
Branded Heiress

Branded with a mysterious tattoo at age 12, Amaliah was the scorned, unwanted daughter blamed by her noble family for the tragedies that befell them. When her beloved sister vanished, Amaliah was forced to take her sister's place as the engaged bride of Crown Prince Ryleigh, despite his love for the missing sibling. On what should have been Amaliah's wedding day, her long-lost sister returned, only to be murdered shortly after along with Ryleigh. Accused of the killings, Amaliah found herself disgraced, disowned, and her inheritance seized. Her only escape was an arranged marriage to Konstantin, a feared warlord rumored to lead an ancient cult. Trapped in her new husband's foreboding castle, Amaliah learned the cult's shocking secret - her tattoo marked her as the reincarnation of their founder. As more bodies piled around her and those closest betrayed her, Amaliah felt an undeniable, forbidden allure to Konstantin, her greatest adversary. He aimed to use her reincarnated powers for his own nefarious ends. Amaliah was forced to choose between submitting to this dark fate or embracing her destiny - to destroy the cult, the ruthless husband who inexplicably became her lover, and the dismaying future that had haunted her since childhood.

JQueenn · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Love and Loss

Young Amaliah, twirled around the castle's great hall, her blonde pigtails bouncing with each spin.

Her mother, Elisandra, laughed and chased after her, playing a game of hide-and-seek.

Lord Arin watched from a nearby chair, a warm smile on his face.

"Where's my little Amaliah?" Elisandra asked, pretending to search high and low.

Amaliah giggled and hid behind a tapestry. "Here, Mama!" she squealed.

Elisandra scooped her up, and they both collapsed into a fit of giggles. Lord Arin joined in, sweeping them into a big hug.

"My two favorite girls in the whole world," he whispered, his eyes shining with love.

"Mama, Papa, watch this!" Amaliah exclaimed, wriggling free to perform a wobbly pirouette.

"Bravo, little one!" Lord Arin applauded, making Amaliah beam with pride.

Elisandra smiled, hugging her close. "You're our little sunshine, Amaliah. You light up our lives."

Amaliah grinned, feeling happy and content. "I love you, Mama. I love you, Papa."

"We love you too, sweetie," Lord Arin and Elisandra chimed in unison, showering her with kisses.

Nighttime, Elisandra sat on the couch, Amaliah snuggled up beside her, listening to a bedtime story. The fireplace crackled, casting a warm glow over the cozy scene.

Lord Arin sat across from them, watching with a warm smile, his eyes shining with love for his little family.

As Elisandra read, Amaliah's eyes grew heavy, her head nodding against her mother's shoulder.

Elisandra gently closed the book and wrapped her arms around Amaliah, holding her close.

"Papa, come give us a goodnight kiss," Elisandra said, her eyes sparkling with love.

Lord Arin rose and bent down, kissing Amaliah's forehead and then Elisandra's. "Sweet dreams, my loves," he whispered, his voice filled with tenderness.

As Lord Arin exited, Elisandra began a soft lullaby, her voice weaving a soothing spell. Amaliah's eyelids drooped, her breathing slowing.

Elisandra tenderly stroked her hair, her heart filled with love and gratitude for this precious moment with her daughter.

Amaliah's small hand reached up, her tiny fingers curling around Elisandra's. "Mama, I love you," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

Elisandra's heart swelled with emotion. "I love you too, sweetie. More than anything in the world."

As Amaliah drifted off to sleep, Elisandra held her close, cherishing the warmth and love they shared.

She glanced up at Lord Arin, who stood watching from the doorway, a soft smile on his face.

Their eyes met, and Elisandra knew he felt the same love and gratitude for their little family.


Elisandra and Lord Arin sat together on the castle's balcony, watching the sunset paint the sky with warm hues. They held hands, their fingers intertwined as they gazed out at the breathtaking view.

Elisandra leaned her head on Lord Arin's shoulder, feeling grateful for this moment of peace together. "I'm so lucky to have you, Arin," she said, her voice filled with love.

Lord Arin turned to her, his eyes shining with adoration. "I'm the lucky one, Elisandra. You're the sunshine that brightens every day."

He lifted her hand to his lips, kissing it tenderly. Elisandra's heart fluttered at the gentle gesture.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, they sat in comfortable silence, enjoying each other's company.

Lord Arin put his arm around Elisandra, pulling her close. She snuggled into his embrace, feeling safe and loved.

"I love you, Arin," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

"I love you too, my dear," he replied, his voice filled with warmth. "Forever and always."

Grandmother Adelaide sat in her chambers, her expression stern as she gazed out the window at Lord Arin and Elisandra strolling in the garden.

She disapproved of their marriage, thinking Elisandra's commoner status and lack of noble blood made her unworthy of their family's legacy.

"That commoner will never be a suitable wife for you, Arin," she muttered to herself, shaking her head. "She doesn't have the grace, the intelligence, or the breeding to be a true partner for you."

Just then, Lady Lirien entered the room, curtsying gracefully. "Grandmother, I've come to pay my respects."

Adelaide's eyes lit up with approval. "Ah, Lirien, my dear, you are the perfect example of nobility and grace. Your family's history and connections make you a far better match for Arin than that... Elisandra."

Lirien's eyes gleamed with ambition, her voice dripping with sweetness. "I would be honored, Grandmother, to marry Lord Arin and bring honor to our family. I'm confident I can provide him with the support and companionship a man of his stature deserves."

Adelaide nodded, a plan forming in her mind. "I will make sure to arrange a marriage between you two. Mark my words, Lirien, you will be the next Lady of the castle, and you will bring the prestige and power our family deserves."


Elisandra's last day began like any other. She woke up early, feeling a bit weak but determined to spend time with her family. "Good morning, my loves," she said, her voice faint but warm.

Amaliah ran to her mother's bedside, throwing her arms around her. "Mama, you're finally up! I was so worried."

Elisandra smiled, stroking her daughter's hair. "I'm sorry, sweetie. I know I've been in bed a lot lately. But today, let's make some memories, okay?"

Lord Arin helped Elisandra out of bed, and they spent the day together as a family.

They walked in the garden, had a picnic, and watched the sunset. Elisandra was tired but happy, her eyes shining with love.

As the night fell, Elisandra's face grew pale, her breathing shallow. She clutched her belly, her eyes wide with fear. "Arin, something's wrong," she whispered, her voice trembling.

Lord Arin rushed to her side, holding her close. "What's happening, my love? What's wrong?" he asked, his voice filled with concern.

Elisandra's eyes locked onto his, her gaze pleading. "I don't know... I feel like I'm being pulled away from you... from Amaliah..."

Lord Arin held her tighter, trying to comfort her. "You're not going anywhere, Elisandra. You're safe with me. With us."

But Elisandra's body began to shake, her limbs trembling uncontrollably. Her voice grew fainter, her words barely audible. "I'm sorry, Arin... I'm so sorry..."

And with that, her body went limp, her eyes frozen on Lord Arin's face. He held her close, his heart shattering into a million pieces.

The funeral was a blur of tears and sorrow. Amaliah clung to her father, her small body shaking with sobs. Lord Arin held her close, his own eyes streaming with tears.

Grandmother Adelaide stood at a distance, her face somber but her eyes gleaming with a hint of satisfaction.

She had never approved of Elisandra, but she would never wish death upon her. Still, she couldn't help but feel a sense of relief that her son was now free to marry a more suitable woman.

As the days passed, Lord Arin and Amaliah struggled to come to terms with their loss. They wandered the empty halls, feeling Elisandra's absence acutely.

Adelaide tried to offer comfort, but her words felt hollow to Lord Arin. He knew she had never truly accepted Elisandra as her daughter-in-law.

One day, while Amaliah slept, Lord Arin broke down in tears, his body shaking with grief.

Adelaide found him like that, her expression softening for a moment. "My son," she whispered, her voice almost gentle. "I know you loved her. But she's gone now. You must think of your future, your daughter's future."

Lord Arin looked up, his eyes blazing with pain. "Her future was Elisandra, Mother. And now she's gone."

Adelaide's face hardened, her eyes glinting with determination. "We'll find another future, Arin. One that's suitable for our family."

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