
Braving The Odds: A WIZARD System

When Silas sought to escape his troubled life, he was unexpectedly transported into the world of Heroes of Destiny, a game he once cherished. However, his joy is short-lived as he discovers he's trapped in the body of a wizard destined to meet a grim fate. Now, facing imminent death, Silas must navigate this unfamiliar world and evade an organization and its deities who view wizards like him as malevolent beings. Armed only with his knowledge of the game, Silas must defy the odds to survive. As he fights for his life, Silas hopes that if he can persevere, this world might offer him the freedom he craves. But if not, he is determined to defy fate and carve out his own destiny.

Sacred_Deer · Fantasie
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23 Chs

The Second Puzzle

He retreated as the heaps of rocks began to move, drawn together by some unseen force. The rocks assembled like a puzzle, forming a small pyramid. A thin beam of green light shot from its apex, cutting through the forest canopy, dodging branches as it pointed the way forward.

Danavar's frown deepened, but he placed a reassuring hand on Silas's shoulder. "Guards, follow the light. Be ready to engage. Our enemy will become more desperate as we approach."

Danavar's voice echoed with authority. He cast the speeding spell on Silas, then led the way, following the green beam.

They navigated through the forest, pushing past giant trees, cutting through obstructing branches, and climbing a steep hill. At the crest, they halted. Below, Silas saw seven towering grey stone pillars. At their center rested a monstrous spider, grotesquely mutated with two heads, each at opposite ends of its body.

"Captain, that monster certainly doesn't look easy," Ken said, brushing his red hair from his face.

Danavar's frown deepened. "It isn't," he replied, his gaze shifting to Silas. "We are sworn to protect our town above all else. What you're about to see," he glanced at his guards, "you must turn a blind eye to it. As your Captain, this is my command."

The guards exchanged confused looks, uncertainty clouding their expressions.

"Surround the monster on all sides and attack it simultaneously. Something that big will struggle to support its own weight. Our focus must be on limiting its movement," Danavar instructed, his voice firm.

The guards nodded and cast their spells, red and green light pouring from their palms before sinking into their bodies. Danavar turned to Silas and cast the speeding spell and a blessing spell to increase his [Defense]. Silas felt a surge of satisfaction, knowing his [Barrier] would be more effective.

"Let's move."

The Peacekeepers scattered in all directions. Silas stayed close behind Danavar as they plunged deeper into the forest. The trees thickened above them, casting shadows that danced in the dim light. The air grew colder as they neared the clearing where the monster waited.

"Is it safe to tell them?" Silas asked, his voice almost lost in the whipping wind.

"I trust them," Danavar replied.

It wasn't the answer Silas expected. Danavar was clearly risking his honor and the truth about Silas's identity. Was it a risk worth taking?

Silas halted abruptly. Danavar turned, his annoyance clear.

"Why did you stop?"

"I can't reveal my identity to these people," Silas said firmly. "How can I be sure they won't call the Lightservants after me?"

Danavar held his gaze.

"I have a way," he said, pulling a staff from thin air—the reward Silas had received earlier. "I'll battle the monster my way. When there's an opening, I'll do what I can."


Old Staff (Normal)

Attack: 20

Curse Hit Rate: 0.60%

Additional Stas:



The Old Staff was an ancient metal rod, smooth and cylindrical, standing at half of Silas's height. Despite its worn appearance, it was perfectly attuned to his abilities. This artifact increased his [Attack] power and enhanced his [Curse Hit Rate], a crucial stat for inflicting [Debuffs] on enemies.

Danavar sighed, clearly irritated. "Do what you want." He cast [Haste], [Defense Blessing], and [Attack Blessing] on Silas before running toward the monster.

They stopped at the edge of the clearing. The guards around the beast signaled to let everyone know about their presence.

Silas stared intently at the monster, a notification box appearing before him.

[Twin Arachnid has appeared.]

Danavar raised his hand, signaling the attack. Silas dashed forward, aiming for the creature's legs. The staff struck with surprising force, shattering the carapace and rupturing the flesh beneath. The spider screeched, struggling to stand on its damaged limb.

"Go for it!" Danavar shouted.

The spider's leg, towering above him, wavered as it tried to regain balance. Silas prepared to strike again, but the creature let out a high-pitched scream. A thin, glass-like film suddenly enveloped its body.

One of the Peacekeepers lunged forward, his sword aimed at the nearest leg. The blade connected, but it reverberated as if striking a metal wall.

The Twin Arachnid's rear head turned, spewing a stream of green liquid at the attacker. The soldier raised his hand in a futile attempt to shield himself.

"No! Aron, run!" a comrade cried.

Aron's body began to smoke as his skin melted under the acidic assault. His screams echoed through the clearing as he tried to wipe off the corrosive goo. Silas averted his eyes, unable to bear the gruesome sight.

"Move away from it!" Danavar shouted to his stunned guards.

The battle intensified, the air thick with the sounds of clashing weapons and the spider's enraged shrieks. Silas tightened his grip on the Old Staff, determination burning in his eyes. He knew he had to find a way to break through the creature's defenses. But as soon as his staff landed, he felt a vibration that traveled through his weapon.

'[Glass Shield] at this early,' he thought as he jumped back.

After advancing through the game's initial levels, the monsters Silas faced had grown significantly stronger, each boasting an array of formidable skills. Even the average beast wielded at least three abilities, presenting a daunting challenge for the wizard.

One of the most aggravating skills he encountered was [Glass Shield], which granted monsters an extra bar of [Health Points] dependent on their power.

"This is going to be a pain," he muttered.

To destroy the [Glass Shield], he knew they had to hit it relentlessly until the extra [HP] bar was depleted. Silas sprinted toward Danavar.

"That thing," he said, panting, "has a shield. We need to break through it for our attacks to hurt it."

"How do we do that?"

"Just hit it as much as possible."

"It sounds easy when you say it."

Silas glared at the man, unsure if he was being sarcastic or genuinely questioning him.

"Soldiers!" Danavar shouted, drawing everyone's attention. "That thing has some sort of barrier. This boy says the only way to destroy it is to hit it as hard as we can. Use every ounce of power you have to defeat that monster!"

"Yes, sir!" the Peacekeepers responded in unison.

Danavar cast a spell on his blade, enveloping it in a red glow. Closing his eyes, he focused, channeling more energy into the sword. Raising the blade high, he slashed downward. Flames burst forth from the descending blade, scorching the air like a fiery whip. The searing attack struck the monster, causing the Twin Arachnid to recoil and crouch low.

He turned to Silas, "We just have to hit it as hard as possible, right?"

Silas nodded, gripping his staff tighter. The urgency of the situation pressed down on him as the soldiers launched their assault. The forest echoed with the sounds of clashing weapons and the monster's enraged shrieks. Silas joined the fray, striking the Twin Arachnid's shield with all his might, determined to break through its defenses.