
Breaker of Balance

GodSlayerPoseidon · Fantasie
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2 Chs


Death's a fickle thing.

Certainly, it's always common knowledge that we're all going to die at some point. But, I mean, it's not always "there, there" – it's always in the back of your mind.

It's almost cyclical. You forget about the inevitable fate that binds us all as mortals – we can die.

That was precisely what had happened to Mason, he had died at the the age of 10. The greatest part of his death was that it was of his own choice the only choice he had never regretted.

Mason had a horrible and disgusting life that should not have been granted to any child. His father was the creator of his nightmares and his abuser, and tormentor. When he was 4 his life had changed for the worse and his mother had died to a gang in their neighborhood.

His mother was a beautiful woman who would make mens heads turn due to her beauty and her curvaceous body. His father was a lucky man that had the opportunity to be with her.

His mother was raped and recorded by the gang that had kidnapped her as the videos were being uploaded to various media platforms.

That had caused his father to become even more of an alcoholic than he already was cause of his service in the army.

His father had beaten, raped, and starved him while leaving him alone in his dark room with only a tv that would play animes, tv shows, and movies.

He had always dreamed of escaping from his tragic reality and be reincarnated in his ideal life.

Those dreams and the hope of escaping were diminishing as time had passed until he had reached 10 years old when the door to his room was open.

He had proceeded to step out of his room for the first time in 6 years. While he was walking he had stumbled across the kitchen and his father cooking with his back facing him.

He was scared and a plethora of emotions were coursing through him as he had gained the courage to move his malnourished body towards an object that could free him.

It was a kitchen knife and a fairly large one that he had remembered all to much with the amount of blood that was spilled with it.

He quickened his pace and dash towards the knife and crouched behind the edge of counter.

He looked towards the ugliest most vile man he had the experience of being with in his life. The man was oblivious and was unaware of his coming demise by the hand of his own creation.