
Branded for Ruin

"You can love a monster, it can even love you back, but that doesn't change its nature." ━━ Eliza Crewe, Crushed Where you go find your brother's ex-best friend, seeking help but everything is not as it seems. The troubled man you once knew in the past has completely changed. He is the only one who can help you but when you two finally meet, you realize that he has turned into a psychopath with killing urges and an inner voice in his head. Will you survive the longer you stay with him or maybe he will drag you to hell with him? Read more to find out.

LaraHart · Urban
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23 Chs

001 - alone for three years.


It was night time when you showed up to your brother's best friends doorstep. It was not really the best time to come but you were desperate. You needed help and you knew he was the only one who can do something in your situation.

The last time you saw him was three years ago when he moved away from the city with only a note on your bed. You were surprised to be honest, he never really talked to you but that didn't stop you from always greeting him and treating him like a friend. He always wore a small smile on his face when you were greedy enough for his attention. He was your first crush and the last one. You fell in love with him through the years, not saying anything to him.

You were heartbroken, to say the least. He was the only one who listened to your ramblings like he cares. He was the one who always cheered you up without a word, bringing you secret notes and small gifts to make you smile, stayed late at night to watch you so you can fall asleep. It was weird, not really talking to each other but that was enough. He became your best friend and your silent protector but that one day everything changed.

It was three years later when he never came back from his abroad studies that you knew something was off. He just vanished. No one even questioned anything because he was a nobody, his only friends were your brother and yourself. Even his parents weren't in the picture, he always seemed to visit you and stay the nights at your old house which you shared with your brother but you didn't complain it because you loved his company.

Trying to call him several times, he never responded but you remember the day you found a heartbreaking note on your bed which was no doubt from him. You remember the words clear like you were reading them only yesterday.

- Stay safe, precious and don't look for me, I'm fine. Say hello to your brother and take care.

Love, G.B -

Of course, you cried again when you read those words, that note. What did he mean? Why would he say not to look for him? Did something happen? Something else? It was too short to understand the meaning of it. It didn't give you any information or clue.

You texted him that night but the messages didn't even get through, he even changed his number. Three years passed and you still tried to reach him but no avail. No one knew where he went or why he disappeared, even your brother said he just wanted space and that was all you got from him.

So you started your own research, with some connections and his old friends, you finally got the information you needed. His home address.

Three years have passed and you felt so alone, so abandoned. Even your therapist couldn't help. You hated them all who wanted to help you. They just wanted the poor girl live her life, move on. But how could you?

It was day later when Grayson left, some men in suits with guns came to your house. It was just you with your brother, your parents already passed away ten years ago so you tried to cling to your only family as you could. But sometimes people doesn't get happy endings.

Your brother with tears in his eyes begged you to hide, it was his mess why those men were there. He needed to fix it himself so he forced you to hide in the closet. The memories jumbled together. You were so scared that day. The closet doors had a gap where you could see what is happening. You were forced to watch how they murder your brother in front of your eyes, you couldn't even move when they shoot him in the head and left him there dead on the floor, in the middle of your living room where you could see blood seeping into the carpet from the gunshot wound. It was a horrible memory as you cried for your brother to wake up. He never did.

It was then you found a crumpled paper in his jacket which said to find Grayson, he will help.

You tried to reach him, tell him the bad news but nothing worked. All his contact information was cleared from existence. Like never been there in the first place.

This time, it was worse. That's why you needed him to help you.

You really hoped this is the one because the house looked abandoned to be honest. Looking around, you even spotted cobwebs around the windows, the glass dirty, like it wasn't even cleaned in awhile. Knowing it was the last day of October didn't make you feel better, it was Halloween and you were dressed for the part in a cute cat costume with ears and a tail. You thought- if he sees that it is you, he probably won't open the door but if you pretend that you're some kid after candies, he will open the door to make them go away. But that was a small maybe as you looked at the house's condition and the area around it.

Some snapping sound was heard to the left and you turned your head fast in that direction when you saw no one. It was dark, the street lights not lightening the house that much so you were a little scared as you were holding pumpkin size bowl with some candies inside.

The wind was picking up, blowing your hair to the side and your heart started thumbing in your chest. The darkness and the silence killed all your bravery as you continued to stand there so forgetting the weird sound from before, you faced the door again and slowly raised your hand to knock but before you can even touch the hard surface, the door cracks open and you see eyes peering at you in the darkness behind the door.

You almost scream from the sudden company but then you hear a voice.

"Go. " The voice was a deep rumble, like thunder in the storm but somewhere there was a familiar tone and you really hoped he is the one you're looking for.

Pretending that he just didn't tell you to go, you slowly raised your bowl and cracked a forced smile, trying not to seem fearful," Tricks or treats, Sir! Do you want -" your voice faded when you saw him open the door more widely and you completely lost your voice when he stepped out on the threshold as you were met with the tall broad chest which was bare and completely muscular with well growing abs. His sleeve tattooed arm reached out to grab your bowl roughly from your hand and somehow you let him, his strength freezing you on the spot.

Your mouth agape, you watched him pull out some chocolate from his pants to put inside the bowl and when you looked up, you met the too familiar dark eyes already looking at you as you almost teared up realizing it really is your brother's best friend. His beautiful face with now some new piercings, his jawline more sharper and rugged with that stuble on his cheeks than those years ago, he looked even fiercer as he regarded you with those thick eyebrows furrowed, a harsh scowl on his face.

Almost stumbling on your feet, your heartbeat raced even faster when he stepped closer to you.

"You wanted candy, kitten. Now go," he glares at you as he gave you back the bowl but you couldn't move even if you wanted to.

"G- Grayson...." your facade finally breaks down and you see him widen his eyes for a split second, betraying his emotions when he hears his name. Not even wasting a second, Grayson yanks your cat mask off your face and he almost stumbles when he sees your face but he quickly recovers and steps away from you like you burned him.

"You shouldn't be here." His jaw ticks.

Your heart breaks when he says that, not even slightest happy to see you. He sounded angry instead.

Before you burst into tears, you stomp to him and push a finger into his bare chest, surprising him when you lift your chin up with a glare on your own, sudden anger consuming you.

"How dare you! You can't even pretend to be happy to see me? If you knew what I've been through these three years, you would have been there when Ray was murdered! You would have been there when I had to burry him with no one but myself! Everyone left me when I needed you the most! You fucking left Ray when those men shoot him in front of my eyes! I watched the life drain out of his eyes when I cried for someone to come and save him! And when I called the ambulance, my brother already died from so much blood loss in his brain. I had to-I had to beg when those same men came after me next a week later! They threatened me if I don't bring them the thing Ray stoled, I will be in the ground like my brother! I didn't even understand what, they didn't even explained to me what do I need to bring them! I had to beg! No one was there for me, I was-so-so alone. It hurts so m-much," you started sobbing between your words and couldn't even finish when you slumped against his body and dropped on your knees, feeling all the strength leaving your body as you cling on to his legs for support. You were so tired from everything that you just wanted to rest in peace.

You hear him say something to you but everything fades into total darkness as you fall unconscious.