
Brave soul system in the multiverse(hiatus)

“So I’m in another world so what? At least I have a system that’s about my favourite anime BLEACH!.” __________________________________ This is a fanfiction about brave soul I never seen fanfiction about the game even though it’s popular heck I saw people use characters in brave soul but never the game it’s self so I decided why don’t I use brave soul system by playing it and grind it into words and make it a fanfiction so that’s how I got the idea This adventure will be so different I don’t know what will happen I know the world but I let my self do the typing Oh yeah I have horrible grammar and a bad spelling it doesn’t help that my auto correction is broken like I type in a word correctly and suddenly it turns it into a none correct word super frustrating so please do comment on a paragraph that has some spelling errors and bad spelling it would be really great And oh yeah it’s not a harem the mc has sex with characters but I don’t show shit like that and as you seen what I typed I use swear words so if you don’t like swearing don’t read __________________________________ Volume 1 is completed vol 2 we’ll be out in 2weeks and 2month since I want to work on other fanfic ideas Oh yeah I will release chapter 1 of vol 2 but it won’t tell you the world it will just show you the world the few paragraphs will tell you what characters I have Brave soul/bleach is not owned by me it’s owned by title kubo The cover isn’t mine how I found the cover was basically searching in google bleach lunar ichigo fanart So yeah check them out or something

MADE_IN_MEMES · Anime und Comics
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11 Chs

Unexpected but very welcomed

14mils away we see the armoured kid his left arm armour is broken this of course is the child who helped soi fon escaped

his used air step going towards where soi fon is until he sees a man appear out of no where in front of soi fon he was confused

Looking at who is standing in front of soi fon it was a man with a really long black hair wearing a black clothe that similar to soi fon

'Who is he, by that long hair is he a noble or something' he says as he looked at the man in front of soi fon

'maybe it's that lord guy soi fon talked about but soi fon wasn't kidding when she said he was faster then her the dude practically came out of no where'

'Why is he putting his palm up shouldn't he clash the ball of energy with another thing' he stopped air stepping and looked at what this mysterious man will do


"Right soi fon" ichigo said as he looked at her he then looked at the ball of energy as he shows

"To be worried, it will be over before you know it" he said calmly

The ball of energy keep getting closer and closer and reached his palm he somehow stopped it

The ball of energy made a half moon arc, ichigo looked up at the top of the energy and then he sucked up the energy?

Ichigo looked at the person who used that magic spell, he looked shocked and disbelief

"h-HOW, Th-this is IMPOSSIBLE" he shouted as he stuttered he looked a bit scared now

Ichigo calmly looked at him and open his mouth instead of words he shouted and a pink beam came out of his mouth

The mage(new guy) was shocked even more he quickly got out of his shock and instantly casted a magic spell "GRAND SHIELD" he shouted

as a shield appeared in front of him getting hit by the pink beam he noticed a small crack within the shield so he add more mana to the shield

With our mc looking at where he fired the beam he waited for the results he looked at the character special he used



⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️


Stamina. 850. (0)

Attack. 527. (0)

Defence. 301. (0)

FCS. 285. (0)

SP. 488. (0)


Cero doble

Nelliel swallows a cero and then spits it out with one of her own, inflating immense damage[but we edit to make it so instead of a cero it needs to be an energy of sort to be sucked and spit out]

Soul trait

Damage taken will be lower to -16%


'This is one of the character I gotten but I don't remember how I got her most likely had of been when I open a summon, it sucks having a bad memory, right did that guy survive?' He looked back at the mage

A broken mana shield in front of him he even seems out of breath "You survived what a shocker!" He shouted at the mage

The mage wanted to run but thought about how he could be out of mana 'NO WAY THAT DUDE FIRED LIKE ONE THING AT ME AND IT WAS POWERFUL AND IT SEEMS TO BE AN ABILITY TO SUCK UP MANA AND THEN SPIT IT OUT IM IN A HUGE DISADVANTAGE' he shouted inwardly

"No way I'm not gonna stay here TELEPORTATION" he shouted the spell as a huge magic cycle appear bellow him and he instantly disappeared

The mc looked shocked but got a hold of his emotion and said "what a smart guy"

He looked behind him and saw a suprised soi fon 'oh yeah I never tol-'


The mc sweat dropped "uhh right but a bit too much on the excitement I'm not that strong" he chuckled

He then heard a voice his not familiar of "oh you're underestimating I've never seen such move such as yours but I shouldn't be surprised at how the world works"

He looked up and see a child in armour "what's a child doing here" ichigo said in confusion

"Ah lord ichigo he is the person who helped me escape" soi fon said

"Oh is That so then I thank you kid" ichigo said 'Hmm why am I saying kid this kid could be like toshiro ah he seems to not mind it'

"It's nothing much my name is Ion what's yours" ion said

"The names ichigo nothing more" ichigo said

Ion raised his eyebrow "I thought you where a noble"

Ichigo looked confused "noble why would I be a noble"

"Well because of you're long hair" he sees ichigo faces is filled with confusion so he explained

"it common knowledge that if someone has long hair it would mean they are a Freeman or a noble someone up the higher rank" ion said as he explain ichigo

Ichigo hit his palm with his closed fist "that explains why I would always get weird looks from people so they thought I was a noble"

"Uhh I guess you're not" ion said as he sweat-dropped

Ichigo scowl a bit "Is it bad for me to having a long hair like making the noble mad because of my long hair" ichigo worriedly said

"No the nobles won't be mad at you, it just means you will get attacked often by some people and most people won't talk to you" ion said

"Ah I see that's good" ichigo calmed down a bit "ah…"

An awkward silence

"I guess soi fon and me need to go back" ichigo said

"Yeah and I need to go back to the people who escape my quest was about them anyways cya" ion says as he didn't let ichigo say goodbye to him

"Right let's go" ichigo said

"Lord ichigo I have a question where have you been whiles I was in the prison by looking at the sky I can say I was knocked out for 6hours" soi fon said as she looked at her lord

"What I was doing" Ichigo looked back what he was doing


5hours ago

We see our mc in the middle of a lake with a fishing rod

"WHATS WITH THIS WHY CANT I CATCH ONE GOD DAMN FISH" ichigo shouted as he was annoyed

"DAMN IT IF I CANT CATCH YOU THEN I WILL USE JUSHIRO" he continued to shout as two swords appeared

"Let's finish this" as he said he put the tip of one his sword in the word as a black fish comes and swims

Then suddenly a sword comes out of the water with a fish in middle of the sword the sword looked like a replica of the sword the mc had



"Uhh I was desperately looking around until I saw a bright beam of light on the sky" he started sweating

In truth he was fishi- I shouldn't be calling it fishing but sword stabbing fishing as he caught a lot as we can see in his inventory he has like 40

He then saw beam of light so he flashstep to check it out

'Look I had faith in her that she would come back okay'

She would of died if you didn't see the beam of light '….'

"I see then let's go" she said

We where about to go back to the inn we are staying at until we see a ripple in the air, both soi fon and Ichigo looked at the ripple untill someone came out of it

"EH ITS YOU" ichigo instantly recognised who it was "YOURE THE GUY WHO GAVE ME THE WISHS"

"Yup that's right" he strange does a meowth pose

Another awkward silence

"Just tell me what you want" ichigo sighed

"Ah I'm here because last time I didn't give you a wish by wish I mean you where supposed to have 4wish but I gave you 3 the reason why is because I'm used to giving out 3 wishes so I'm here to give you you're 4th wish" ᎴᎥᏗᏉᎧᏝᎧ said

"Okay? I don't really have anything in mind can you suggest 2 that I would choose"

ᎴᎥᏗᏉᎧᏝᎧ thought about and said "sure let me think first by looking at you're memory"

"Umm lord ichigo who is he" Soi fon said

"Hm, he is the man from chapter 1 I think you came to this world in chapter 2 so of course you don't know him but his pretty much the person who gave me this power" ichigo explained Soi fon looks confused even more

"Hey hey woah you can't just break the 4th wall just like that" ᎴᎥᏗᏉᎧᏝᎧ look seriously at ichigo

Then suddenly both start to laugh

"Anyways" he put both of his hand on his pocket showing his both closed hand he opens both hands and shows a blue pill and a red pill

"Picking and swallowing one of these pills and you're fate goes to a different direction

You take the blue pill and you will instantly unlock the multiverse travel with an extra of having a 2x in power when a character reaches level 200 and if you transcend a character it would be x4 there's another feature where if you make a character 20/20/20 you would get a x8 with the lower section level 150 are a quarter of 2 and if you're character is level 100 it's basically there normal power level


If you take the red pill you will get another brave soul system but this one has all of the data you had in the previous world meaning you have a lot of characters good ones in fact, the extra is both system becomes more sentient and if you choose a character for them they come out though they basically are you meaning they are forgetful and a idiot so basically if you choose this you're system becomes even more dumber and also it gets harder to unlock the multiverse system since you need to unlock all of the features the system has but both of them

So what do you choose"

The mc looks at both of the pills and think, ᎴᎥᏗᏉᎧᏝᎧ could read his mind but his curious on which pill his pick he thinks the mc will pick the red pill since he doesn't want power he wants new ability

The mc comes out of his thought and looked at the right of his hand the red pill he moves his hand towards it but suddenly he grabs both of the pills and swollen them

ᎴᎥᏗᏉᎧᏝᎧ looks surprised but turned into a smirk "so you choose both"

"Thats right you never said something about choose one you said just said "one of these" thanks for the idea-" he couldn't finish his talk until huge pain covers all of his body

The pain was so intense he started crying 'WHATS WITH THIS PAIN ITS WORSER THEN HAVING EARACHE' he dropped to the floor

"LORD ICHIGO WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM" soi fon boldly attacked ᎴᎥᏗᏉᎧᏝᎧ

ᎴᎥᏗᏉᎧᏝᎧ of course snapped his finger which strange turned Soi fon into a ball of energy and goes inside the mc

He walks towards his ripple before looking back at the mc on the floor "I forgot to mention this with the both system characters have the same memory there's more to it but explaining would be a pain the ass now bye" he walked through his ripple as he leaves the mc on the floor"

1month later

At a mountain we see our mc on the top of the mountain he jumps out of the mountain and whistle

Suddenly a black or blue? Dragon Comes out of no where and catches the mc using the top part of its body

The mc started riding the dragon as started shouting about how his enjoying this

He makes the dragon land to the ground

"That was fun I still can't believe I got Bruno on the 5, 10x pull though I didn't want him oh welp right my next goal is to get 5th Anv bya and I'm almost done with multiverse unlocking"


Yes the end was rough like really rough and this is the end of vol 1 I'm gonna be working on other stuff and oh yeah btw I might work on this like in 2month I would still be grinding the game as I am because I am making so the mc will be grinding for 2month when the next vol chapter comes outs I show you what I got I promise the ending was just a sneak peek

I will give you guys another sneak peek if you give me you're power stone, the sneak peek it's pretty much just shows you the world his going but not directly in you're face you need to guess that one buddy though it would be different from each day since grinding and I swear it would be over 1000 words