood up properly in front of her and put his hand in his pocket.

"You will live here with me." he said with finality in his voice.

"Do you really think I'm gonna follow what you're going to say? You're a stranger to me! "

"Hmm. Still feisty. " Allastair said towards her.


"Maybe this will change your mind." Celeste just stared at the man who walked back to his table. She saw him getting something from the drawer, but her face immediately turned pale when she saw Allastair holding a gun.

"W-what are you doing?!" She said hysterically. She saw how serious his face was and Celeste's eyes grew larger when she saw him putting bullets inside the gun. She heard a clicking sound and was taken back when she saw Allastair pointing the gun towards her.

"D-do you think I'll be scared huh?" Celeste said to him. Her voice croaked a little, but she was hiding her fear by saying that. She could feel her body shaking a bit, but she pushed herself to look the man in the eye.

"Hmm. I guess not. Would this be a warning? "

Celeste immediately shouted when Allastair suddenly pulled the trigger and the bullet was shot a few inches away from her feet. She was startled and she could not believe that the man had just done that.

"What the fuck?!"

Allastair was still seriously looking at her and pointing the gun in the other direction. Celeste closed her eyes when she heard another gunshot. She could feel her body sweating because of nervousness and her heart was racing. She couldn't believe that this man had really tried to shoot her!

She then looked at the vase which was now broken on the floor. That could be her if she continued to anger this psychotic man!

"Do you understand me now?" He said while lowering the gun. Celeste's insides were trembling, and she was terrified of her life. She knew that this man was dangerous. If she wanted to leave this place intact and alive, she would obey him even if she didn't want to.

She bitten her lower lip and talked in a small voice.

"I-I understand."