
Boy who spreads light

Water..... Earth.... Air..... Fire.... These are the four main elements a habitable planet is made up of. But there exists multitude of other elements too. Such as sound, odor, light, wood, metal and so on. Thea is a planet in which humans are born with talents to master any such elements. We call them the elementalists. An impending doom is approaching Thea unknown to all. It is the story of a boy who spreads light in the dark days.

Kyle95 · Fantasie
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Thea is a fascinating planet, reminiscent of Earth's medieval era, with four distinct island continents floating in a giant ocean, each ruled by different sentient races.

Astoria is the largest continent on Thea, predominantly inhabited by humans. Within Astoria, there are five human kingdoms. Each of the five human kingdoms within Astoria has its own unique history, culture, and traditions.

Emberia is a mystical and enchanting continent ruled by the elves, an elegant and long-lived race attuned to nature. The elven cities are often hidden deep within ancient forests, where they have developed a profound connection with the natural world. Elves are renowned for their archery, magic prowess, and extensive knowledge of the arcane arts. They have a deep appreciation for art, music, and the beauty of the world.

Nordheim is a rugged and mountainous continent, and its underground realm is home to the dwarves, skilled craftsmen, and miners. They have built impressive subterranean cities and strongholds, where they delve deep into the earth in search of precious metals and gemstones. Dwarves are highly skilled in engineering and have a fondness for finely crafted weapons, armor, and intricate machinery.

Seraphis is a diverse and untamed continent, ruled by various beast men tribes. These tribes consist of anthropomorphic beings, resembling different animals, such as lions, wolves, eagles, and more. They possess unique physical traits and abilities associated with their animal forms. Seraphis is a land of both fierce warriors and deep spiritual beliefs, where shamans and tribal leaders hold significant influence.

The 'Giant Ocean' separates the continents, and ships are the primary mode of intercontinental travel and trade. Each continent has its own distinct landscapes, cultures, and challenges, leading to an exciting world ripe with opportunities for adventure, diplomacy, and conflict.

Frioria is one of the five human kingdoms in Astoria. Known for its martial prowess and a deep reverence for strength, the people of Frioria greatly admire warriors and champions. They see strength as a virtue and associate it with honor and bravery. The kingdom prides itself on producing skilled knights and formidable soldiers, and it has a long history of heroic tales.

The last hero to emerge on Thea came from Frioria and earned the title of the 'Savior of all races' by uniting the different races against a common threat. This heroic figure achieved legendary feats and earned the respect and admiration of people from all walks of life. His legacy is celebrated not only in Frioria but throughout the entire planet.

As a consequence of the last hero being from Frioria, the kingdom places a great emphasis on strength and martial prowess. This focus on strength can lead to a discriminatory environment, where those perceived as weak may face challenges and prejudices. Individuals who do not possess enough strength might be marginalized or looked down upon in Friorian society.

In the Kingdom of Frioria resided a stern and formidable Baron named Theodore. Baron Theodore's unwavering belief in the significance of strength shaped both his character and his principles. He possessed a deep loathing for weakness and a profound appreciation for strength and courage.

Within the walls of the castle, Baron Theodore's wife, Elizabeth, resided. Their marriage was one of status and convenience, arranged to strengthen political alliances rather than born out of love.

In time, their marriage produced two sons, Ryan and Ronalds. However, the lack of affection between Theodore and Elizabeth inevitably affected the family dynamics. Their home lacked the warmth and emotional connection that typically thrives in loving households. The atmosphere was one of formality and adherence to tradition rather than a nurturing environment where love could flourish.

One fateful day, Baron Theodore's path crossed with that of a young village girl named Sarah. Their eyes met, and in that moment, an unbreakable bond formed between them, love at first sight that neither could deny. Despite the difference in their social standings, Baron Theodore made Sarah his concubine and brought her to the castle, captivated by her spirit and charm.

Sarah, a village girl with humble beginnings, found herself both in awe and fear of the castle's grandeur. Amidst the complexities of her new life, she found a loyal friend and confidante in Ameya, a devoted maid who served by her side.

Within the castle walls, Elizabeth, the Baron's wife, soon became aware of the growing affection between her husband and Sarah. Consumed by jealousy, she harbored resentment towards the concubine who had unknowingly become her rival.

As time went on, Sarah discovered that she was carrying Baron Theodore's child. Joy and anxiety filled her heart, for she knew the challenges that lay ahead due to the unconventional circumstances of their relationship. Sarah found solace and support in Ameya who stood by Sarah's side, offering comfort and support during her pregnancy.

The day of the child's birth arrived, marked by both hope and sorrow. Sarah summoned all her strength to bring their child into the world. Yet, tragically, the toll it took on her fragile body proved too much, and Sarah passed away during childbirth, leaving the Baron devastated by the loss of the woman he loved.

In her final moments, Sarah entrusted Ameya with a solemn request—to raise their child as her own and provide him with the love and care he deserved. Ameya, deeply moved by Sarah's dying wish and recognizing the depth of her love for the child, vowed to honor her pledge.

The newborn baby, son of Baron Theodore , lies in the cradle within a lavishly adorned chamber. Ameya, the loyal maid, gently holds the baby in her arms, cradling him with tenderness. Next to Ameya is the lifeless body of Sarah lying on bed.

Newborn baby slowly opened his eyes.

"Where....Where....am…..I? Where is... this….. Place...…. Who… is the woman holding…..me? I thought those ruffians killed me. Why…am I still alive...? And why am I in a child's body?"

The new born baby was none other than the reincarnation of Samuel itself. God took pity in his soul and gave him another chance in a completely different world. It took a while for Samuel to figure all this out. Then again he never knew there was life after death.

He glanced around to figure out where he actually was. Finally his gaze fell upon a lifeless body lying on the bed.

Ameya's heart ached as she noticed the baby's gaze falling upon the lifeless body of his mother. She knew that he was too young to comprehend the magnitude of what had happened. Gently, Ameya held the baby closer, offering him comfort and solace. She whispered soothing words, hoping to ease the weight of the moment.

"It is okay…Young master. It is okay. Your mother's love will always be with you, guiding you in spirit. Though she cannot physically be here, her memory lives on, and you carry her essence within you. I will always be here for you in your mother's place, to nurture and protect you. I promise...."

Tears started to drip from Ameya's eyes. In that moment, Ameya vowed silently to herself to be the best guardian and protector she could be for this little one. She knew she couldn't replace his mother, but she would do everything in her power to fill his life with love, care, and understanding.

Samuel finally figured it all out. Somehow after his death he was reborn into a medieval world. The woman lying on the bed was his mother and she died giving birth to him. And the one holding him is probably his mother's personal maid.

Though he couldn't comprehend the depth of the loss, he felt an unspoken bond, a connection to the woman who had brought him into this world. He had entered this world through her sacrifice, and he wished he could have known her, to feel her love firsthand.

Samuel, now known as Augustine Theodore, grew under the caring and watchful eyes of Ameya. From an early age, it was clear that he was no ordinary child as he retained the knowledge and wisdom from his previous life. His keen intellect and prodigious memory set him apart from his peers.

As Augustine grew from a baby into a child, his genius and remarkable talents became more evident with each passing day. He possessed a wisdom and understanding that surpassed his years, thanks to the knowledge he carried from his previous life. Baron Theodore, his proud father, watched with awe and delight as his son's potential began to unfold.

The kingdom buzzed with excitement and admiration for the young prodigy. Augustine's talents in the arts, philosophy, and martial arts were the talk of the land, drawing people from far and wide to witness his extraordinary abilities.

In the arts, Augustine's creations were revered as masterpieces. His paintings were an exquisite blend of colors and emotions, while his sculptures seemed to come alive with an uncanny sense of realism. Musicians sought his guidance, hoping to learn from the musical genius that lay within him.

In the realm of philosophy, Augustine engaged in deep discussions with scholars and wise men, pondering the mysteries of life and the universe. His insights were considered groundbreaking, and his understanding of complex philosophical concepts was beyond his years.

But it was in the martial arts where Augustine's prowess truly astounded everyone. He mastered all known forms of combat with an almost supernatural ease. His movements were fluid, precise, and seemingly effortless. Whether it was the grace of a dancer or the precision of a seasoned warrior, Augustine's martial skills left even the most seasoned fighters in awe.

Yet, Augustine was not content with merely mastering existing techniques. He pushed himself to explore the boundaries of physical combat, delving into the depths of his creativity and intuition. Drawing inspiration from nature, animals, and the elements, he forged his own martial arts techniques, each one a masterpiece of power and elegance.

However, Augustine's brilliance did not lead to arrogance or pride. He remained humble and kind, always willing to share his knowledge with others and help those in need.

Ameya, the loyal maid, was by Augustine's side as he grew, offering love, support, and guidance. She saw in him the potential to bring about positive change in the kingdom and beyond.

With each passing year, Augustine's talents continued to flourish. His fame spread far beyond the borders of the kingdom which brought extreme jealousy and resentment of Baroness Elizabeth and his two half step brothers. They very much felt threatened by his presence.

As Augustine's talents continued to shine, Baron Theodore saw in him the potential to be a worthy successor. He envisioned a future where his son would lead the fiefdom.

But the fall of the genius was very near.

This is a work in progress. Might undergo slight edits time to time

Kyle95creators' thoughts