
Brand New One piece Power Up

Kimimaro into One piece with Power Up abilities

master1983 · Anime und Comics
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18 Chs

chapter 3

After successful create new invention he called other. He has 75 chances left. Kimimaro introduced his new mini size revolution photon machine to other. It can be used make new Bloodline, new type of tree or plant or animal even create new type of devil fruit. He gave 1 unit for each person. He also told them they could create new element or attributes to the clothing or shoe as they wanted. It is also help create new type of wine or medicine breakthrough. All of them are excited. He extract 1 ton Kazick Leviathan blood.

Kimimaro planning to go little garden & informed his 2 wives & chopper. He excited making infinity wine, chocolate, strawberry, noodles, bread, cherry, music & cake. After fusion all the devil fruit it became infinite food fruit. After strengthen the devil fruit. It became infinite gourmet fruit. He had mass knowledge of gourmet in his mind & he could create all type of delicious delicacy without cooking anymore. He keep it first. sparking, magnet, silver, multiple devil fruit left. He strength en Sparkling became shining , magnet became force, sliver became platinum & multiple became unlimited fruit. He ate Unlimited fruit. After that he multiple all shining, force, platinum & infinite gourmet devil fruit. He left 72 chances. He gave 4 devil fruit to each person.

Kureha didn't expect her darkness devil fruit evolved into Yin Yang fruit. It can control life & death & also diseases or luck of a person. It simply godly abilities. While adding forces fruit her devil fruit become Yin Yang forces fruit. She was crazy about infinite gourmet devil fruit. Combining both her abilities she could create godly gourmet herself. Similar to Chopper, His devil fruit evolved to Wargod Angel after taking shining & forces. He love infinite gourmet devil fruit too. He could create ton of godly gourmet food as he wish. He loves all type of sweetness. Kimimaro nightmare & smog & spark fuse after eat shining & forces.

He became Satan no longer consider devil fruit. He didn't need platinum he just gave Jackie so that it can upgrade the spaceship & repair as he want. Kimimaro turn all his 20 Android became vicious demon spawn. It only loyal to Kimimaro. Nicole Robin devil fruit fuse became Gaia Fruit. She could control whole earth related to nature. Her temperament became noble royalty. She also love infinite gourmet devil fruit because she could plant gourmet tree too or make her own food paradise world. She didn't take platinum fruit as well. It was enough. When they arrived Kimimaro meet 2 old friend gave them luxurious food & wines. Sorry & Brogy enjoy the food. They all laughed. Kimimaro introduced his 2 wife & son. It was wonderful day. He instructed all 20 demon to take all type of blood of prehistoric creature in the little garden. Kazick eat few dinosaur with relish. 2 giant spook when saw leviathan swallow 3 dinosaur at once. Kimimaro told them it was his previous partner Kazick. He evolved in Leviathan almost 2 yrs now. Dorry & Brogy laughed sweating never thought it was possible.

Kimimaro ask them why they still battling each other? He was curious about this. When they spoke about their clumsy reason. Kimimaro hit their head. He was angry & scold them become grow up & mature. Emnity can end with peace. Peace create harmony. Lonely became hell. Nobody will have happiness if they killed each other. Alive mean responsibility. All giant become quiet like kids being scold by parents. Kimimaro turn the giant into 5 metre giant & brought them with him. He considers them as close relative. He also gave shining, forces & infinite gourmet devil fruit. Both of them laugh like crazy.

At first they have little grudges with Kimimaro but now with this ability they could eat & drink as much as they wanted. They also have spar with chopper too. They never thought Kimimaro son is Wargod Angel. His first wife is Sage & 2nd wife is Saint. Kimimaro is Satan. It was crazy. Their giant bloodline & shining & forces devil fruit fused together became Titan bloodline similar like Loki or Thor & Odin. They become Viking God. Both them grateful to Kimimaro because they never thought they became Viking God. They are giving customise contact lens by Kimimaro. He explained the function & let them study haki & rokushiki techniques or other medical or music knowledge.

In 2 years Kimimaro recalled all his knowledge manga, business management, parent management, musical, science, engineering, robot & even Saiyan & Namek technology. There is also shinobi ninjutsu, fuinjutsu, taijutsu & illusion. All Kimimaro demon spawn ate platinum & infinite gourmet devil fruit. They also feed themselves. Unlike human race, demon race always battle maniac. They also spar with Chopper, Dorry & Brogy. Nicole Robin didn't feel like practice anymore because she love gardening. Similar with Kureha. Jackie suggest go to Sabody Archipelago for new devil fruit. On the way to Sabody Archipelago Jackie harvest 10 new devil fruit floating in sea & jungle. There beauty, slow, eagle, rock, wind, Sabertooth, smooth, jade, plastic & doll. Kimimaro has 100 chances left which great harvest. Kimimaro fuse beauty, smooth, jade, plastic & doll become Saint fruit after strengthen it becomes Goddess devil fruit. He multiple it & gave 1 each person. Goddess fruit increase charm, aura, temperament & beautified the owner. All of them became immortal after taking the goddess devil fruit.

Kimimaro became devilish handsome. Kureha & Nicole Robin became truly Goddess. Chopper, Brogy & Dory can't help look at themselves at mirror. They become handsome immortal. All of them surprised of they become super smart & have ability to transcend calligraphy, music, drawing, poetry & inscription includes ninjutsu, fuinjutsu, taijutsu & illusion. Their comprehension speed is 20 times stronger & own mindscapes. This is ridiculous super devil fruit that they ever known. Kimimaro can unlimited number of goddess devil fruit if he wanted. Dorry & Brogy includes their giant skill & blacksmith knowledge in the database. Kimimaro has breakthrough his kendo skill too. He became sword Saint level with sword intent & sword realm. Similar with Chopper although he used flamberg his sword skill par Kimimaro. Nicole Robin became fuinjutsu & inscription Grandmaster. Kureha became Medical Saint. Brogy & Dorry became Axe & Blacksmith grandmaster. Kimimaro intended to gave Kazick a Goddess Devil Fruit too. As results Kazick transform into blue hair, fierce look man with 2 metre tall & deathly temperament as natural assasin.

Kimimaro also gave him contact lens, infinite gourmet devil fruit & platinum devil fruit. He told Kazick to study rokushiki, haki & blacksmith & weapon smith. As natural assasin his instinct was sharp. He know what his master want. He also grateful to his master giving him too much benefit. He told his master he could transform into Leviathan & put his stuff in his void realm. The spaceship has arrived at Sabody Archipelago. There is alert 3 injured ladies were fainted on the shore. Jackie take them onboard. Kureha treat them.

She recognised their mark. It was tenryubito slave mark. Their hymn was ruin by sharp object & ruin it was abuse mark all over their body. Their age is estimated 18 yrs old. Nicole Robin angry when heard this news. She was fortunate meet Kimimaro otherwise she might be the same fate like this 3 ladies. Chopper become angry too. This sister were brutally rape with sharp object. There is no sign of pregnancy. It show that this ladies were toys to the abuser. Kimimaro heard this bad news. He visited the 3 ladies who are still coma. He removed those slave mark & let Kureha heal them. He asked Kureha about this slave mark present? Kureha told all of them about Mariejoa & World Government.Tenryubito was one of the founder & creator of the world government. It took 2 weeks 3 ladies awaken. The news Fisher Tiger was killed by Navy spread the whole continent. 3 of the ladies were well fed & recovered by Kureha using medicine food. They were crying when discovered their humiliation mark was gone.

When facing Goddess Kureha & Nicole Robin, they feel nervous. They also shocked looking handsome boy Chopper & 2 handsome giant. They totally mesmerized when look satanic charm look of Kimimaro. Their heart beat beating faster when Kimimaro sit closer to them. Brogy & Dorry laughed when notice this little girl look at Kimimaro. Chopper worshipped his father very much. Kimimaro asked their condition & where are they going? Boa Hancock, Sandersonia & Mariegold introduced themselves & they wish to go home at Amazon Lily. Kimimaro instructed Jackie to go Amazon Lily kingdom. They already got 2 new devil fruit. Regression & Jacket devil fruit. He has 110 chances left Both Kimimaro wives asked 3 girls privately whether they fall in loves of their husband Kimimaro? All of them bow down & flushed embarrassed. Kureha laughed & hug them together told them they need their help. All 3 ladies was smoking on their head because what Kureha asked from them. Eventhough they were not virgin but they still immature in love.

Kimimaro was called by Nicole Robin that their destination was cancelled. All 3 ladies agree became his new wives. After marriage ceremony. Kimimaro strengthen their body. All of them became Medusa Queen then after eat shining,force & goddess fruit. All 3 of them transform into Aprodities Goddess. Their charm level was off the charts. All of them have Empress level physique. After 5 sister joined battle, Kimimaro surrender. He can't afford to battle in a week. Kureha asked why Kimimaro looked exhausted. Kimimaro explained to them that his physique going to evolve to God rank physique after absorb all his wives yin. All of them blushed. Kimimaro told them about double repair cultivation. It is similar agenda. They also noticed that they physique is still evolving into God rank physique too. All 3 new wives also ate unlimited gourmet devil fruit too. Unlike others all 3 girls gourmet was God rank food. So Kimimaro asked them to serve food daily. All his 3 wives can control or manipulate heart & turn someone to stone. Kimimaro has 104 chances left. After strengthen his physical, his physique equivalent to divine level. Similar to all his wives. Now Kimimaro has 98 chances left. He also strengthen his 2 brother physique & his son. Now everybody has divine level physique. He got 95 chances left. Kimimaro told them they are immune to space, time & curse. Kazick have already divine physique so Kimimaro didn't strengthen him anymore. He start told all his family that he decided to go another world because there is not much thing left after massacre all tenryubito. They already free all the slaves & gained 10 devil fruit. Kimimaro has 145 chances left. The system have add another bonus all new devil fruit evolved for free. Time & Space fused into Supreme devil fruit, Regression, Youth, Blood, Size & Jacket fused become infinite physique manipulation devil fruit. Diamond, jade, gold, metal, platinum & earth became Ultimate jewelry devil fruit. All 3 new devil fruit were multiple by Kimimaro. He gave one each person. Now everyone became deity with jewelry. Dorry & Brogy told his brother that they stay at Elbaf. They intend to guard this world from chaos.

Kimimaro hug both his brother & told them safe always & promise him never fight each others. Lastly find any wife at Elbaf. New adventure was begin. After 5 yrs Kimimaro report was outstanding & he didn't have any wanted reward. Navy didn't get his photo. They arrived in Tokyo japan. All his wives only let Jackie gather all new knowledge materials in this world & put into database. Chopper bought all manga collection in Tokyo & Shibuya. Kimimaro located another new warp portal. This world has famous gourmet & basketball. Their vehicle was interesting. According to Bulma memories he got all the design & combine the existing design in this world he has new knowledge about transportation. The system notification alarmed Kimimaro that he will reborn in new world. His mission was completed.

To be continued Naruto Z