
Branded for Ruin

"You can love a monster, it can even love you back, but that doesn't change its nature." ━━ Eliza Crewe, Crushed Where you go find your brother's ex-best friend, seeking help but everything is not as it seems. The troubled man you once knew in the past has completely changed. He is the only one who can help you but when you two finally meet, you realize that he has turned into a psychopath with killing urges and an inner voice in his head. Will you survive the longer you stay with him or maybe he will drag you to hell with him? Read more to find out.

LaraHart · Urban
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23 Chs

004 - denial.

Grayson Byrne

Watching the girl devour the food he made like someone will take it from her, he wondered for a second when was the last time she ate. It was a simple dish. Only fried eggs, bacon and grilled cheese with bread but it looked like it was the best she has eaten in a while. It made him regret to feed her in the first place, she looked pale and fragile in that short dress, too skinny but still he desired her like no other. Why would she even come to his house looking for him in those kind of clothes? It made him mad to think that everyone else have seen her in that tempting dress, baring her smooth flesh.

After freeing her from the bed, she cried in relief when she rubbed her wounded wrists. It made his heart clench in guilt so he went to fetch the first aid-kit so he can treat the bruised skin. She refused at first but one look from him made her give in. It pleased him so fucking bad, he wanted to do horrible things to her little body. His thoughts were dangerous. If she knew, his girl would already be gone.

Letting her out of the room was dangerous. One look around and she will probably will run away, will plan an escape route but she begged him so sweetely with those fierce eyes, he couldn't help but yield to her request. She was in the devil's den and not even realized that he was the biggest monster in the room as he listened to her talk. He almost didn't heard most of it as he was too busy to observe her actions and the way she looked. He even started imagining her in his clothes. It made him throb in his pants.

-She would look better drowning in her blood from your favorite knife. Don't you agree?

Shutting his eyes tightly, Grayson lets out a harsh breath, turning away from the girl.

They were in the kitchen now, sitting across from each other by the counter so she was in his view if he looked straight ahead. Those thoughts in his head made the darkness come back. He hated its guts. It was not as worse like from the start but still it taunted him with visions of Aurora lying dead, stabbed to death with all the blood smeared on her clothes and skin. It was sick. He was sick.

"Grayson?" The fear was clear in her voice.

Snapping his face towards her, he leers at her, not holding his anger at bay," What?"

The girl flinches, the almost empty plate of food forgotten," You have that look in your eyes again."

The fuck she is talking about?

-She hates you, see? Better if you kill her.

"Shut up!" He wanted to silence that voice but it was hard when it reminded him about who he really was in reality. He even forgot for a second that Aurora is present with him. His outburst made her recoil back like he really slapped her, the fear in her eyes making him even more angry," Don't fucking looking at me like that."

Seeing tears in her eyes again, Grayson cursed and forced himself to look away, trying to explain and apologize. It was difficult.

"I'm fucked up in the head, Aurora. I'm not the same like before. I've changed so not look at me and hope that I will be the old Grayson who likes cheesy stuff to make other people happy. I'm not that person anymore. You're here just so I can help you, right?"

He heard her sniffle," No, you're right but that doesn't mean you have to be an asshole about it. At least pretend to be nice to me and make me understand what's happening in your mind. It will be easier if-"

"Don't ever try to get inside my head," he snarled, cutting her off. The sound of him slamming his fists against the counter scaring her from the looks of it when her eyes widen in shock. They stayed like that several beats until he sighed, eyes softening, " It's too dark inside, it will take all your happiness and hope, in the end, it will break you and your spirit. If you know better, you shouldn't ask stupid questions or try to dig inside my mind. Maybe I'm heartless but you're naive, precious. You couldn't handle the monster I've become."

Aurora blinks in surprise but then she laughs, the sudden sound coming out of her pretty mouth making him even more hard than ever before, loving her laughter way too much. That didn't answered his confusion why she reacts that way, it was not a matter to laugh about. It was serious.

"Why are you laughing?" He glares at her.

When she stops, the smile she gives him ends him. The sight so beautiful but sorrowful, it reminds him of himself. Beneath that smile is pain and something much darker. Why his heart hurts at that revelation?

"What if I choose that darkness? Will you still make me go away?" The question shocks him, not prepared for her to just go with it.

-She wasn't supposed to say that

This time he agreed with the darkness. He didn't know what to say to that. He was a skilled killer, he often observed people to know how they act, how they talk or think. This one was trouble. Too dangerous for him. If she continues to surprise him like this, he will be done for.

"Are you fucking stupid?" Grayson spits, irritated by her behavior but the girl just shrugs and looks down at her plate which was cleared from everything except beans. He knew she will not ate them but still wanted to see if something has changed. She can eat everything but not the beans. He remembers a lot of things about her.

"My parents are dead, brother murdered, no friends. You are the only one what's left of my past. You were my friend by then and still are so why are you pushing me away? Did you think I came just for help? I missed you like crazy so if that's making me stupid, so be it. These past years left me with scars and pain anyway. I feel that darkness consume me too so...I'm not afraid of it anymore. It already broke me."

Why he feels like his chest is splitting open? The tug in his heart made him clench his fists, feeling her pain. The same one who made him this way.

"This is different. You will regret once you're in. I can't give you that hope you still wish for. Even you are giving up, I still see the girl who dreamed of the simple life ahead of her, with a husband and kids living in a nice house. You becoming an worldwide artist who makes paintings. I don't think I can give you that. I only bring..."

-Death. Say it

No, I can't. His sentence faded unfinished. Hating the sad look on her pretty face, he stands up from the barstool and goes to the window, looking up at the stars, seeing there were no clouds tonight, just clear sky with the moon shining down as he tried to not to think about her words.

She didn't mean it. She is just desperate. Once she gets her revenge for those who killed her brother, she will be gone. But knowing that those bastards had threatened her and still do if she doesn't give them what they want...it made him furious.

-No one hurts her but you. You will be the only one who kills her, right?

Fuck yourself

-You mean yourself? You know that I am you but the darker version.

Rolling his eyes, he ignores its sarcasm and crosses his arms over his bare chest. Not even caring that he has a guest, he didn't want to be uncomfortable in his own home so he didn't get a shirt. To be honest, he didn't want to admit it but he liked to catch his precious girl looking at him when she thought he isn't looking. It made him feel almost wanted. The love she was talking about? Bullshit. He knew she hates him so that name was thrown out on purpose to distract him from chaos he created in the bedroom. He lost his mind over his emotions and fought against darkness, it was like fighting with a bear who wants to dig his big claws inside his brain.

Sometimes he let it loose. When that happens, it's the end of the world.

Two small arms wraps around his midsection, making him hiss from the sudden touch and presence. Before he can think of his actions, he turns around, her hands dropping at her sides. Roughly he pushes her against the window, her back hitting the glass. The move makes her gasp when he takes her wrists in his hands lifting them over her head. Wrapping a hand around her neck, Grayson glares at the girl who looks suddenly afraid, eyes big full of fear.

He doesn't let anyone sneak up on him like that so he wasn't expecting her to approaching him unnoticed. He was too engrossed in his thoughts that he completely forgot about her being in the same place with him. It unnerved him to be this distracted by her that he doesn't even hear if someone comes up behind him. If that could have been the enemy, he would be dead already.

-You're not careful. She is the reason. Just choke her already. See her eyes bulging out of her sockets. That would be such a pretty sight,mmmm.

Not listening its thoughts, Grayson leans closer to the girl's face," The fuck are are you doing? Did I gave you a permission to touch me?"

She trembles in his hold. Good. Better be afraid, little girl.

"I thought you needed a hug," she whispers quietly.

A cold chuckle leaves his mouth when he brushes his lips against her ear, smelling her sweet scent. Fuck. Pressing his body to hers, she gasps when he parts her legs apart with his thigh.

-You need to kill her, not fuck her.

Yes, what the fuck was wrong with him? But he couldn't stop, it was like she was a drug he can't stop to use. One sniff of her hair and it was making him so damn hard, he wanted to rip her dress off and fuck her till she bleeds. The presence of her made him insane. Why did she came back? To torment him? To fuck with his head even more? To torture him while being the tease she was? Why would she hate him that much to come here to him with that sweet innocent smile of hers?

Aurora moans, the sound so fucking sweet, he can't resist and reach down under the dress, his fingers searching the one part he couldn't take in the past. It was off limits to him because of her brother. Now he just wanted to keep her to himself till she is broken enough to be with him like she really wants. And she will take what he gives her.

-If you're so desperate for a pussy, at least torture her first before you do it. It will be easier to kill her later if she is broken like a little doll.

Why do I want her so much? I need to hate her, send her away but the thought of her leaving me and never seeing her again will kill me, it will fucking destroy me. He was in denial with his thoughts, it was maddening.

Reaching her panties, he cups her pussy through the cover and almost groans, feeling it all wet. Does it turn her on? His way of taking without asking for it? Does she want it painful with force? Or maybe sweet like her laughter?

"Oh god, Grayson,  w-what are you doi-umhpp!" The girl cries in shock but is cut off by his hand covering her mouth. Feeling her need, he just glides his fingers over her covered slit, the wet spot making it easy to rub.

"You said you love me, right? Did you wanted me to take you like you wanted it those years ago? Always trailing behind me like a puppy, greedy for my attention. This includes in the list of my darkness, are you really sure you want it, little girl?" He rasps in her ear, the sound of his voice giving her goosebumps.

"Fuck," she whimpers, like she is embarrassed to be in this position but doesn't stop his fingers from intruding her pussy. Taking that as a yes, Grayson pulls her panties aside and feels her glistening folds with his bare fingertips, surprised to feel her so drenched, the lips almost sucking his fingers inside. He can't but imagine his thick cock filling her to the brim in that tight little hole.

"You dirty girl, so wet for me. Do you like me touching you like this? You said you hate me but your body sure loves me."

A shocked gasp is his only answer when he has enough. Leaning away from the trembling girl with rosy flushed cheeks looking up at him like he was her villain and God at once, he claims her mouth before she can protest. The kiss is rough, it gives him the opportunity to get inside between her lips with his tongue. Arching her back against the windowsill, grinding her pussy against his hand, he wonders who else has been between those sweet thighs. Who else had the privilege to taste her like this as she mewled like a kitten between his kisses.

The thoughts makes him angry. So fucking angry that he wants to kill her and squeeze her little neck for giving herself away for anyone but him. Why should he care? He just wants to fuck her out of his system, right?

-You care, you stupid fuck. Don't pretend. You said to kill her but you would have to fight yourself to get the point across. Jesus, you're such an idiot.

He was right. It was reckless to think that way but he can't help it. He cares about this girl more than himself. It scared him. If he doesn't stop, it will end before it even started.