
Breaking Allastair

Being young and beautiful, Celeste is the only daughter of the Marcon Family and was raised by Don Andres Marcon and Dona Saffira Marcon in their province. She was known to be an in-demand event stylist and a successful event planner. Everything is fine with her life, but she doesn’t remember anything about her childhood to her adolescence. She always felt that something was always missing in her life –not until she found out the truth when an unknown man came named Allastair and he claimed that she was his.

Apple_Joy_Olvina · Teenager
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6 Chs

Chapter 2

The garden of the Hacienda Marcon is full of people. Everyone was smiling and greeting each other.

The afternoon breeze was blowing smoothly and Celeste plastered a smile on her face while looking at her parents, who were on center stage looking lovely together.

It was nearly 5pm and some of the guests for the party started to arrive. Celeste is holding a bottle of wine in her hand and greeting the guests as they enter the well-decorated garden of their house. Her parents decided to celebrate here in their hacienda because it was the exact place where her parents met, according to her father.

Celeste was busy greeting her parents' guests when suddenly she saw a very familiar woman entering the garden.


There she saw a beautiful woman walking towards her while wearing a white silk dress that hugs her body perfectly. The woman also had a red purse and a sweet smile plastered on her face.

Celeste put down her wine glass and hurriedly approached the woman and they gave each other a warm hug.

"Patricia! I am so happy you made it here! I thought you and Tita Cyne would not make it. " Celeste said and kissed the cheek of her first cousin. Patricia Marcon.

Patricia Marcon, the daughter of her Uncle Steven, who is the younger brother of her mother.

"Of course, Celeste! This is a very special night for Auntie and Uncle Andres. You know my mother loves this kind of celebration. " Patricia rolled her eyes after finishing the statement.

"Stop it Patricia!" A woman beside Patricia exclaimed, then she sweetly hugged Celeste and gave her a peck on the cheeks. "Don't believe her Cele. I am here to show support for your parents' undying love for each other. " Then the woman laughed.

That woman right there is her Aunt Claia Marcon. The wife of his Uncle Steven. Despite her age, her aunt is still stunning and sophisticated. Celeste is very close to her.

Celeste let out a soft laugh and motioned them to come to the table where she could see their other relatives.

"Wow, Hija, your garden is lovely!" I bet that you did a wonderful job styling and decorating this place. " Aunt Claia said while looking at the venue.

Her parents requested that the venue be decorated in white and red. Her parents at first objected to the idea that she was styling the celebration because they didn't want her to become busy on their special day, but since Celeste really insisted, her parents just agreed and let her do her thing. After all, she's the one who is an expert in this area.

She is Celeste Marcon, the only daughter of Don Andres Marcon and Dona Saffira Marcon who is an in-demand Event Stylist and Planner.

Celeste felt so proud of her work. She is the one who insisted her parents let her decorate the venue for their anniversary. She just wanted it to become successful and beautiful.

"Thank you so much Auntie. I guess you should see Mama because she asked me about you earlier. She's asking me if you have already arrived. "

Her aunt nodded and smiled at her, then immediately approached her mother. Celeste saw her mother wink at her.

She just laughed and continued to check and monitor the event.

Moments later, the celebration began. She could see that her parents were really happy and exchanged messages with each other.

She saw her Mama teary eyed while listening to the lovely message from her father,

"I never thought we would come this far." Don Andres said. "I could still reminisce about the time when I already realized that I was in love with you. Right here in this garden of ours. "

He held her hand. "Back then, I could feel that something was definitely missing in my life. I didn't know what it was until I saw you. You are the missing piece in my messed up life and I didn't know that I could love someone this much. "

Celeste felt her cheeks heat up and tears started to flow in her eyes. The guests were also silent and some were crying in the arms of their loved ones. It was a beautiful scenery to look at.

If only I had someone with me.

"You gave me happiness and love that I am always grateful for. At that time, I could never ask for anything more because I was content and happy with you, but then another bundle of joy came. " He looked at the guests and Don Andres saw his daughter Celeste silently crying in the corner.

"That bundle of joy was Celeste. My Little angel. " He said while looking at her. "Both of you are my most precious angels. You have given me the light and given me happiness that I know I didn't deserve. I thank God for that. I will both love you until my last breath, protect both of you and do everything for you. Happy 25th wedding Anniversary to us, Angel. " Celeste then saw her father kiss her mom in front of everyone.

Everyone started to clap their hands and raised their wine glasses for a toast to the couple.

Celeste smiled with complete happiness plastered on her face. Tears are streaming down her cheeks.

"I really wished that someone would love me that much." She said while wiping her tears. She then decided to go to the toilet when she saw everyone was having a good time dancing and singing, including her parents, who were slowly dancing in the center of the stage.

She could feel the cold breeze of the night. She looked at her dress. Right. She was wearing a red strapped silk dress that was above her knees paired with white stiletto heels. She left the garden and went to their house to fix herself and to get a fur coat from her room. She was cold.

Celeste was at the door when suddenly she bumped into someone. She outbalanced herself and was about to fall when she felt arms wrapping her waist preventing her fall on the stairs.

"Shit!" She exclaimed and instantly wrapped her hands around someone who was holding her.

"Are you alright?" asked the man with a deep baritone voice.

Celeste was still shocked and raised her eyes to see the man holding her.

She was surprised when their eyes met. Celeste could feel that her heart was beating so fast. She felt the same sensation creeping on her hours ago at the market. Then she realized that he was the same man inside the car that was staring at her! She could'nt be wrong!

She then immediately moved away from him and fixed her dress. She nervously gripped on her dress and stared at the man in front of her.

He had deep black expressive eyes, a pointed nose, then her eyes fell on his red luscious lips which were in a grim line. She saw how defined his jaw was.

Celeste suddenly felt a huge lump in her throat. She then took a step back because she could smell his manly scent.

"W-who are you?" She managed to ask the man who was staring intently at her without any hint of emotion in his face.

He didn't said a word. She saw that his hands were inside his pockets and was just calmly looking at her. Like he was memorizing her face.

Celeste felt nervous and uncomfortable because of his stare. She felt like this man was different and dangerous.

There was a complete silence.

The man didn't answer her question, but she was startled when the man took a step closer to her. His eyes were now different, but she couldn't read his emotions.

"Stop right there!" Celeste exclaimed and started to take a step backwards. Her hand was now inadvertently on his chest because she was pushing the man away from her in order to create space between them.

The man didn't listen and took another huge step towards her.

"Get away from me!" she said. Feeling scared of the man infront of him.

"I thought you asked for my name." he said with a deep husky voice. It could pass as a whisper.

"What?" Celeste asked him. She's confused.

All she could think of right now was to run away from this man. She can't even breathe properly being this close to him!

Celeste was about to run away when he grabbed her wrist and he pulled her closer to him. Celeste's face was flushed, and her mouth hung open as a result of the unexpected closeness.

He then slowly moved towards her ear and she felt the tingling sensation all over her body when he whispered,

"I'm Allastair."

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