
Branded for Ruin

"You can love a monster, it can even love you back, but that doesn't change its nature." ━━ Eliza Crewe, Crushed Where you go find your brother's ex-best friend, seeking help but everything is not as it seems. The troubled man you once knew in the past has completely changed. He is the only one who can help you but when you two finally meet, you realize that he has turned into a psychopath with killing urges and an inner voice in his head. Will you survive the longer you stay with him or maybe he will drag you to hell with him? Read more to find out.

LaraHart · Urban
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15 Chs

008 - on the edge.

Grayson Byrne

Kissing her without permission, he didn't even think about it so he just went for it because the longer he stared at her, the more he wanted to do horrible things to her but like always, he didn't let the darkness take over when it comes to her, he just wanted, no needed that breath she was holding. It belonged to him, and he wanted it back so he can forget every demon inside of his mind.

She helped the darkness go away and even it still watched with disappointment how he can't even hold back from touching the fragile girl in his arms, in those moments it stepped far away, back in the darkest corner of his mind to let them do as they please. He was so glad to let have that moment of peace that he wanted to devour the girl so it stays silent forever. It brought him the calm he always have wanted since he was taken away and forget the past abuse he endured those years.

It's a fitting punishment for a monster. To want something so much - to hold it in your arms - and know beyond a doubt you will never deserve it like you really want it.

She makes him feel hate, desire, anger, lust, and something even more dangerous. She makes him feel love and that was enough to lose his mind over it.

All those years when he was with this best friend and Aurora, those were the most happiest in his lifetime but he lost that the day he decided to leave them. He will never forgive himself for not staying and protecting them like they should have been protected. If not for him, Ray still would have been alive and Aurora wouldn't have been in this situation right now. Everything was fucked up because of his mistake but it was too late now. All that mattered that the girl of his nightmares were right in front of him. In the flesh.

Grayson couldn't believe he is kissing her. That she is here with him. Maybe it was just a twisted hallucination, the creation of his sick mind. It would be believable for darkness to create this heavenly illusion so it can take it away the next second. God, he sure hoped not. He would destroy the whole world and kill himself if she is not real.

Feeling her smaller body beneath his and tasting her lips, it was the sweetest sin he ever had but looking at her face, looking like a pure angel waiting for him to corrupt her, he started to think maybe she likes this. Not until he felt her hands push him away with all her strength. Letting her to push him away from her, not because she had the upper hand but because he was curious to know why suddenly something changed and her words gave him the answer he needed.

"Are you out of your mind, distracting me like this?" The girl snaps, her eyebrows furrowed in anger," Who do you think you are?"

Seeing her flustered with a blush on her cheeks, Grayson grins at her," I'm your worst nightmare, baby. You brought this upon yourself, coming here to ask for my help. Didn't you expect more from me, no?" He leaned down to watch how her angry expression turned dizzy after he stopped a breath away from her mouth. Tracking her eyes how they fall to look at his lips, he can't but grin wider, satisfied with her reaction to him.

"You need to be careful, precious. "

"Of what?" She whispers.

"That look. You look like you're about to fall in love for real."

His words snap her out of it and the girl glares at him with all her hatred towards him. Finally.

"I lied and you believed me. Who is the fool now?"

Something clicks inside his mind after she finishes the sentence. Sharp pain digs into his brain when he growls at her.

-You are such a fool. You really believed that she loves you? You better kill her before she creates more lies. She only wants to destroy you.

Clenching his jaw, he shuts his eyes, trying to suppress the urge to hurt the girl beneath him. The darkness taking control was not the way to go down this path. Now hearing it again because the girl just relieved the truth he knew from the very start, he hated himself that he even started to think that maybe, maybe she feels something for him. Maybe there's is a way to fix him but it was foolish for him to even consider that thought. Everyone lies and everything never lasts. That was so stupid of him. No one will love a monster like him. Not even the lovely brave girl who literally has opened her legs for him so he can get a taste. He can only take and hope that she will forgive him for his actions.

-She will never forgive you. Why even try when you can make her beg for mercy? Her blood will taste excellent once you stab her.

"Shut the fuck up!" He screams, hands quivering uncontrollably when he tries to hold himself up but it is hard when someone tells you to do things you don't really want to.

The hands on his face makes him freeze when his gaze falls on the girl. Aurora looks worried, maybe a bit afraid but more concerned for him than afraid about her safety.

"What is going on, Gray? What is troubling you? Since I came here, I watch how sometimes your eyes go white as you struggle to talk, it is like you are having conversation with yourself. Are you unwell? You can tell me everything, " warmly smiling, her fingertips gently stroked his cheekbones and Grayson almost chokes on a breath, not understanding how she still tries to comfort him, even though he is trying not to kill her in that moment.

Before the darkness comes back, he can't help but shudder," I'm afraid I will hurt you, " he whispers softly, confessing his biggest fear, if only for a moment because darkness never lets him feel weak. It was made so he can take bullshit without any regrets, to not feel anything towards anyone. It hated every single living thing, even him but since he is a vessel to its creation, they need to help each other to survive because if not, he will be killed.

"Oh, Gray, you will never really hurt me. Right?" The girl gently soothes his cheeks in comfort and for a second there, he believes her.

"I have a voice inside my head. The longer I listen to it, the faster I become the monster you start to believe me to be. It wants to...to kill you," he manages to tell her and notices how she flinches after the last words but still doesn't drop her hands from his face.

"D-does it asks you to kill me right now also?"

Grayson shakes his head with a heavy effort, " No but it can come back. It craves your blood and I don't want to hurt you. If that happens, my humanity will be completely gone and-"

-You piece of shit. Why did you told her? Now she knows how sick you are.

Wincing from the voice, he forces himself to push himself away from her but darkness being stronger than he is takes the matter in his own hands and latches a hand around the girl's throat, squeezing it tightly. Her beautiful face turning red the longer he chokes her when a sickening grin makes him look sinister from her view as he regards her with a pleasant glint in his dark eyes.

"I should kill you. You make me weak, can't do anything since you appeared here," his voice much deeper than before, he smiles as she struggles to breathe under his hold, her small hands trying to pry his hands off.

Retrieving a knife from his pocket, he takes the blade to her cheek, her eyes dilated in fear.

"A small cut would be enough to spill your blood but can't damage that pretty face of yours before I have my fun, right?"

The girl shakes her head and he felt her swallow as the action was easily noticeable against his palm, seeing how she tries to get air into her lungs. It was such a pretty sight, he wanted to devour her right there, taste the blood from the cut on her small throat from the sharp tip he was still holding but not deep enough to cause damage.

Easing the hold on her to let her breathe, Aurora gasped and started coughing with tears in her eyes.

He wanted to see her break to the point she begs him to let her go but as he watched her, she surprised him with a small smirk on her face even though he saw pain in her ocean blue eyes.

"This is all you got? You can't even kill me properly to finish this," she giggles like a maniac and for a second there Grayson stops and stares at her, questioning himself if maybe she has gone crazy because of him.

-This is intriguing.

The man shakes his head again, completely confused. Her reaction wasn't supposed to be like this and darkness wasn't even angry at him or at the girl anymore. It was like....it started to like her. What the heck?

"So what are you waiting for? Kill me, I dare you," Aurora blinks at him, lifting her head up so their faces are inches apart.

The words could have been pleasing to the darkness some minutes ago or the moment he saw her on his doorstep but it didn't liked the way she embraces death like second nature. She needed to live so it can torture her but hearing her words, it retreated backwards giving Grayson all the control back.

Taking the knife away from her throat, he throws it to the ground next to them and balls his fists so he can't hurt her further. Gritting his teeth, he starts to push himself up but the girl stops him with her hand on his shoulder.

"It's okay, Grayson. It's okay, I'm okay," whispering to him with her gentle voice, he groans as he looks at her in the eyes but immediately his gaze falls to her bleeding wound as he watches her holding her hand there to stop the bleeding.

"I fucking hurt you, I...I can't even control it anymore, I don't deserve your forgiveness, I'm a fucking monster, don't you see?" He shouts.

Aurora blinks her tears away, smiling sadly, " You're not evil as people think you are so don't call yourself a monster. "

Grayson avoids her pitying gaze, hating every second of it," No, I'm much worse."


"Because you deserve much better than some guy who talks to himself all the time and likes to kill everyone he doesn't like," he whispers quietly.

"That's what you don't get," she says, like she is annoyed by him," I don't care if I deserve better, because I want you, so please, let me in."

Grayson chuckles under his breath, the low sound taking her to places she didn't even know existed. Lifting his head and looking up to the ceiling, he can't help but adore the sweet girl below him. She was too naive to this world, broken already but still tried to fight for him. It was the most beautiful thing he hated in her. She made him believe in happiness but he knew it was not for him. He wasn't the same person anymore from her past but still she saw him more than some guy who has lost everything.

"You can't handle me, precious. I'm too dark for you," he says to her, giving back all his attention on her and even though he tries to hide it, he likes the way she blushes under his stare.

"I'm stronger than you think," Aurora purses her lips, giving him a feisty look.

That look alone was enough to lose control all over again but not the kind he wants to kill her and slice her flesh into tiny peaces. He wanted to take her until nothing is left on her mind except him.

The longer he was with her, the faster he lost all the battle with himself.