
Braving The Odds: A WIZARD System

When Silas sought to escape his troubled life, he was unexpectedly transported into the world of Heroes of Destiny, a game he once cherished. However, his joy is short-lived as he discovers he's trapped in the body of a wizard destined to meet a grim fate. Now, facing imminent death, Silas must navigate this unfamiliar world and evade an organization and its deities who view wizards like him as malevolent beings. Armed only with his knowledge of the game, Silas must defy the odds to survive. As he fights for his life, Silas hopes that if he can persevere, this world might offer him the freedom he craves. But if not, he is determined to defy fate and carve out his own destiny.

Sacred_Deer · Fantasie
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23 Chs


[Quest IV: No Living Walk on Four Feet]

[Description: Sam had just appeared outside at the inn. Help the Peacekeepers kill the monster before he can harm anyone.]

[Kill Sam 0/1]

Silas closed the floating box and reached for the doorknob. The chilly wind tousled his hair. From the shadows, Peacekeepers emerged, armed with flintlock rifles. They quickly took aim at the figure scaling the inn's walls.


Gunfire erupted around him as bullets streaked toward the climbing figure. Silas crouched, hands over his ears. He looked up and saw the panic that followed. Doors flew open as residents of nearby houses reacted to the gunfire.

"This is a disaster," Silas muttered to himself, watching civilians peer out from their windows.

Just as another round of bullets was about to be unleashed, Silas tapped one of the soldiers.

"Are you insane?" he demanded. "This is a residential area; you could injure innocent people."

The Peacekeeper frowned at him. "Our priority is eliminating that monster at all costs," he retorted. "I know you've been around the captain, but interfering could get you arrested."

He shrugged off Silas's hand and resumed his position. A shrill cry rang out as bullets found their mark.

Sam turned at them. His face now bore the features of both a spider and a man, with unsettling black protrusions resembling fangs.

Sam pushed himself upward and leaped to the roof, causing red tiles to cascade from the structure.

"After him! Illuminate the area and keep eyes on him," commanded the leader.

"Yes, sir!"

The guards hurried into the dark alley between the inn and another building, rifles ready and lights ablaze. Silas sighed irritably, trailing behind them.

As he approached the alley, the inn's door swung open. It was Clara. Her eyes met his.

"Eris," she exclaimed, "what's happening? I heard gunshots and shouting."

Silas hesitated, unsure how much to reveal. How could he explain that her husband had transformed into a spider-like creature scaling their inn's walls, now pursued by Peacekeepers?

"I'm not sure," he replied cautiously. "I'm following the guards to find out."

The lady looked at him with concern. "Shouldn't you stay? It could be too dangerous for you."

Silas smiled reassuringly and dashed after the guards. He heard the lady call after him, but he didn't look back. Guilt gnawed at him; not telling her the truth weighed heavily on his conscience.

Maybe keeping her in the dark would make it easier for her to accept her husband's fate. But fate—or whatever controlled this game—had plans brewing, especially for him.

Gunfire intensified as he ventured deeper into the alley. He found Peacekeepers encircling a three-story stone building.

"Now, fire!" Danavar commanded.

Silas followed their shouts. Sam, now less human and more spider-like, dodged with uncanny agility and shot webs to deflect bullets aimed at him.

Sam screamed and dropped to the ground, landing amidst the Peacekeepers. Two guards couldn't evade him.

"Help!" one cried, raising an arm.

Sam lunged, sinking his fangs into the man's neck, feeding on its blood.

After draining the soldier, Sam attacked another nearby Peacekeeper, using his elongated legs to hurl guards against the building.

Locking eyes with Danavar, Sam charged. The soldiers tried to halt him with gunfire, but nothing slowed the advancing spider.

Danavar retreated, shouting, "Regroup! Attack from behind—I'll distract him!"

The monster pursued Danavar down the alley. Silas surveyed the injured guards ahead.

One lay unconscious from the spider's blow, while others nursed wounds. Frustrated, Silas grabbed a handheld light from the ground before following Danavar

The beast was close now. Ahead, Silas heard rapid movements echoing through the dark alley. The windows of nearby buildings dimmed one by one, as if the residents feared drawing the creature's attention.

He glanced up to see thick clouds obscuring the moon. "What a dreadful night," he muttered.

Gripping the handheld light, Silas peered into the darkness ahead. He glimpsed the creature's glistening legs scuttling with unnatural speed. Amidst the skittering, he detected Danavar's heavy footsteps as the captain fled for his life, unaware that he might soon reach a dead-end with no escape.

What could Silas, a mere wizard, do in such a dire situation? Was it worth risking everything to save Danavar from certain death?

As the clouds completely veiled the moon, the sounds ahead ceased. Silas cautiously advanced, reaching a corner where he heard a disturbance in the shadows.

He silently wished he had taken one of the rifles from the ground. Raising his hand, he cast [Flickering Fire]. Three fiery orbs materialized and shot toward the spider's location.

The beast screeched and turned toward him. Silas gasped. Sam's face was the only human part left; his body had swollen into a bulbous, black form with six pairs of elongated legs and a fang protruding from his cheek.

The spider lunged, but Silas cast a [Barrier] just in time to deflect its attack.

A voice called out from behind him. Silas instinctively raised his hand to cast another spell, then recognized Danavar.

"It's just you?" the captain asked from the shadows.

"They'll be here soon," Silas replied through gritted teeth. 'If they know where we are... But if he's talking to me so calmly, maybe he hasn't spotted me.'

Silas sighed in relief, feeling grateful for the clouds that concealed the moon.

The spider slashed at Silas with its front legs in rapid succession, forcing him to dodge narrowly each time. It lunged forward, aiming to bite, but Silas rolled away just in time to evade its sharp fangs.

'This won't work,' Silas thought as he regained his footing. 'I'm just avoiding its attacks; I need to find a way to actually hurt it.'

The monster's relentless assault pushed Silas back with each cycle. On the sixth attack, he slipped on something on the ground, nearly falling victim to its fangs.

Just as the monster was about to strike, Danavar intervened, attacking its back with his blade. The creature turned its attention to the captain.

'This can't go on,' he thought.

He raised his hand and cast [Water Dart], aiming at one of the spider's legs. Three spear-like darts made of water, thick as his arm, shot forth and pierced the monster's tough skin.

Following up with [Flickering Fire], Silas directed small balls of fire at the spider's face. The explosions disoriented the creature, causing it to stagger.

As his skills reloaded, Silas prepared another [Water Dart], this time targeting the spider's head to incapacitate it. But the spider reacted swiftly, dodging the remaining water darts and scuttling toward the wall.

Despite its efforts, the spider's movements were slowed by the injuries it had sustained.

"You," Danavar said, holding his blade ready, "are a wizard."

Silas met the captain's gaze, wondering how he would react to this revelation. He lowered his hands, showing he meant no harm and hoped Danavar would consider the risks and benefits of having Silas on his side. A man dedicated to duty would weigh the odds to uphold his oath, and Silas hoped Danavar was that kind of man.

"Let's discuss it later," Danavar replied, sighing. "For now, let's pursue that monster."

Together, they set off in pursuit, the alley shrouded in darkness and tension.