
Break me if you can.

Alora's life takes a drastic turn when she finds out something very important about herself. Her whole life had been a lie, everything she knew, did, and loved. She'd basically been living a stolen identity. Although it seems impossible, Alora is determined to build a new life, her life, one that she doesn't have to share her identity. One that belongs solely to her. Mackota is right next to her willing to help every step of the way. Will they achieve their goal?

Joy_Akpan · Fantasie
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7 Chs

My bag of essentials.

A week has passed since our not-so-little controversy and Enzo is still not talking to me, he's not made any attempts at ending this duel and I'm stuck between admitting guilt and demanding an apology. I want Enzo to talk to me but not at the expense of bruising my pride, there has to be another way.

Nelly's visits became even more frequent lately, she basically lives here now. I scarcely leave my room so I haven't been running into them very often but I still hear their loud sex noises from anywhere in the house.

Nelly never really liked me so she doesn't have a problem with Enzo treating me like I'm invisible.

I roll on my bed like a round bead on a flat plate ruffling the sheets I spent the whole morning arranging. The boredom is slowly sucking me in, I was bored out of my mind. I stroll towards the lame excuse for a library that sat lazily at the far end of my room.

I pulled out a book from the not-so-many other books sitting on the dusty shelf and a folded sheet of paper fell out of it.

The heading read; My adventure list.

 I walk back to my bed, eyes glued to the sheet of paper. I recognize it now, I wrote it the first day moved here. There are ten things on the list and the only one I've done is No.3 – a trip to the woods, I couldn't even do that well. I make the paper into a ball and throw it away. So much for adventure. I pick the paper back up and straightened it out.

 Maybe I'm the only person holding myself back. I wanted the adventure, not Enzo, why should he be the one to stop me? I'm going to face my fears and have fun. I'm going to the woods.

I feel so pumped like I can the anything. It's a weird feeling. I pack a bag of essentials;

•A torch light in case it gets dark, I have night vision but you can never be too prepared.

• A headlight in case I find a cave or a secret tunnel.

• A bag of chips.

• A tranquillizer gun; I never learned how to fight.

• A walkie-talkie; in case I get lost.

• Two litres of water.

• A sleeping bag; if I'm prepared to get lost I might as well be prepared to spend the night.

• A lighter

• A pocket knife; I might need it to kill my next meal, a fish maybe.

 My bag of essentials wasn't so essential anymore, it was heavy. I pulled out the sleeping bag, I'll find a cave to sleep in if I get lost. I guess the sleeping bag was the only heavy thing. My bag seems way lighter now.

I step out of my room dressed for battle, I was wearing a black turtle neck and a best with six pockets in the front, I stuffed each pocket with sweets and big khaki trousers with two large pockets at the side. I finished it off with black leather boots and a black bandana strapped across my forehead.

I considered knocking on Enzo's door on my way out but I couldn't bring myself to do it so I just left unannounced.

I follow my usual route and said hi to some of my tree friends. It's my first time here without the intention to cry and with the mental state of a five-year-old. It's peaceful and quiet, I guess I was an intruder to these trees and the creatures. "I'm sorry forest," I said and if I as much as heard a sound in response, it'll be the end of my adventure, thankfully I didn't.

I thought about how easy it was for everyone else to change from their wolf form to their human form, they did it in a heartbeat, and it came so naturally to them. Every time I tried, it didn't I ended up draining all my strength and losing consciousness for a few days. My dad said not to rush it and give it time but I know he was disappointed. I tried a few times myself but none ended well so I gave up on trying.

Sometimes, I wonder if I'm even a werewolf. Maybe something went wrong when I was given birth to. I never really knew my mother, she died when I was barely a month old, I would have asked her.

I go deeper into the forest and it was no longer as silent, birds were chirping, dry leaves were rustling and it was windier.

 I'm not exactly sure what I should be exploring, I don't know what to do or where else to go, the only things I see here are trees, birds, squirrels and more trees. I've not even seen a single wild animal. I wonder why I was so afraid before.

I sat next to a familiar tree, my feet were aching and I was thirsty. I grabbed my water bottle out of my backpack very happy with myself that was smart enough to pack water. I feel like a genius.

I went deeper into the forest determined to find something worthy to brag about to my father.

As I went deeper, the forest became thicker. I'd never been to this part of the forest, the leaves were evergreen, the smell of the air became thicker, and It got darker by the minute.

I began to wonder how it was that my siblings went to the woods and came back with different animals but I can't seem to find any, it was strange. Maybe I was in the wrong part of the forest or I'd have to call out to the animals with a song or something.

I was desperate to see something, anything. I don't mind having to run for my dear life later, I just don't want to go back home de-motivated that maybe there isn't much of an adventurous life outside the palace anyways.

I was getting tired of walking.

"There's nothing exciting about this place, I'm going home." I yelled hoping the forest would hear me and I scared most of the birds away, the rest just stared at me unbothered.

Something sprinted past me, it was very fast. I couldn't tell what it was but I could tell it was big. It could be a deer, a very big one.

This is supposed to be the part where I run from this unknown creature but I found myself running towards the direction it went. It left a scent trail, a weak one but I was still able to pick it up. I followed the trail mindlessly and ended up at a part of the forest I never even imagined was here. It was fucking beautiful, there was a water fall and there were so many bright colored flowers and there were butterflies and caterpillars and blue birds. It's like a beautiful garden, only way bigger. This, this is large scale.

I forgot about the scent I was tracking to explore my newly found discovery. I was halfway done with satisfying my curiosity when I heard a voice.

"So it's you." It's a male's voice, probably a warrior for him to be in this part of the forest, did I cross some kind of territorial boundary? I was too afraid to look back, I reached for my knife and tightened my grip around it. I had a master plan prepared, kick him in the balls, stab him in the eyes while his hands are busy consoling his balls and run away.

I summoned all the courage in me to turn and look at him but there was no need for that he was already in front f me and my oh my he's hot, like really hot.

"You're the one who scared away all the forest animals." I'll respond to the nonsense he's spilling later, first I need to take in all this beauty. Are there only beautiful things back here Are there more where he came from? If they were, I want to live here.