
Find and Kill

"Retreat! Everyone…" Explosives began to detonate around them, "Why are we here?! WHY?!" The soldier screamed as he looked at his dead brothers while running. "Mission failed! Retreat, leave the base!" talking through the walkie-talkie he tried to send a command, but no replies were given. "Is anyone there?! Reply if you can!" the soldier distressed from what's happening.

"No need, they are all dead." I walked towards him from the dust made from the explosion. "Drop your weapon, it's useless." smiling as I reached him.

"Who are you?! Why are you doing this?!" the soldier said with tears and rage. "Didn't you guys try to find me? Here I am" As I broke both his arms and legs before throwing him to the ground. "Do not waste my time with your level punks" Crushing his head with a single stomp. I picked up the hidden phone on his vest.

"Rose, you there?" I said facing the phone, "Master," I looked around me "Call the number."

"Is the mission completed?" A lady's voice answered with a question.

"Haha! Not really, you see I hate people that hide from me, but thankfully you answered" As I took out a packet cig while talking.

Lighting up the cig "Tell me, do you guys not understand my previous warning in London?" I said in a cold voice.

"Emperor! What did you do to my men?!" the woman raged.

"Dead, all of them but do not worry about that, and it has been one month since you guys moved right? Finding me is equivalent to finding a grain of sand in the desert" Ironically I am standing in the middle of the canyon.

As I puffed out some smoke I heard a crash from the phone "You will pay for this, you hear me?!" but before she can even complain, rose sent me a message on my private phone.

(Name: Sophia, Age 29, Occupation: FBI Informant, Family: one husband eight children)

"Sophia, FBI informant. Tell me would you like to see the corpses of your family littered around in the street of new york?" I puffed the smoke and looked at the bodies littered around me.

"How did you know?! Please, don't get my family into this! Please!" As fear took over her within a second.

"Did you guys think it was a joke when I said 4C3 was angry? I wouldn't touch your family but because you FBI idiots are that daring to search for me by killing many innocent people, do you think I won't do the same to all of you in this? Even 4C3 is raging from this!" I said with a colder voice

"We will compensate you, do not involve our families, we…" As she stopped talking another guy took over the phone "If you dare to hurt our families, we will destroy you with our full force Emperor!" oh really, I crushed the bulletproof phone and threw it on the side.

"Rose, send me the helicopter and also place bounties on their heads," I thought about it for a second "Their families too."


USA, New York

"He... HE DID IT!" The FBI director smashed his desk with rage "Send all the available units to protect the families of the agents fast!" As his pale face was looking at the bounty site.


It took us about a few hours to come back from the Sahara desert to Dubai. It was a nice trip, entering the house I saw Emma fighting with the seven dolls, I laughed "Good job" As I appeared behind her instantly and grabbed her shoulder "Ace!" turning around she greets me.

From a plump lady to a beautiful lady, this is the nature of this world. As for how I appeared behind her was due to the effects of my new equipment.

[Grade A Void T-Shirt] (Time and Space Element)

[Grade A Void Pants] (Time and Space Element)

[Grade A Void Shoes] (Time and Space Element)

I tried to make it separately but the power of the item cannot support me which ended up killing me in the process. After my death, I appeared in the ocean, took me a few hours to reach back home. After a few tests, I finally made it perfectly.

"Master, the product launch is in 20 minutes," Rose said to me while standing behind me. "Yes, prepare the car."

"Ace, you are leaving again," Emma said with a sad face. I smiled at her then patted her on the head "I will be back later if you want to come you can haha!" she began rushing towards the house to change.

5 minutes later, Rose, Emma and I were ready to enter the Hall where thousands have gathered. The cameras turned around and captured us three walking towards the large stand, took us a few moments to reach it.

"Good morning everyone" As I paced back and forth slowly "Tonight will be a revolution to the medical world and the greatest year to all the patients around it." Smiling, I stopped and stood still to face the lights flashing at me.

"I would like to introduce the first Cancer treatment" Silence filled the hall as the staff behind the stage began to push a cart with a bottle on it.

"With the effort of over a hundred researchers in Guild, we were able to finally produce a cancer treatment which not only cures all types of cancers but also is a permanent cure" I looked around at the shocked crowd. Smiling I said slowly "The cure takes 1 hour to take effect and one day for results."

BOOM! The entire crowd began to talk, the internet watching this from twitch, youtube or any streaming services also exploded, the whole world watching this blew.

"We will be selling this at the Guild for 100$ each bottle, only with verified documents of cancer can you obtain this, thank you" I began to walk off the stage, but the reporters were full of questions. "Mr. Ace, please tell us more about the cure?!" An old lady pushed her way to the front while asking, "Look it up online, all the information that you might ask is there, thank you."

They were shocked at my answer and made way for me to leave, Rose and Emma followed behind. Entering the car, I was tired 'Open Book.'

Name: Ace

Race: Elder Troll

Level: 10

Class: Hacker

Strength: C+ [Max A]

Intelligence: B [Max A]

Dexterity: C [Max A]

Endurance: C [Max A]


[Super Speed Hack][AI Botting][Flawless Coding][(Original) Free Fight]

Racial Skills:

[Regeneration of the space and time][Void tear]

Monster Information:


[Disclaimer: Limits will be removed in 19 years X months X days]

"Master, the island has been found, would you like to purchase it?"

"Yes, after the purchase make it disappear from the eyes of everyone." I looked out the window while thinking.

I got so many things to do, but there will never be enough time to complete everything.

"You did great Ace" Emma looked at me with happiness